Balanced Offer Document - Appuonline.com

Balanced Offer Document - Appuonline.com

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Prudential ICICI Mutual Fund<br />

widely accepted benchmarks to measure performance of the Scheme and the Plans thereunder. To manage risks associated<br />

with foreign currency and interest rate exposure, the Fund may use derivatives for efficient portfolio management including<br />

hedging and in accordance with conditions as may be stipulated by SEBI/RBI from time to time.<br />

Offshore investments will be made subject to any/all approvals, conditions thereof as may be stipulated by SEBI/RBI and<br />

provided such investments do not result in expenses to the Fund in excess of the ceiling on expenses prescribed by and<br />

consistent with costs and expenses attendant to international investing. The Fund may, where necessary, appoint other<br />

intermediaries of repute as advisors, custodian/ sub-custodians etc. for managing and administering such investments.<br />

The appointment of such intermediaries shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of SEBI and within the<br />

permissible ceilings of expenses. The fees and expenses would illustratively include, besides the investment management<br />

fees, custody fees and costs, fees of appointed advisors and sub-managers, transaction costs, and overseas regulatory<br />

costs.<br />


The Fund may undertake inter-Scheme transfers under the Scheme. If such transfers are done they will be effected based<br />

on the closing prices of the Principal Stock Exchange and in conformity with Regulations. In case of securities which are<br />

not traded on the Principal Stock Exchange / any other exchange, the inter-Scheme transfers will be affected based on fair<br />

valuation to be arrived at by the AMC with the approval of the Trustee.<br />


As disclosed in this Offer Document, the Trustee proposes to adopt the following dividend distribution policy:<br />

It is proposed to declare dividends under the Scheme either half yearly or yearly. Dividends, if declared, will be paid out of<br />

the net surplus of the Scheme to those Unitholders whose names appear in the Register of Unitholders on the notified<br />

record date. The actual declaration of dividends under the Scheme and the frequency thereof will, inter-alia, depend<br />

upon the disposable surplus of the Scheme. The decision of the Trustee in this regard shall be final.<br />

The dividend will be at such rate as may be decided by the AMC in consultation with the Trustee.<br />

The AMC may announce a book closure period for the purpose of making the dividend payment.<br />


l Power to make Rules<br />

Subject to the Regulations, the Trustee may, from time to time, prescribe such terms and make such rules for the purpose<br />

of giving effect to the Scheme with power to the AMC to add to, alter or amend all or any of the terms and rules that<br />

may be framed from time to time.<br />

l Power to remove Difficulties<br />

If any difficulties arise in giving effect to the provisions of the Scheme, the Trustee may, subject to the Regulations, do<br />

anything not inconsistent with such provisions, which appears to it to be necessary, desirable or expedient, for the purpose<br />

of removing such difficulty.<br />

l Scheme to be binding on the Unitholders<br />

Subject to the Regulations, the Trustee may, from time to time, add or otherwise vary or alter all or any of the features of<br />

investment plans and terms of the Scheme after obtaining the prior permission of SEBI and Unitholders (where necessary),<br />

and the same shall be binding on all the Unitholders of the Scheme and any person or persons claiming through or<br />

under them as if each Unitholder or such person expressly had agreed that such features and terms shall be so binding.<br />


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