New Insights into the Cleaning of Paintings

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156 • smithsonian contributions to museum conservation It is clear as well that at all aqueous conditions tested surfactant is solubilized, but the pattern of extraction does not necessarily follow that of the physical swelling data. It also remains to be seen if this is actually surface- segregated material, leached material, or a combination of both being solubilized. When MRM experiments were performed on one paint sample in particular (GAC titanium dioxide, color 1380, PW6; Figure 5a–c), there was a clear speciation effect of the surfactant solubility as a function of pH. In all cases, there appeared to be an increase in surfactant extraction as pH went up. When the amounts of APEO [23], APEO [30], and APEO [40] species in particular were compared, however, in the extracted supernatants, more surfactant was extracted as the [EO] chain length increased at any given pH. Thus, as [EO] length increases, so too does its role in solubilizing the overall surfactant molecule apparently. The longer the [EO] moiety is, the more pronounced the effects of small ions like H+ and Na+ are in solution with the surfactant. This is especially noteworthy in that one of the likely deterioration pathways for AEO and APEO surfactant structures is through the gradual loss of the [EO] chains as low molecular weight volatile fragments, resulting in the eventual accrual of the parent fatty alcohol or alkyl phenol on these surfaces as a natural consequence of aging and exposure. As the [EO] chain is lost incrementally, the solubility of the AEOs or APEOs also gradually increases in the polymer films, and their tendency to segregate or exude from the film may diminish with time as well. The other practical ramification of this observation may be that well- aged or exposed paint films may tolerate higher- pH aqueous systems as their constituent surfactants break down with exposure. REFERENCES Becker, H. 2002. 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number 3 • 157 alien und Methoden [Surface Cleaning: Materials and Methods], ed. C. Weyer, pp. 135–149. VDR Schriftenreihe 2. Stuttgart, Germany: Theiss Verlag. Ormsby, B., P. Smithen, F. Hoogland, T. Learner, and C. Miliani. 2008b. “A Scientific Investigation into the Surface Cleaning of Acrylic Emulsion Paintings.” In Preprints ICOM- CC 15th Triennial Conference, New Delhi, ed. J. Bridgland II, pp. 857–865. New Delhi: Allied Publishers. Ormsby, B., P. Smithen, and T. Learner. 2007b. “Translating Research into Practice—Evaluating the Surface Cleaning Treatment of an Acrylic Emulsion Painting by Jeremy Moon.” In Contemporary Collections, ed. A. Paglierino and G. Osmond, pp. 97–109. Brisbane: Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Materials. Owen, L., R. Ploeger, and A. Murray. 2004. The Effects of Water Exposure on the Surface Characteristics of Acrylic Emulsion Paints. Journal of the Canadian Association for Conservation, 29:8–25. Ploeger, R., A. Murray, S. Hesp, and D. Scalarone. 2005a. “An Investigation of the Chemical Changes of Artists’ Acrylic Paint Films When Exposed to Water.” In Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology VII, ed. P. B. Vandiver, J. L. Mass, and A. Murray, pp. 49–56. Warrendale, Pa.: Materials Research Society. ———. 2007. “Morphological Changes and Rates of Leaching of Water- Soluble Material from Artists’ Acrylic Paint Films During Aqueous Immersions.” In Modern Paints Uncovered: Proceedings from the Modern Paints Uncovered Symposium, ed. T. Learner, P. Smithen, J. Krueger, and M. Schilling, pp. 201– 207. Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute. Ploeger, R., H. F. Shurvell, E. W. Hagan, and A. Murray. 2005b. “Infrared Analysis of Materials Leached by Water from Acrylic Paint Films.” In The Sixth Infrared and Raman Users Group Conference (IRUG6), ed. M. Picollo, pp. 46–51. Padua: Il prato. Scalarone, D., O. Chiantore, and T. Learner. 2005. “Ageing Studies of Acrylic Emulsion Paints. Part II. Comparing Formulations with Poly(EA- co- MMA) and Poly (n- BA- co- MMA) Binders.” In Preprints of the ICOM- CC 14th Triennial Meeting, The Hague, ed. I. Verger, pp. 350–357. London: James and James. Shank, W., and D. Norris. 2008. “Giving Contemporary Murals a Longer Life: The Challenges for Muralists and Conservators.” In Conservation and Access: Preprints of the IIC London Congress, ed. D. Saunders, J. Townsend, and S. Woodcock, pp. 12–16. London: International Institute for Conservation. http:// diverse/427- selection- of- iic - articles (accessed 15 November 2010). Smith, G. D. 2005. “A “Single- Shot” Separation and Identification Technique for Water Extractable Additives in Acrylic Emulsion Paints.” In Preprints of the ICOM- CC 14th Triennial Meeting, The Hague, ed. I. Verger, pp. 824–832. London: James and James. ———. 2007. “Aging Characteristics of a Contemporary Acrylic Emulsion Used in Artists’ Paints.” In Modern Paints Uncovered: Proceedings from the Modern Paints Uncovered Symposium, ed. T. Learner, P. Smithen, J. Krueger, and M. Schilling, pp. 236–246. Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute. Snuparek, J. 1972. Some Factors Affecting the Water Absorption of Films from Synthetic Lattices. Journal of the Oil and Colour Chemists Association, 55:1007–1023. Whitmore, P. M., and V. G. Colaluca. 1995. The Natural and Accelerated Aging of an Acrylic Artists’ Medium. Studies in Conservation, 40:51–64. http://dx.doi .org/10.2307/1506611. Whitmore, P. M., V. G. Colaluca, and E. Farell. 1996. A Note on the Origin of Turbidity in Films of an Artists’ Acrylic Paint Medium. Studies in Conservation, 41:250–255. Zumbühl, S., F. Attanasio, N. Scherrer, W. Müller, N. Fenners, and W. Caseri. 2007. “Solvent Action on Dispersion Paint Systems and the Influence of Morphology —Changes and Destruction of the Latex Microstructure.” In Modern Paints Uncovered: Proceedings from the Modern Paints Uncovered Symposium, ed. T. Learner, P. Smithen, J. Krueger, and M. Schilling, pp. 257– 268. Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute.

number 3 • 157<br />

alien und Methoden [Surface <strong>Cleaning</strong>: Materials and Methods], ed. C. Weyer,<br />

pp. 135–149. VDR Schriftenreihe 2. Stuttgart, Germany: Theiss Verlag.<br />

Ormsby, B., P. Smi<strong>the</strong>n, F. Hoogland, T. Learner, and C. Miliani. 2008b. “A Scientific<br />

Investigation <strong>into</strong> <strong>the</strong> Surface <strong>Cleaning</strong> <strong>of</strong> Acrylic Emulsion <strong>Paintings</strong>.” In<br />

Preprints ICOM- CC 15th Triennial Conference, <strong>New</strong> Delhi, ed. J. Bridgland<br />

II, pp. 857–865. <strong>New</strong> Delhi: Allied Publishers.<br />

Ormsby, B., P. Smi<strong>the</strong>n, and T. Learner. 2007b. “Translating Research <strong>into</strong> Practice—Evaluating<br />

<strong>the</strong> Surface <strong>Cleaning</strong> Treatment <strong>of</strong> an Acrylic Emulsion<br />

Painting by Jeremy Moon.” In Contemporary Collections, ed. A. Paglierino<br />

and G. Osmond, pp. 97–109. Brisbane: Australian Institute for <strong>the</strong> Conservation<br />

<strong>of</strong> Cultural Materials.<br />

Owen, L., R. Ploeger, and A. Murray. 2004. The Effects <strong>of</strong> Water Exposure on <strong>the</strong><br />

Surface Characteristics <strong>of</strong> Acrylic Emulsion Paints. Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Canadian<br />

Association for Conservation, 29:8–25.<br />

Ploeger, R., A. Murray, S. Hesp, and D. Scalarone. 2005a. “An Investigation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Chemical Changes <strong>of</strong> Artists’ Acrylic Paint Films When Exposed to Water.” In<br />

Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology VII, ed. P. B. Vandiver, J. L. Mass, and<br />

A. Murray, pp. 49–56. Warrendale, Pa.: Materials Research Society.<br />

———. 2007. “Morphological Changes and Rates <strong>of</strong> Leaching <strong>of</strong> Water- Soluble<br />

Material from Artists’ Acrylic Paint Films During Aqueous Immersions.” In<br />

Modern Paints Uncovered: Proceedings from <strong>the</strong> Modern Paints Uncovered<br />

Symposium, ed. T. Learner, P. Smi<strong>the</strong>n, J. Krueger, and M. Schilling, pp. 201–<br />

207. Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute.<br />

Ploeger, R., H. F. Shurvell, E. W. Hagan, and A. Murray. 2005b. “Infrared Analysis<br />

<strong>of</strong> Materials Leached by Water from Acrylic Paint Films.” In The Sixth Infrared<br />

and Raman Users Group Conference (IRUG6), ed. M. Picollo, pp. 46–51.<br />

Padua: Il prato.<br />

Scalarone, D., O. Chiantore, and T. Learner. 2005. “Ageing Studies <strong>of</strong> Acrylic Emulsion<br />

Paints. Part II. Comparing Formulations with Poly(EA- co- MMA) and<br />

Poly (n- BA- co- MMA) Binders.” In Preprints <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ICOM- CC 14th Triennial<br />

Meeting, The Hague, ed. I. Verger, pp. 350–357. London: James and James.<br />

Shank, W., and D. Norris. 2008. “Giving Contemporary Murals a Longer Life: The<br />

Challenges for Muralists and Conservators.” In Conservation and Access: Preprints<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> IIC London Congress, ed. D. Saunders, J. Townsend, and S. Woodcock,<br />

pp. 12–16. London: International Institute for Conservation. http://<br /> diverse/427- selection- <strong>of</strong>- iic<br />

- articles (accessed 15 November 2010).<br />

Smith, G. D. 2005. “A “Single- Shot” Separation and Identification Technique for<br />

Water Extractable Additives in Acrylic Emulsion Paints.” In Preprints <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

ICOM- CC 14th Triennial Meeting, The Hague, ed. I. Verger, pp. 824–832.<br />

London: James and James.<br />

———. 2007. “Aging Characteristics <strong>of</strong> a Contemporary Acrylic Emulsion Used<br />

in Artists’ Paints.” In Modern Paints Uncovered: Proceedings from <strong>the</strong> Modern<br />

Paints Uncovered Symposium, ed. T. Learner, P. Smi<strong>the</strong>n, J. Krueger, and<br />

M. Schilling, pp. 236–246. Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute.<br />

Snuparek, J. 1972. Some Factors Affecting <strong>the</strong> Water Absorption <strong>of</strong> Films from<br />

Syn<strong>the</strong>tic Lattices. Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Oil and Colour Chemists Association,<br />

55:1007–1023.<br />

Whitmore, P. M., and V. G. Colaluca. 1995. The Natural and Accelerated Aging <strong>of</strong><br />

an Acrylic Artists’ Medium. Studies in Conservation, 40:51–64. http://dx.doi<br />

.org/10.2307/1506611.<br />

Whitmore, P. M., V. G. Colaluca, and E. Farell. 1996. A Note on <strong>the</strong> Origin <strong>of</strong> Turbidity<br />

in Films <strong>of</strong> an Artists’ Acrylic Paint Medium. Studies in Conservation,<br />

41:250–255.<br />

Zumbühl, S., F. Attanasio, N. Scherrer, W. Müller, N. Fenners, and W. Caseri.<br />

2007. “Solvent Action on Dispersion Paint Systems and <strong>the</strong> Influence <strong>of</strong><br />

Morphology —Changes and Destruction <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Latex Microstructure.” In<br />

Modern Paints Uncovered: Proceedings from <strong>the</strong> Modern Paints Uncovered<br />

Symposium, ed. T. Learner, P. Smi<strong>the</strong>n, J. Krueger, and M. Schilling, pp. 257–<br />

268. Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute.

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