First book of Samuel

1 Samuel 1 Samuel


ay"m;g"tpi lk ty" hyle ta;ywIx;w> lb'n"mi ar"mx; gp' dk; ar"pc;b. hw"h.w: 25:37 `an"ba;k. hw"h. awhuw> yhiA[mbi hybeli tymiW !yleaih' 25:37 But in the morning, when the wine had gone out of Nabal, his wife told him these things, and his heart died within him so that he became as a stone. `tmo)Y"w: lb'Þn"-ta, hw"±hy> @GOõYIw: ~ymi_Y"h; trw: 25:38 `tymiW lb'n" tyE y"y> rb;tW ax'mW !ymiAy ar"s[; !mozli hw"h.w: 25:38 25:38 About ten days later, the LORD struck Nabal and he died. yti øP'r>x, byrI’-ta, •br" rv byviîhe lb'ên" t[;är" ‘taew> h['êr"me( %f:åx' ‘ADb.[;-ta,w> lb' ªn" dY:åmi `hV'(ail. Alß HT'îx.q;l. lyIg:ëybia]B; rBEåd:y>w: ‘dwID" ad"ymi yad:sxi !ydI ty" !d"d> y"y> $yrIb. rm;a.w: lb'n" tymi yrEa. dwId" [m;vW 25:39 y"y> bytea. lb'n" tv;ybi ty"w> av'ybi db[ymlm db;[.m;l.mi [n:m. hydEb[; ty"w> lb'n"d> `wtnal wtuail. hyle hb; lyIg:ybia.b; lyaevW dywId" xl;vW hyveyrEb. 25:39 When David heard that Nabal was dead, he said, "Blessed be the LORD, who has pleaded the cause of my reproach from the hand of Nabal and has kept back His servant from evil. The LORD has also returned the evildoing of Nabal on his own head." Then David sent a proposal to Abigail, to take her as his wife. Wnx'äl'v. ‘dwID" rmoêale ‘h'yl,’ae WrÜB.d:y>w: hl'm,_r>K;h; lyIg:ßybia]-la, dwI±d" ydEîb.[; Wabo øY"w: 25:40 `hV'(ail. Alß %TEïx.q;l. %yIl;êae rm;ymel. hm;[i wluylim;W al'm.rk;l. lygybal lyIg:ybia. tw"l. dywId" ydEb[; Ata.w: 25:40 `wtnal wtuail. hyle $ $ytiw"l. an"x;lv; dywId" 25:40 When the servants of David came to Abigail at Carmel, they spoke to her, saying, "David has sent us to you to take you as his wife." yleÞg>r: #xo§r>li hx'êp.vil. ‘^t.m'(a] hNEÜhi rm,aToªw: hc'r>a"+ ~yIP:ßa; WxT;îv.Tiw: ~q'T'§w: 25:41 `ynI)doa] ydEîb.[; ha'x'sa;l. whuma;l. $t'ma; ah' tr:m;a.w: a['ra; l[; ha'p;a; l[; td:ygEsW tm;q;w> 25:41 `ynIAbrI ydEb[; ylegr: 25:41 She arose and bowed with her face to the ground and said, "Behold, your maidservant is a maid to wash the feet of my lord's servants." Hl'_g>r:l. tAkßl.hoh; h'yt,êro[]n: ‘vmex'w> rAmêx]h;-l[;( ‘bK;r>Tiw: lyIg:©ybia] ~q'T'äw: rheúm;T.w: 25:42 `hV'(ail. Alß-yhiT.w: dwIëd" ykeäa]l.m; ‘yrEx]a;( %l,Teªw: !ylza !l'z>a' ah't;m'ylew[u vymex.w: ar"m'x. l[; tb;ykerW lyIg:ybia. tm;q;w> ta;yxiAaw> 25:42 `wtnal wtuail. hyle tw"h.w: dwId" ydEg:zai rt;b' tl;z:a.w: hl;bqil. !ylzad !lzad 25:42 Then Abigail quickly arose, and rode on a donkey, with her five maidens who attended her; and she followed the messengers of David and became his wife. s `~yvi(n"l. Alß !h 25:43 `!yvinli hyle !whytrt !AhywErt; @a; ha'w:hw: la[;r>zIyImi dywId" bysen> ~[;nOyxia. ty"w> 25:43 25:43 David had also taken Ahinoam of Jezreel, and they both became his wives. `~yLi(G:mi rv 25:44 25:44 Now Saul had given Michal his daughter, David's wife, to Palti the son of Laish, who was from Gallim. t[;äb.gIB. ‘rTeT;s.mi dwIÜd" aAl’h] rmo=ale ht'['Þb.GIh; lWaêv'-la, ‘~ypiZIh; WaboÜY"w: 26:1 `!mo*yviy>h; ynEïP. l[;Þ hl'êykix]h;

t[;bgIb. rm;j.mi dywId" al'h. rm;ymel. at'[.bgIl. lwauv' tw"l. @yzI vn"a. Ata.w: 26:1 `!Amyviy> tyb ypea; l[;d> hl'ykix. 26:1 Then the Ziphites came to Saul at Gibeah, saying, "Is not David hiding on the hill of Hachilah, which is before Jeshimon?" lae_r"f.yI yrEäWxB. vyaiÞ ~ypiîl'a]-tv,l{)v. AT±aiw> @yzIë-rB;d>mi-la, ‘dr 26:2 `@yzId> ar";b. dywId" ty" y[ebmil. laer"vyI larvy yrbyg ymylw[ ymylw[ yrwxbm 26:2 So Saul arose and went down to the wilderness of Ziph, having with him three thousand chosen men of Israel, to search for David in the wilderness of Ziph. bveäyO ‘dwId"w> %rMiB; bytey" dywId"w> ax'rAa l[; !Amyviy> tyb ypea; l[;d> hl'ykix. t[;bgIb. lwauv' ar"vW 26:3 `ar";l. yhiArt.b' lwauv' at'a. yrEa. az"x.w: ar";b. bytey> 26:3 Saul camped in the hill of Hachilah, which is before Jeshimon, beside the road, and David was staying in the wilderness. When he saw that Saul came after him into the wilderness, `!Ak)n"-la, lWaßv' ab'î-yKi( [d:YE¨w: ~yli_G>r:m. dwIßD" xl;îv.YIw: 26:4 `jAvqbi dwd lwauv' at'a. yrEa. [d:ywI !ylil.a;m. dywId" xl;vW 26:4 26:4 David sent out spies, and he knew that Saul was definitely coming. ‘~AqM'h;-ta, dwI©D" ar.Y:åw: èlWav' ~v'ä-hn"x' rv lWaêv' ~v'ä-bk;v'( rv hyleyxe-br: rnE rb; rnEba;w> lwauv' !m't; `yhiAnr"xs; 26:5 David then arose and came to the place where Saul had camped. And David saw the place where Saul lay, and Abner the son of Ner, the commander of his army; and Saul was lying in the circle of the camp, and the people were camped around him. ‘ba'Ay yxiÛa] hy"÷Wrc.-!B, yv;’ybia]-la,w> yTiªxih; %l,m,äyxia]-la, rm,aYOæw: dwI÷D" ![;Y:“w: 26:6 `%M")[i drEîae ynIßa] yv;êybia] rm,aYOæw: hn èhl'y>l; é~['h'-la, yv;îybia]w: dwI“d" •aboY"w: 26:7 `Îwyt'(boybis.Ð ¿Atboybis.À ~ybiÞk.vo ~['êh'w> rnEåb.a;w> Îwyt'_voa]r:m.Ð ¿Atvoa]r:m.À #r

ay"m;g"tpi lk ty" hyle ta;ywIx;w> lb'n"mi ar"mx; gp' dk; ar"pc;b. hw"h.w: 25:37<br />

`an"ba;k. hw"h. awhuw> yhiA[mbi hybeli tymiW !yleaih'<br />

25:37 But in the morning, when the wine had gone out <strong>of</strong> Nabal, his wife told him these things, and his heart died within<br />

him so that he became as a stone.<br />

`tmo)Y"w: lb'Þn"-ta, hw"±hy> @GOõYIw: ~ymi_Y"h; trw: 25:38<br />

`tymiW lb'n" tyE y"y> rb;tW ax'mW !ymiAy ar"s[; !mozli hw"h.w: 25:38<br />

25:38 About ten days later, the LORD struck Nabal and he died.<br />

yti øP'r>x, byrI’-ta, •br" rv byviîhe lb'ên" t[;är" ‘taew> h['êr"me( %f:åx' ‘ADb.[;-ta,w> lb' ªn" dY:åmi<br />

`hV'(ail. Alß HT'îx.q;l. lyIg:ëybia]B; rBEåd:y>w: ‘dwID"<br />

ad"ymi yad:sxi !ydI ty" !d"d> y"y> $yrIb. rm;a.w: lb'n" tymi yrEa. dwId" [m;vW 25:39<br />

y"y> bytea. lb'n" tv;ybi ty"w> av'ybi db[ymlm db;[.m;l.mi [n:m. hydEb[; ty"w> lb'n"d><br />

`wtnal wtuail. hyle hb; lyIg:ybia.b; lyaevW dywId" xl;vW hyveyrEb.<br />

25:39 When David heard that Nabal was dead, he said, "Blessed be the LORD, who has pleaded the cause <strong>of</strong> my<br />

reproach from the hand <strong>of</strong> Nabal and has kept back His servant from evil. The LORD has also returned the evildoing <strong>of</strong><br />

Nabal on his own head." Then David sent a proposal to Abigail, to take her as his wife.<br />

Wnx'äl'v. ‘dwID" rmoêale ‘h'yl,’ae WrÜB.d:y>w: hl'm,_r>K;h; lyIg:ßybia]-la, dwI±d" ydEîb.[; Wabo øY"w: 25:40<br />

`hV'(ail. Alß %TEïx.q;l. %yIl;êae<br />

rm;ymel. hm;[i wluylim;W al'm.rk;l. lygybal lyIg:ybia. tw"l. dywId" ydEb[; Ata.w: 25:40<br />

`wtnal wtuail. hyle $ $ytiw"l. an"x;lv; dywId"<br />

25:40 When the servants <strong>of</strong> David came to Abigail at Carmel, they spoke to her, saying, "David has sent us to you to<br />

take you as his wife."<br />

yleÞg>r: #xo§r>li hx'êp.vil. ‘^t.m'(a] hNEÜhi rm,aToªw: hc'r>a"+ ~yIP:ßa; WxT;îv.Tiw: ~q'T'§w: 25:41<br />

`ynI)doa] ydEîb.[;<br />

ha'x'sa;l. whuma;l. $t'ma; ah' tr:m;a.w: a['ra; l[; ha'p;a; l[; td:ygEsW tm;q;w> 25:41<br />

`ynIAbrI ydEb[; ylegr:<br />

25:41 She arose and bowed with her face to the ground and said, "Behold, your maidservant is a maid to wash the feet <strong>of</strong><br />

my lord's servants."<br />

Hl'_g>r:l. tAkßl.hoh; h'yt,êro[]n: ‘vmex'w> rAmêx]h;-l[;( ‘bK;r>Tiw: lyIg:©ybia] ~q'T'äw: rheúm;T.w: 25:42<br />

`hV'(ail. Alß-yhiT.w: dwIëd" ykeäa]l.m; ‘yrEx]a;( %l,Teªw:<br />

!ylza !l'z>a' ah't;m'ylew[u vymex.w: ar"m'x. l[; tb;ykerW lyIg:ybia. tm;q;w> ta;yxiAaw> 25:42<br />

`wtnal wtuail. hyle tw"h.w: dwId" ydEg:zai rt;b' tl;z:a.w: hl;bqil. !ylzad !lzad<br />

25:42 Then Abigail quickly arose, and rode on a donkey, with her five maidens who attended her; and she followed the<br />

messengers <strong>of</strong> David and became his wife.<br />

s `~yvi(n"l. Alß !h 25:43<br />

`!yvinli hyle !whytrt !AhywErt; @a; ha'w:hw: la[;r>zIyImi dywId" bysen> ~[;nOyxia. ty"w> 25:43<br />

25:43 David had also taken Ahinoam <strong>of</strong> Jezreel, and they both became his wives.<br />

`~yLi(G:mi rv 25:44<br />

25:44 Now Saul had given Michal his daughter, David's wife, to Palti the son <strong>of</strong> Laish, who was from Gallim.<br />

t[;äb.gIB. ‘rTeT;s.mi dwIÜd" aAl’h] rmo=ale ht'['Þb.GIh; lWaêv'-la, ‘~ypiZIh; WaboÜY"w: 26:1<br />

`!mo*yviy>h; ynEïP. l[;Þ hl'êykix]h;

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