First book of Samuel

1 Samuel 1 Samuel


‘r[;N: ’h; yrEÛx]a; !t'øn"Ahy> ar"’q.YIw: !t"+n"Ahy> hr"Þy" rv r[;n:Ü jQe úl;y>w: dmo+[]T;-la;( hv'Wxß hr"îhem. r[;N:ëh; yrEäx]a; ‘!t'n"Ah*y> ar"Ûq.YIw: 20:38 `wyn")doa]-la, aboßY"w: Î~yCiêxih;äÐ ¿ycixeh;À-ta, am'ylew[u jyqel;w> byke[;t. al' [:yrIpbi yxiAa am'ylew[u rt;b' !t'n"Ahy> ar"qW 20:38 `hynEAbrI tw"l. at'a.w: ay"r:rgI ty" !t'n"AhydI 20:38 And Jonathan called after the lad, "Hurry, be quick, do not stay!" And Jonathan's lad picked up the arrow and came to his master. `rb")D"h;-ta, W[ßd>y" dwIëd"w> ‘!t'n"Ah*y> %a:Ü hm'Wa+m. [d:äy"-al{) r[;N:ßh;w> 20:39 `am'g"tpi ty" !y[id>y" dywId"w> !t'n"Ahy> ~r:b. ~[;d"mi [d:y> al' am'yleA[w> 20:39 20:39 But the lad was not aware of anything; only Jonathan and David knew about the matter. `ry[i(h' aybeîh' %lEß Alê rm,aYOæw: Al=-rv,a] r[;N:ßh;-la, wyl'êKe-ta, ‘!t'n"Ah*y> !TEÜYIw: 20:40 yhilb;Aa lyzEyai hyle rm;a.w: hyleydI am'ylew[ul. hynEyzE ty" !t'n"Ahy> bh;ywI 20:40 `at'rq;l. lybwa hylybwa 20:40 Then Jonathan gave his weapons to his lad and said to him, "Go, bring them to the city." vl{åv' WxT;Þv.YIw: hc'r>a:± wyP'îa;l. lPo’YIw: bghi dwIßD"-d[; Wh[eêrE-ta, vyaiä ‘WKb.YIw: Wh[e ªrE-ta, vyaiä WqåV.YIw:) ~ymi_['P. l[; lp;nW am'Ard> lybeq¥l'd> at'a' !b;a; rj;s.mi ~q' dywId"w> at'a. am'ylew[u 20:41 ~ai ty" rb;g> AkbW hyrEbx; ty" rb;g> wquyvin:w> !ynImzI tl't. dygEsW a['ra; l[; yhiApa; `ygIsa; dywId"d> d[; hyrEbx; 20:41 When the lad was gone, David rose from the south side and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed three times. And they kissed each other and wept together, but David wept the more. ‘hw"hy> ~veÛB. Wnx.n:©a] WnynE÷v. Wn[.B;’v.nI •rv,a] ~Al+v'l. %lEå dwIßd"l. !t"±n"Ahy> rm,aYOõw: 20:42 p `~l'(A[-d[; ^ß[]r>z: !ybeîW y[i ²r>z: !ybeîW ^n y"y>d: ar"m.yme rm;ymel. y"y>d: am'vbi an"xn:a. `am'l.[' ~[; $n"b. 20:42 Jonathan said to David, "Go in safety, inasmuch as we have sworn to each other in the name of the LORD, saying, 'The LORD will be between me and you, and between my descendants and your descendants forever.'" Then he rose and departed, while Jonathan went into the city. rm,aYOÝw: dwI©D" tar:ä %l,m,øyxia] dr: ’x/Y

`ynI)Aml.a; ynIßl{P. ~Aqïm.-la, al' vn"a. yli rm;a.w: am'g"tpi ynId:q.p; ak'lm; an"h.k' $l;m;yxia.l; dywId" rm;a.w: 21:3 ym;d"q¥ tyxil;v. ay"m;ylew[u ty"w> $t'dyqep;dW $l' xl;v' an"a.d" am'g"tpi ty" ~[;d"mi [d:yI `rymijW ysik. rt;a.l; 21:2 David said to Ahimelech the priest, "The king has commissioned me with a matter and has said to me, 'Let no one know anything about the matter on which I am sending you and with which I have commissioned you; and I have directed the young men to a certain place.' `ac'(m.NIh; Aaß ydI_y"b. hn"åT. ~x,l,Þ-hV'mix] ^±d>y"-tx;T;( vYEô-hm; hT' ª[;w> 21:4 am' Aa ydIybi bh; am'xl;d> !ymilju vymex. $d"y> tAxt. ak' ~ai tyai am' ![;kW 21:4 `xk;tivyId> xk;t.vaid> 21:3 "Now therefore, what do you have on hand? Give me five loaves of bread, or whatever can be found." ‘vdh; Wrïm.v.nI-~ai vyEë ydIy> tAxtli !yliwxu ~Axl. ~yxel. tyle hyl rm;a.w: dywId" ty" an"h.k' bytea.w: 21:5 `at;t'a. tb'a.Asmi dAxl. ay"m;ylew[u !yrIyjin> ~ai ~r:b. tyai av'dqud> am'xl; !yhel'a. 21:4 The priest answered David and said, "There is no ordinary bread on hand, but there is consecrated bread; if only the young men have kept themselves from women." ~voê lAmåt.Ki ‘Wnl'’-hr"cu([] hV'Ûai-~ai yKiä Alª rm,aYOæw: !heøKoh;-ta, dwI“D" •![;Y:w: 21:6 `yliK,(B; vD:îq.yI ~AYàh; yKiî @a;§w> lxoê %r av'dqul. !k;d> ay"m;ylew[ud> !AhynEm' Awh.w: yqip.mib. yhwmdqdmw yhiAmq;d>miW `an"m'b. lysep.tmi al'w> lykia.tmi hwh awhu !ydE am'Ayw> lyzEa' hw"h. al'Ax xr:Aab. 21:5 David answered the priest and said to him, "Surely women have been kept from us as previously when I set out and the vessels of the young men were holy, though it was an ordinary journey; how much more then today will their vessels be holy?" ‘~yrIs'WM)h; ‘~ynIP'h; ~x,l,Û-~ai-yKi( ~x,l, ª ~v'ø hy"h' ’-al{ •yKi vd ay"p;a; `hytwbysntya 21:6 So the priest gave him consecrated bread; for there was no bread there but the bread of the Presence which was removed from before the LORD, in order to put hot bread in its place when it was taken away. ymi_doa]h' gaeäDo Amßv.W hw"ëhy> ynEå ‘rc'[.n< aWhªh; ~AYæB; lWaøv' ydE’b.[;me •vyai ~v'‡w> 21:8 `lWa)v'l. rv 21:8 `lwauv'ldI ay"[;r" br: ha'm'Ada. 21:7 Now one of the servants of Saul was there that day, detained before the LORD; and his name was Doeg the Edomite, the chief of Saul's shepherds. yBiÛr>x;-~g: yKiä br ybirx; @a; 21:8 David said to Ahimelech, "Now is there not a spear or a sword on hand? For I brought neither my sword nor my weapons with me, because the king's matter was urgent."

‘r[;N: ’h; yrEÛx]a; !t'øn"Ahy> ar"’q.YIw: !t"+n"Ahy> hr"Þy" rv r[;n:Ü jQe úl;y>w: dmo+[]T;-la;( hv'Wxß hr"îhem. r[;N:ëh; yrEäx]a; ‘!t'n"Ah*y> ar"Ûq.YIw: 20:38<br />

`wyn")doa]-la, aboßY"w: Î~yCiêxih;äÐ ¿ycixeh;À-ta,<br />

am'ylew[u jyqel;w> byke[;t. al' [:yrIpbi yxiAa am'ylew[u rt;b' !t'n"Ahy> ar"qW 20:38<br />

`hynEAbrI tw"l. at'a.w: ay"r:rgI ty" !t'n"AhydI<br />

20:38 And Jonathan called after the lad, "Hurry, be quick, do not stay!" And Jonathan's lad picked up the arrow and<br />

came to his master.<br />

`rb")D"h;-ta, W[ßd>y" dwIëd"w> ‘!t'n"Ah*y> %a:Ü hm'Wa+m. [d:äy"-al{) r[;N:ßh;w> 20:39<br />

`am'g"tpi ty" !y[id>y" dywId"w> !t'n"Ahy> ~r:b. ~[;d"mi [d:y> al' am'yleA[w> 20:39<br />

20:39 But the lad was not aware <strong>of</strong> anything; only Jonathan and David knew about the matter.<br />

`ry[i(h' aybeîh' %lEß Alê rm,aYOæw: Al=-rv,a] r[;N:ßh;-la, wyl'êKe-ta, ‘!t'n"Ah*y> !TEÜYIw: 20:40<br />

yhilb;Aa lyzEyai hyle rm;a.w: hyleydI am'ylew[ul. hynEyzE ty" !t'n"Ahy> bh;ywI 20:40<br />

`at'rq;l. lybwa hylybwa<br />

20:40 Then Jonathan gave his weapons to his lad and said to him, "Go, bring them to the city."<br />

vl{åv' WxT;Þv.YIw: hc'r>a:± wyP'îa;l. lPo’YIw: bghi dwIßD"-d[; Wh[eêrE-ta, vyaiä ‘WKb.YIw: Wh[e ªrE-ta, vyaiä WqåV.YIw:) ~ymi_['P.<br />

l[; lp;nW am'Ard> lybeq¥l'd> at'a' !b;a; rj;s.mi ~q' dywId"w> at'a. am'ylew[u 20:41<br />

~ai ty" rb;g> AkbW hyrEbx; ty" rb;g> wquyvin:w> !ynImzI tl't. dygEsW a['ra; l[; yhiApa;<br />

`ygIsa; dywId"d> d[; hyrEbx;<br />

20:41 When the lad was gone, David rose from the south side and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed three times.<br />

And they kissed each other and wept together, but David wept the more.<br />

‘hw"hy> ~veÛB. Wnx.n:©a] WnynE÷v. Wn[.B;’v.nI •rv,a] ~Al+v'l. %lEå dwIßd"l. !t"±n"Ahy> rm,aYOõw: 20:42<br />

p `~l'(A[-d[; ^ß[]r>z: !ybeîW y[i ²r>z: !ybeîW ^n y"y>d: ar"m.yme rm;ymel. y"y>d: am'vbi an"xn:a.<br />

`am'l.[' ~[; $n"b.<br />

20:42 Jonathan said to David, "Go in safety, inasmuch as we have sworn to each other in the name <strong>of</strong> the LORD, saying,<br />

'The LORD will be between me and you, and between my descendants and your descendants forever.'" Then he rose and<br />

departed, while Jonathan went into the city.<br />

rm,aYOÝw: dwI©D" tar:ä %l,m,øyxia] dr: ’x/Y

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