First book of Samuel

1 Samuel 1 Samuel


!t'n"AhywI dwId" ty" lj;qmil. yhiAdb[; lk' ~[iw> hyrEb. !t'n"Ay ~[i lwauv' lylem;W 19:1 `ad"xl; dywId"b. y[ir>tai lwauv' rb; 19:1 Now Saul told Jonathan his son and all his servants to put David to death. But Jonathan, Saul's son, greatly delighted in David. an"å-rm,V'(hi ‘hT'[;w> ^t dGEÜY:w: 19:2 `t'aBe(x.n:w> rt,SeÞb; T'îb.v;y"w> rq,Boêb; ![;k. rm;t.sai ![;kW $l'j.qmil. ab'a; lwauv' y[eb' rm;ymel. dywId"l. !t'n"Ahy> ywIx;w> 19:2 `rm;j.tiw> ar"tsib. bytetiw> ar"pc;b. 19:2 So Jonathan told David saying, "Saul my father is seeking to put you to death. Now therefore, please be on guard in the morning, and stay in a secret place and hide yourself. ^ßB. rBEïd:a] ynI¨a]w: ~v'ê hT'äa; rv rBe’d:y>w: 19:4 `dao)m. ^ïl.-bAj wyf'Þ[]m; ykiîw> %l'ê ‘aj'x' aAlÜ yKiä dwI©d"b. ADåb.[;B. al' hyle rm;a.w: yhiwbua. lwauv' ~d"q¥ !ynIq.t' !ymig"tpi dywId" l[; !t'n"Ahy> lylem;W 19:4 yhiAdb'w[u yrEa.w: $l' yjx aj'x. al' yrEa. dwId"b. hydEb[;b. ak'lm; ajxy yjexyI `ad"xl; $l' !n"q.t' !ynIq.t' 19:4 Then Jonathan spoke well of David to Saul his father and said to him, "Do not let the king sin against his servant David, since he has not sinned against you, and since his deeds have been very beneficial to you. ‘hl'Adg> h['ÛWvT. hw" ÷hy> f[;Y: “w: yTiªv.liP.h;-ta, %Y:åw: APøk;b. Av’p.n:-ta, •~f,Y"w: 19:5 `~N")xi dwIßD"-ta, tymiîh'l. yqiên" ~d"äB. ‘aj'x/t,( hM'l'Ûw> xm'_f.Tiw: t'yaiÞr" laeêr"f.yI-lk'l. y"y> db;[.w: ha't'vlip. ty" lj;qW al'j'q.tail. hydy bg: l[;k. hyvepn: ty" rs;mW 19:5 ~d:b. byyxm byyx byaex' ta; am'lW at'ydIxw: at'yzEx. laer"vyI lk'l. ab'r: an"q'rpu `!g"m; dywId" ty" lj;qmil. yk;z: 19:5 "For he took his life in his hand and struck the Philistine, and the LORD brought about a great deliverance for all Israel; you saw it and rejoiced. Why then will you sin against innocent blood by putting David to death without a cause?" `tm'(Wy-~ai hw"ßhy>-yx; lWaêv' [b;äV'YIw: !t"+n"Ahy> lAqåB. lWaßv' [m;îv.YIw: 19:6 `lyjiq.tyI ~ai y"y> awhu ~yy"q; lwauv' ~yyEq;w> !t'n"Ahy> rm;ymel. lwauv' lybeq;w> 19:6 19:6 Saul listened to the voice of Jonathan, and Saul vowed, "As the LORD lives, he shall not be put to death." !t"Ün"Ahy> abe’Y"w: hL,ae_h' ~yrIßb'D>h;-lK' taeî !t'ên"Ahæy> ‘Al-dG ar"Ûq.YIw: 19:7 s `~Av) lAmït.a,K. wyn"ßp'l. yhiîy>w: lWaêv'-la, ‘dwID"-ta, ytiyae ytiya;w> !yleaih' ay"m;g"tpi lk' ty" !t'n"Ahy> hyle ywIx;w> dywId"l. !t'n"Ahy> ar"qW 19:7 yhiAmq;d>miW ylim'ta;mek. yhiAmd"q¥ vymev;m. hw"h.w: lwauv' tw"l. dywId" ty" !t'n"Ahy> `yhwmdqdmw 19:7 Then Jonathan called David, and Jonathan told him all these words. And Jonathan brought David to Saul, and he was in his presence as formerly. hK'äm; ‘~h,B' %Y:Üw: ~yTiªv.liP.B; ~x,L'äYIw: dwI÷d" ace ’YEw: hm'Þx'l.Mih; @s,ATïw: 19:8

`wyn")P'mi WsnUßY"w: hl'êAdg> ab'r"q. x:ygIa.w: dywId" qp;nW ywEhmil. ab'r"q. ydEb.[' dw[ tpyswaw wpuysiAaw> 19:8 !mi wkypaw wkup;a.w: ygs ha'ygIs; atxm lwjq ax'm; !Ahb. ljqw ax'mW yaet'vlipbi `yhiAmd"q¥ 19:8 When there was war again, David went out and fought with the Philistines and defeated them with great slaughter, so that they fled before him. !GEïn:m. dwIßd"w> Ad=y"B. AtßynIx]w: bveêAy AtåybeB. ‘aWhw> lWaêv'-la, ‘h['r" hw"Ühy> x:Wr’ •yhiT.w: 19:9 `dy")B. bytey" hyteybeb. awhuw> lwauv' twl l[; y"y> ~d"q¥ !mi av'ybi x:wrU twhw tr"vW 19:9 `dy"b. !ygEn:m. dywId"w> hydEybi hyteynIr"AmW 19:9 Now there was an evil spirit from the LORD on Saul as he was sitting in his house with his spear in his hand, and David was playing the harp with his hand. %Y:ïw: lWaêv' ynEåP.mi ‘rj;p.YIw: ryQiêb;W dwIåd"B. ‘tynIx]B;( tAKÜh;l. lWaøv' vQe’b;y>w: 19:10 p `aWh) hl'y>L:ïB; jleÞM'YIw: sn"ï dwI±d"w> ryQI+B; tynIßx]h;-ta,( !mi rj;p.taiw> al'tkub. hz:r>bmilW dwId"b. at'ynIr"Amb. yxemmil. lwauv' a['bW 19:10 `awhu ay"lyleb. bz:ytevaiw> qr:[. dywId"w> al'tkub. at'ynIr"Am ty" [b;qW lwauv' ~d"q¥ 19:10 Saul tried to pin David to the wall with the spear, but he slipped away out of Saul's presence, so that he stuck the spear into the wall. And David fled and escaped that night. dwI©d"l. dGEåT;w: rq,Bo+B; Atßymih]l;w> Arêm.v'l. ‘dwID" tyBeÛ-la, ~ykiøa'l.m; lWa’v' •xl;v.YIw: 19:11 `tm'(Wm hT'îa; rx"ßm' hl'y>L;êh; ‘^v.p.n:-ta,( jLeÛm;m. ^øn>yae’-~ai rmoêale ‘ lk;Ûymi ar"pc;b. hylej.qmilW dwId" tyb twl tybel. !ydIgzai lwauv' xl;vW 19:11 ay"lyleb. $v'pn: ty" byzEyvem. $t'y>l' ~ai rm;ymel. lk;ymi dywId"l. ta;ywIx;w> `lyjiq.tmi ta; rx;m. 19:11 Then Saul sent messengers to David's house to watch him, in order to put him to death in the morning. But Michal, David's wife, told him, saying, "If you do not save your life tonight, tomorrow you will be put to death." `jle(M'YIw: xr:Þb.YIw: %l,YEïw: !AL+x;h; d[;äB. dwIßD"-ta, lk; ²ymi dr qr:[.w: lz:a.w: ak'r:x. !mi dywId" ty" lk;ymi tl;yvelv;W 19:12 19:12 So Michal let David down through a window, and he went out and fled and escaped. hm'f'Þ ~yZIë[ih'( rybiäK. ‘taew> hJ'êMih;-la, ‘~f,T'’w: ~ypiªr"T.h;-ta, lk;øymi xQ;’Tiw: 19:13 s `dg yhiAds'yai ta;ywIv; yz[md yazy[d ay"z:[id> az"[id> 19:13 Michal took the household idol and laid it on the bed, and put a quilt of goats' hair at its head, and covered it with clothes. p `aWh) hl,îxo rm,aToßw: dwI+D"-ta, tx;q:ål' ~ykiÞa'l.m; lWa±v' xl;îv.YIw: 19:14 `awhu [rm bykv [r:m'm. tr:m;a.w: dywId" ty" rb;dmil. !ydIg:zai lwauv' xl;vW 19:14 19:14 When Saul sent messengers to take David, she said, "He is sick." hJ' ²Mib; Atôao Wl’[]h; rmo=ale dwIßD"-ta, tAaïr>li ~ykiêa'l.M;h;-ta, ‘lWav' xl;Ûv.YIw: 19:15 `At*mih]l; yl;Þae hytey" wquysia; rm;ymel. dywId" ty" yzExmil. r[;smil. ay"d:g:zai ty" lwauv' xl;vW 19:15 `hylej.qmil. ytiw"l. as'r[;b. 19:15 Then Saul sent messengers to see David, saying, "Bring him up to me on his bed, that I may put him to death."

!t'n"AhywI dwId" ty" lj;qmil. yhiAdb[; lk' ~[iw> hyrEb. !t'n"Ay ~[i lwauv' lylem;W 19:1<br />

`ad"xl; dywId"b. y[ir>tai lwauv' rb;<br />

19:1 Now Saul told Jonathan his son and all his servants to put David to death. But Jonathan, Saul's son, greatly<br />

delighted in David.<br />

an"å-rm,V'(hi ‘hT'[;w> ^t dGEÜY:w: 19:2<br />

`t'aBe(x.n:w> rt,SeÞb; T'îb.v;y"w> rq,Boêb;<br />

![;k. rm;t.sai ![;kW $l'j.qmil. ab'a; lwauv' y[eb' rm;ymel. dywId"l. !t'n"Ahy> ywIx;w> 19:2<br />

`rm;j.tiw> ar"tsib. bytetiw> ar"pc;b.<br />

19:2 So Jonathan told David saying, "Saul my father is seeking to put you to death. Now therefore, please be on guard in<br />

the morning, and stay in a secret place and hide yourself.<br />

^ßB. rBEïd:a] ynI¨a]w: ~v'ê hT'äa; rv rBe’d:y>w: 19:4<br />

`dao)m. ^ïl.-bAj wyf'Þ[]m; ykiîw> %l'ê ‘aj'x' aAlÜ yKiä dwI©d"b. ADåb.[;B.<br />

al' hyle rm;a.w: yhiwbua. lwauv' ~d"q¥ !ynIq.t' !ymig"tpi dywId" l[; !t'n"Ahy> lylem;W 19:4<br />

yhiAdb'w[u yrEa.w: $l' yjx aj'x. al' yrEa. dwId"b. hydEb[;b. ak'lm; ajxy yjexyI<br />

`ad"xl; $l' !n"q.t' !ynIq.t'<br />

19:4 Then Jonathan spoke well <strong>of</strong> David to Saul his father and said to him, "Do not let the king sin against his servant<br />

David, since he has not sinned against you, and since his deeds have been very beneficial to you.<br />

‘hl'Adg> h['ÛWvT. hw" ÷hy> f[;Y: “w: yTiªv.liP.h;-ta, %Y:åw: APøk;b. Av’p.n:-ta, •~f,Y"w: 19:5<br />

`~N")xi dwIßD"-ta, tymiîh'l. yqiên" ~d"äB. ‘aj'x/t,( hM'l'Ûw> xm'_f.Tiw: t'yaiÞr" laeêr"f.yI-lk'l.<br />

y"y> db;[.w: ha't'vlip. ty" lj;qW al'j'q.tail. hydy bg: l[;k. hyvepn: ty" rs;mW 19:5<br />

~d:b. byyxm byyx byaex' ta; am'lW at'ydIxw: at'yzEx. laer"vyI lk'l. ab'r: an"q'rpu<br />

`!g"m; dywId" ty" lj;qmil. yk;z:<br />

19:5 "For he took his life in his hand and struck the Philistine, and the LORD brought about a great deliverance for all<br />

Israel; you saw it and rejoiced. Why then will you sin against innocent blood by putting David to death without a cause?"<br />

`tm'(Wy-~ai hw"ßhy>-yx; lWaêv' [b;äV'YIw: !t"+n"Ahy> lAqåB. lWaßv' [m;îv.YIw: 19:6<br />

`lyjiq.tyI ~ai y"y> awhu ~yy"q; lwauv' ~yyEq;w> !t'n"Ahy> rm;ymel. lwauv' lybeq;w> 19:6<br />

19:6 Saul listened to the voice <strong>of</strong> Jonathan, and Saul vowed, "As the LORD lives, he shall not be put to death."<br />

!t"Ün"Ahy> abe’Y"w: hL,ae_h' ~yrIßb'D>h;-lK' taeî !t'ên"Ahæy> ‘Al-dG ar"Ûq.YIw: 19:7<br />

s `~Av) lAmït.a,K. wyn"ßp'l. yhiîy>w: lWaêv'-la, ‘dwID"-ta,<br />

ytiyae ytiya;w> !yleaih' ay"m;g"tpi lk' ty" !t'n"Ahy> hyle ywIx;w> dywId"l. !t'n"Ahy> ar"qW 19:7<br />

yhiAmq;d>miW ylim'ta;mek. yhiAmd"q¥ vymev;m. hw"h.w: lwauv' tw"l. dywId" ty" !t'n"Ahy><br />

`yhwmdqdmw<br />

19:7 Then Jonathan called David, and Jonathan told him all these words. And Jonathan brought David to Saul, and he<br />

was in his presence as formerly.<br />

hK'äm; ‘~h,B' %Y:Üw: ~yTiªv.liP.B; ~x,L'äYIw: dwI÷d" ace ’YEw: hm'Þx'l.Mih; @s,ATïw: 19:8

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