First book of Samuel

1 Samuel 1 Samuel


`hydEybi ha't'vlipdI av'yrEw> lwauv' ~d"qli 17:57 So when David returned from killing the Philistine, Abner took him and brought him before Saul with the Philistine's head in his hand. yv;ÞyI ^ïD>b.[;-!B 17:58 Saul said to him, "Whose son are you, young man?" And David answered, "I am the son of your servant Jesse the Bethlehemite." ¿Abh'a/Yw: 18:1 `Av*p.n:K. !t"ßn"Ahy> ÎWhbeîh'a/Y lwauv' ~[i al'l'm;l. hytwycyvk yciyve dk; hw"h.w: 18:1 `hyvepn:k. !t'n"Ahy> hymex.r:w> dywId"d> av'pn:b. trbxta 18:1 Now it came about when he had finished speaking to Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as himself. `wybi(a' tyBeî bWvßl' Anët'n> al{åw> aWh+h; ~AYæB; lWaßv' WhxeîQ'YIw: 18:2 twl tyb tybel. lzyml bt'mli hyqebv; al'w> awhuh; am'Ayb. lwauv' hyrEbd:w> 18:2 `yhiwbua. 18:2 Saul took him that day and did not let him return to his father's house. `Av*p.n:K. Atßao Atïb'h]a;B. tyrI+B. dwIßd"w> !t"±n"Ahy> troôk.YIw: 18:3 `hyvepn:k. hytey" ~yxer"dbi ~y"q. dwId"w> !t'n"Ahy> rz:gW 18:3 18:3 Then Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. ABðr>x;-d[;w> wyD"§m;W dwI+d"l. WhnEßT.YIw:) wyl'ê[' rv xltvyaw xlvaw xl;vW 18:4 `hyzEr"z> d[;w> hytevq; d[;w> hyberx; d[;w> yhiAvwbulW 18:4 Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was on him and gave it to David, with his armor, including his sword and his bow and his belt. yveän>a; l[;Þ lWaêv' Whmeäfiy>w: lyKiêf.y: ‘lWav' WNx,Ûl'v.yI rv,’a] •lkoB. dwI÷d" ace’YEw: 18:5 p `lWa)v' ydEîb.[; ynEßy[eB. ~g:¨w> ~['êh'-lk' ynEåy[eB. ‘bj;yYIw: hm'_x'l.Mih; lwauv' hyyEn>m;W xl;cm; lwauv' hynyxlvy yd hyle xl;v'd> rt;a. lkob' dwId" qp;nW 18:5 `lwauv' ydEb[; ynEy[eb. @a;w> am'[; lk' ynEy[eb. rp;vW ab'r"q. ydEb.[' yrEbgU l[; 18:5 So David went out wherever Saul sent him, and prospered; and Saul set him over the men of war. And it was pleasing in the sight of all the people and also in the sight of Saul's servants. yrEÛ['-lK'mi ~yviøN"h; hn"ac, ’Tew: yTiêv.liP.h;-ta, tAKåh;me ‘dwID" bWvÜB. ~a'ªAbB. yhiäy>w: 18:6 hx'Þm.fiB. ~yPiîtuB. %l,M,_h; lWaåv' tar:Þ tAlêxoM.h;w> Îryviäl'Ð ¿rAvl'À ‘laer"f.yI `~yvi(liv'b.W aq'p;nW ha't'vlip. ty" lj;qmilmi dywId" bt' dk; !whytymb !Ahl[;ymeb. hw"h.w: 18:6 aw"dx;b. !ypitub. ak'lm; lwauv' twmud"q;l. ay"g:nxib. ax'b'v;l. laer"vyI ywErqi lk'mi ay"v;n> `!;bW 18:6 It happened as they were coming, when David returned from killing the Philistine, that the women came out of all the cities of Israel, singing and dancing, to meet King Saul, with tambourines, with joy and with musical instruments.

dwIßd"w> Îwyp'êl'a]B;Ð ¿Apl.a/B;À ‘lWav' hK'Ûhi !'r>m:+aTow: tAqßx]f;m.h;( ~yviîN"h; hn"yn ab'ytia.w: 18:7 18:7 The women sang as they played, and said, "Saul has slain his thousands, And David his ten thousands." yliîw> tAbêb'r> ‘dwId"l. WnÝt.n" rm,aYO©w: hZ yliw> !w"b.rI 18:8 Then Saul became very angry, for this saying displeased him; and he said, "They have ascribed to David ten thousands, but to me they have ascribed thousands. Now what more can he have but the kingdom?" s `ha'l.h'(w" aWhßh; ~AYðh;me dwI+D"-ta, Î!yEåA[Ð ¿!wO['À lWaßv' yhiîy>w: 18:9 `ha;lh;lW awhuh; am'Aymi dywd ty dywId"l. !ymek' lwauv' hw"h.w: 18:9 18:9 Saul looked at David with suspicion from that day on. tyIB;êh;-%Atb. aBeän:t.YIw: ‘lWav'-la, h['Ûr" ~yhi’l{a/ •x:Wr xl;äc.Tiw: tr" ªx¥M'mi( yhiäy>w: 18:10 `lWa)v'-dy:B. tynIßx]h;w> ~Ay=B. ~AyæK. Adßy"B. !GEïn:m. dwI ±d"w> yjit;vaiw> lwauv' l[; y"y> ~d"q¥ !mi av'ybi x:wrU tr"vW yhiArt.b'd> hm'Ayb. hw"h.w: 18:10 `lwauv'd> ad"ybi at'ynIr"AmW ~Ayb. ~Ayk. hydEybi !ygEn:m. dywId"w> at'ybe Agb. 18:10 Now it came about on the next day that an evil spirit from God came mightily upon Saul, and he raved in the midst of the house, while David was playing the harp with his hand, as usual; and a spear was in Saul's hand. `~yIm")[]P; wyn"ßP'mi dwI±D" bSoïYIw: ryQI+b;W dwIßd"b. hK,îa; rm,aYO¨w: tynIëx]h;-ta,( ‘lWav' lj,Y"Üw: 18:11 al'tkub. hn:zIr>baiw> dwId"b. hn:yxema; rm;a.w: at'ynIr"Am ty" lwauv' ~yrEa.w: 18:11 `!ynImzI !yrt !ytert; yhiAmd"q¥ !mi dwId" $p;a.w: rx;t.saiw> 18:11 Saul hurled the spear for he thought, "I will pin David to the wall." But David escaped from his presence twice. `rs") lWaßv' ~[iîmeW AMê[i ‘hw"hy> hy"Üh'-yKi( dwI+d" ynEåp.Limi lWaßv' ar"îYIw: 18:12 lwauv' ty"w> hydE[.s;b. y"y>d: ar"m.yme hw"h. yrEa. dywId" ~d"q¥ !mi lwauv' lyxedW 18:12 `qltsya lwav ywyl[mw qyxer: 18:12 Now Saul was afraid of David, for the LORD was with him but had departed from Saul. p `~['(h' ynEï aboßY"w: aceîYEw: @l,a'_-rf; Alß Whmeîfiy>w: AMê[ime( ‘lWav' WhrEÛsiy>w: 18:13 vyrEb. la[w l['w> qp;nW ap'la; br: hyle hyyEn>m;w> hytew"l.mi lwauv' hyyEn>pa;w> 18:13 `am'[; ~dq 18:13 Therefore Saul removed him from his presence and appointed him as his commander of a thousand; and he went out and came in before the people. `AM*[i hw"ßhyw:) lyKi_f.m; wk'Þr>D"-lk'l. dwI±d" yhiîy>w: 18:14 `hydE[.s;b. y"y>d: ar"m.ymeW xl;cm; hytex'rAa lk'l. dywId" hw"h.w: 18:14 18:14 David was prospering in all his ways for the LORD was with him. `wyn")P'mi rg"Y"ßw: dao+m. lyKiäf.m; aWhß-rv,a] lWaêv' ar.Y:åw: 18:15 `yhiAmd"q¥ !mi lyxedW ad"xl; xl;cm; awh yra awhud> lwauv' az"x.w: 18:15 18:15 When Saul saw that he was prospering greatly, he dreaded him. p `~h,( ab'Þw" aceîAy aWh±-yKi( dwI+D"-ta, bheÞao hd"êWhywI ‘laer"f.yI-lk'w> 18:16 `!Ahv.yrEb. lyle['w> qypen" awhu yrEa. dwId" ty" !ymix.r" hd"whuywI laer"vyI lk'w> 18:16 18:16 But all Israel and Judah loved David, and he went out and came in before them.

`hydEybi ha't'vlipdI av'yrEw> lwauv' ~d"qli<br />

17:57 So when David returned from killing the Philistine, Abner took him and brought him before Saul with the<br />

Philistine's head in his hand.<br />

yv;ÞyI ^ïD>b.[;-!B<br />

17:58 Saul said to him, "Whose son are you, young man?" And David answered, "I am the son <strong>of</strong> your servant Jesse the<br />

Bethlehemite."<br />

¿Abh'a/Yw: 18:1<br />

`Av*p.n:K. !t"ßn"Ahy> ÎWhbeîh'a/Y lwauv' ~[i al'l'm;l. hytwycyvk yciyve dk; hw"h.w: 18:1<br />

`hyvepn:k. !t'n"Ahy> hymex.r:w> dywId"d> av'pn:b. trbxta<br />

18:1 Now it came about when he had finished speaking to Saul, that the soul <strong>of</strong> Jonathan was knit to the soul <strong>of</strong> David,<br />

and Jonathan loved him as himself.<br />

`wybi(a' tyBeî bWvßl' Anët'n> al{åw> aWh+h; ~AYæB; lWaßv' WhxeîQ'YIw: 18:2<br />

twl tyb tybel. lzyml bt'mli hyqebv; al'w> awhuh; am'Ayb. lwauv' hyrEbd:w> 18:2<br />

`yhiwbua.<br />

18:2 Saul took him that day and did not let him return to his father's house.<br />

`Av*p.n:K. Atßao Atïb'h]a;B. tyrI+B. dwIßd"w> !t"±n"Ahy> troôk.YIw: 18:3<br />

`hyvepn:k. hytey" ~yxer"dbi ~y"q. dwId"w> !t'n"Ahy> rz:gW 18:3<br />

18:3 Then Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself.<br />

ABðr>x;-d[;w> wyD"§m;W dwI+d"l. WhnEßT.YIw:) wyl'ê[' rv xltvyaw xlvaw xl;vW 18:4<br />

`hyzEr"z> d[;w> hytevq; d[;w> hyberx; d[;w> yhiAvwbulW<br />

18:4 Jonathan stripped himself <strong>of</strong> the robe that was on him and gave it to David, with his armor, including his sword and<br />

his bow and his belt.<br />

yveän>a; l[;Þ lWaêv' Whmeäfiy>w: lyKiêf.y: ‘lWav' WNx,Ûl'v.yI rv,’a] •lkoB. dwI÷d" ace’YEw: 18:5<br />

p `lWa)v' ydEîb.[; ynEßy[eB. ~g:¨w> ~['êh'-lk' ynEåy[eB. ‘bj;yYIw: hm'_x'l.Mih;<br />

lwauv' hyyEn>m;W xl;cm; lwauv' hynyxlvy yd hyle xl;v'd> rt;a. lkob' dwId" qp;nW 18:5<br />

`lwauv' ydEb[; ynEy[eb. @a;w> am'[; lk' ynEy[eb. rp;vW ab'r"q. ydEb.[' yrEbgU l[;<br />

18:5 So David went out wherever Saul sent him, and prospered; and Saul set him over the men <strong>of</strong> war. And it was<br />

pleasing in the sight <strong>of</strong> all the people and also in the sight <strong>of</strong> Saul's servants.<br />

yrEÛ['-lK'mi ~yviøN"h; hn"ac, ’Tew: yTiêv.liP.h;-ta, tAKåh;me ‘dwID" bWvÜB. ~a'ªAbB. yhiäy>w: 18:6<br />

hx'Þm.fiB. ~yPiîtuB. %l,M,_h; lWaåv' tar:Þ tAlêxoM.h;w> Îryviäl'Ð ¿rAvl'À ‘laer"f.yI<br />

`~yvi(liv'b.W<br />

aq'p;nW ha't'vlip. ty" lj;qmilmi dywId" bt' dk; !whytymb !Ahl[;ymeb. hw"h.w: 18:6<br />

aw"dx;b. !ypitub. ak'lm; lwauv' twmud"q;l. ay"g:nxib. ax'b'v;l. laer"vyI ywErqi lk'mi ay"v;n><br />

`!;bW<br />

18:6 It happened as they were coming, when David returned from killing the Philistine, that the women came out <strong>of</strong> all<br />

the cities <strong>of</strong> Israel, singing and dancing, to meet King Saul, with tambourines, with joy and with musical instruments.

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