Snodgrass Family History Book

The Snodgrass Family History Book - Luginbuel Funeral Home

The Snodgrass Family History Book - Luginbuel Funeral Home


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<strong>Snodgrass</strong> <strong>Family</strong> Documents, Stories & Articles<br />

Morgan), Anna, married a Jones and was a widow who lived<br />

near her brothers in Rutherford County, North Carolina,<br />

John (he left Rutherford County between 1782 - 1790) and<br />

Richard who married twice: (l) Sarah Coleman Clayton<br />

(she was a widow) (2) Winifred Williams. The children by<br />

the 2nd wife arc: Metcalf who married Nancy Hampton,<br />

George Walton, Mary Bradley who married Danza Metcalf:<br />

Edward Bradley (moved to Texas about 1820 or 30). Isaac<br />

(who he married is a subject of dispute at the moment,<br />

Jennies Terry Bradley and the last one some people say is<br />

Johnson Bradley. but I think it is John W. Bradley.<br />

One other document is \vherc the heirs of George Walton<br />

Bradley sold his property in Rutherford County, North<br />

Carolina in 1842. I found the farm as it is still owned by<br />

Crawford descendants. The John Goodbread who is a<br />

witness to this deed was the brother of Sally Sr. Her father<br />

was named Phillip, So you see where John Phillip Bradley -<br />

your ancestor got his name -- from his two grandfathers. The<br />

Courthouse at Rutherford County will not let anyone Xerox<br />

copies of their old records, so I had to hand write this and I<br />

typed it when I got home.<br />

The copy of the letter you sent me fro1n Mrs. Waterhouse is<br />

interesting. She is not descended from John Phillip but from<br />

his brother, Thomas Walton (my line). His daughter, Sarah<br />

married Robert Usery Geer and they her line. I wrote her<br />

about our Geer ancestors but have never received an answer.<br />

I heard she was not well enough to continue research.<br />

If you want any of the Johnson family history I have -- let<br />

me know. I \Vill be glad to share it. James Goodbread wrote<br />

me that he hoped to sec you soon. Maybe he has by now. If<br />

not, you will probably hear from him.<br />

Sincerely, Joyce Bradley McComb<br />

Document 10.83. Bradley <strong>Family</strong> Land Indenture. Dated<br />

10 June 1842.<br />

Land lying and being in the (County) of Rutherford situated<br />

on the waters of Young's Creek and bounded as follows (to<br />

wit Beginning at a pine on the East side of the creek Runs<br />

thence with Daltons line No 30 wt 127 poles to a small<br />

chestnut on Winters line then So 60 poles 15 links to a Small<br />

Spanish oak comer to 50 acre entry then No 30 Wt 90 poles<br />

to a Dogwood and Ash then So 60 wt 24 poles to a White<br />

Oak then So l 02 poles to a Black walnut then So 60 wt 60<br />

poles to a Dogwood on the line of the Bradley Survey on<br />

George Williams Tract then with the same No 30 wt 8 poles<br />

to the old comer a Pr then with the same So 60 wt 135 poles<br />

to a chestnut oak then So 30 Et l 27 poles to a water oak and<br />

(corner) then No 60 Et 5 poles to a gum then So. East 28<br />

poles to a hickory then No 60 Et 115 poles to a Stake then<br />

So 30 Et 21 poles to a Beach on the line of the Pots tract<br />

then with the same No 60 East 68 poles to the Beginning<br />

containing two hundred and fifty acres more or less together<br />

with all the woods and waters profits and appurtenances to<br />

have and to hold the above bargained premises to the said<br />

James Craffor his heirs and assigns fOrever and James<br />

Bradley, Richard Bradley, John P. Bradley. Thomas<br />

Bradley, Linney Bradley and Sally Bradley for themselves.<br />

Executors and Administrators doth warrant and will for ever<br />

warrant and defend the title to Said Bargained premises<br />

against the right title and claim of all and every person or<br />

persons whatsoever.<br />

In Testimony whereof the said James Bradley, Richard<br />

Bradley. John P. Bradley, Thomas Bradley, Linney Bradley<br />

and Sally Bradley hath hereunto Set their hands and affixed<br />

their seals this day and year first above written.<br />

Signed Scaled and delivered in presence of John Goodbread.<br />

Witness:Henry R. Lewis<br />

Note: James Bradley, Richard Bradley, John P. Bradley.<br />

Thomas Bradley, Linney Bradley and Sally Bradley all<br />

signed the document.<br />



<strong>Book</strong> 44, P. 302 and 303 # 379, Dated, 10 June 1842.<br />

This indenture made 10 December 1841 between James<br />

Bradley, Richard Bradley, John P. Bradley; Thomas.<br />

Bradley, Linney Bradley and Sally Bradley, part of the State<br />

of North Carolina County of Rutherford and part of<br />

Tennessee the County of White of the first part and James<br />

Crawford of the State of North Carolina. Rutherford County<br />

of the Second part withesseth that for and in consideration of<br />

the sum of three hundred dollars to said James Bradley.<br />

Richard, John P. Bradley. Thomas Bradley, Linney Bradley<br />

and Sally Bradley to them in hand paid the receipt whereof<br />

is hereby acknowledged the said James Bradley, Richard<br />

Bradley, John Bradley. Thomas Bradley, Linney Bradley<br />

and Sally Bradley, hath and by these presents doth bargain<br />

sell and convey to said James Crafford a certain tract of<br />

No. 393 p, 314 <strong>Book</strong> X-4L<br />

This the 22nd day of June 1842. Know all men by these<br />

presents that we James Bradley, John Phillip Bradley,<br />

Thomas W. Bradley, Linney Bradley and Sally Bradley all<br />

of the County of White and State of Tennessee have and do<br />

by these presents Nominate Constitute and appoint Richard<br />

Bradley of said County and same state aforesaid our true &<br />

Lawful Attorney to act; for us and in our names to receive<br />

Sue for sell & dispose of Receipt for and do all things which<br />

we of ourselves in proper person could do of and concerning<br />

the Real Estate Issues rents and all their rights appertaining<br />

to and coming to us as heirs of George Walton Bradley's late<br />

deceased of Rutherford County, North Carolina. Said .<br />

Richard Bradley is hereby authorized by us to make deeds or<br />

deeds in our names of conveyance and all of Said Richard<br />

Bradley' s acts Relative thereto is hereby made good by us<br />

witness \\.'e do set our hands and Seals, October the 30th<br />

1841.<br />

7/9/01 The Norwood <strong>Family</strong> <strong>History</strong> Page 10-159

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