First book of Samuel

1 Samuel 1 Samuel


hylew> yv;yI hymevW hd"whuy> tybed> ~x;l;-tybemi !ydEh' yt;rIpa; rb;g> rb; dwId"w> 17:12 `ay"r:yxibbi ynIm. bys bs' lwauv' ymeAyb. ar"bgUw> !ynIb. ay"nm't. 17:12 Now David was the son of the Ephrathite of Bethlehem in Judah, whose name was Jesse, and he had eight sons. And Jesse was old in the days of Saul, advanced in years among men. tv,l{åv. ~veäw> hm'_x'l.Mil; lWaßv'-yrEx]a; Wkïl.h' ~yliêdoG>h; ‘yv;yI-ynE)B. tv,l{Üv. Wkøl.YE “w: 17:13 `hM'(v; yviÞliV.h;w> bd"ên"ybiäa] ‘WhnE’v.miW rAkªB.h; ba'äylia/ hm'êx'l.MiB; ‘Wkl.h' rv ax'g"a'l. ab'r"qli lwauv' rt;b' wluz:a. ay"b;r>br: yv;yI ynEb. ht'l't. wluz:a.w: 17:13 ha't'ylitW bd"n"ybia. hynEy"ntiw> ar"kbu ba'ylia. ab'r"qli wluz:a.d: yhiAnb. ht'l't. ~wvuw> `hm'v; 17:13 The three older sons of Jesse had gone after Saul to the battle. And the names of his three sons who went to the battle were Eliab the firstborn, and the second to him Abinadab, and the third Shammah. s `lWa)v' yrEîx]a; Wkßl.h' ~yliêdoG>h; ‘hv'l{v.W !j"+Q'h; aWhå dwIßd"w> 17:14 `lwauv' rt;b' wluz:a. ay"b;r>br: yhwnb ht'l'tW ar"y[ez> awhu dwId"w> 17:14 17:14 David was the youngest. Now the three oldest followed Saul, `~x,l'(-tyBe( wybiÞa' !acoï-ta, tA[±r>li lWa+v' l[;äme bv'Þw" %lEïho dwI±d"w> 17:15 `~x;l'-tybe yhiwbua.d: an"[' ty" y[ermil. lwauv' tw"l.mi btw byaet'w> lyzEa' dwId"w> 17:15 17:15 but David went back and forth from Saul to tend his father's flock at Bethlehem. p `~Ay* ~y[iîB'r>a; bCeÞy:t.YIw: brE_[]h;w> ~Keäv.h; yTiÞv.liP.h; vG:ïYIw: 17:16 `!ymiAy !y[ib.ra; dt;[;taiw> $yvexm;W ~ydEqm; ha't'vlip. byrEqW 17:16 17:16 The Philistine came forward morning and evening for forty days and took his stand. ~x,l,Þ hr"îf'[]w: hZ hZ !ymilju arv[w rs;[.w: 17:17 Then Jesse said to David his son, "Take now for your brothers an ephah of this roasted grain and these ten loaves and run to the camp to your brothers. dqoåp.Ti ‘^yx,’a;-ta,w> @l,a'_h'-rf;l. aybiÞT' hL,aeêh' ‘bl'x'h,( yceÛrIx] trû 17:18 `xQ")Ti ~t'ÞB'rU[]-ta,w> ~Alêv'l. r['st; $x'a; ty"w> ap'la; br:l. lybeAt !yleaih' ab'lx;d> !ynIbwgU rs;[. ty"w> 17:18 `yteyt; !Ahb.yji ty"w> ~l'vli r[;sti 17:18 "Bring also these ten cuts of cheese to the commander of their thousand, and look into the welfare of your brothers, and bring back news of them. `~yTi(v.liP.-~[i ~ymiÞx'l.nI hl'_aeh'( qm,[eÞB. laeêr"f.yI vyaiä-lk'w> ‘hM'he’w> lWaÜv'w> 17:19 `yaet'vlip. ~[i ab'r"q. !yxiygIm. am'jbu rv;ymeb. laer"vyI vn"a. lk'w> !wnUaiw> lwauv'w> 17:19 17:19 "For Saul and they and all the men of Israel are in the valley of Elah, fighting with the Philistines." yv'_yI WhW"ßci rv

`hk'(r"[]m; tar:î hk'Þr"[]m; ~yTiêv.lip.W ‘laer"f.yI %roÝ[]T;w: 17:21 `ar"dsi twmud"q;l. ar"dsi yaet'vlipW laer"vyI wrUd:s;w> 17:21 17:21 Israel and the Philistines drew up in battle array, army against army. abo§Y"w: hk'_r"[]M;h; #r'Y"ßw: ~yliêKeh; rmEåAv ‘dy:-l[; wyl'ª['me ~yliøKeh;-ta, dwI“D" •vJoYIw: 17:22 `~Al)v'l. wyx'Þa,l. la;îv.YIw: jh;rW ay"n:m' ryjn rj;n" dy: l[; yhwwly[d yhiAl[.d: ay"n:m' ty" dywId" qb;vW 17:22 `~l'vli yhiAxa.l; la;vW lyaevW at'a.w: ar"dsil. jyhrw 17:22 Then David left his baggage in the care of the baggage keeper, and ran to the battle line and entered in order to greet his brothers. ‘tG:mi AmÜv. yTi’v.liP.h; •ty"l.G" hl,úA[ ~yIn:³Beh; vyaiä hNEåhiw> ~M'ª[i rBEåd:m. aWhåw> 17:23 `dwI)D" [m;Þv.YIw: hL,ae_h' ~yrIåb'D>K; rBEßd:y>w: ~yTiêv.liP. ÎtAkår>[;M;miÐ ¿tAr[]M;miÀ hymev. ha't'vlip. ty"lg" qyles' !AhynEybemi ar"bgU ah'w> !Ahm.[i lylem;m. awhuw> 17:23 !yleaih' ay"m;g"tpik. lylem;W yatvlpd abrq tyyrvmm yaet'vlip. yrEdsimi tg:mi `dwId" [m;vW 17:23 As he was talking with them, behold, the champion, the Philistine from Gath named Goliath, was coming up from the army of the Philistines, and he spoke these same words; and David heard them. `dao)m. Waßr>yYI)w: wyn"ëP'mi ‘WsnU’Y"w: vyai_h'-ta, ~t'ÞAar>Bi laeêr"f.yI vyaiä ‘lkow> 17:24 wluyxidw> yhiAmd"q¥ !mi wqypaw wkup;a.w: ar"bgU ty" !AhyzExmib. laer"vyI vn"a. lk'w> 17:24 `ad"xl; 17:24 When all the men of Israel saw the man, they fled from him and were greatly afraid. laeÞr"f.yI-ta, @rEïx'l. yKi² hZh; laeªr"f.yI vyaiä rm,aYOæw: 17:25 ‘taew> Alê-!T,yI ‘ATBi-ta,w> lAdªG" rv,[oå %l,M,äh; WNrû) hl,_[o `lae(r"f.yIB. yviÞp.x' hf,î[]y: wybiêa' tyBeä laer"vyI ty" ad"s'x;l. yrEa. !ydEh' qyles'd> ar"bgU !AtyzEx.h; laer"vyI vn"a. rm;a.w: 17:25 hyter:b. ty"w> ygIs; rt;A[ ak'lm; hynEyrIt.[y: hynErIt.[;y> hynElij.qyId> ar"bgU yheywI qyles' `laer"vyIb. !ybir>br: !yrwx dybe[.y: yhiwbua. tybe ty"w> hyle !yteyI 17:25 The men of Israel said, "Have you seen this man who is coming up? Surely he is coming up to defy Israel. And it will be that the king will enrich the man who kills him with great riches and will give him his daughter and make his father's house free in Israel." ‘hK,y: rv[;m; @rEêxe lAjqyId> ar"bgUl. dybe[.tyI am' rm;ymel. hyme[i !ymiy>q'd> ay"r:bgUl. dywId" rm;a.w: 17:26 al'r[; ha't'vlip. !m; yrEa. laer"vyI l[;me ad"sxi ydE[y:w> ykiydE ha't'vlip. ty" lyjqd `am'y"q; y"y>d: hym[d am'[; abrq ydb[ yrEdsi dysex; yrEa. !ydEh' 17:26 Then David spoke to the men who were standing by him, saying, "What will be done for the man who kills this Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel? For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should taunt the armies of the living God?" `WNK,(y: rv

`hk'(r"[]m; tar:î hk'Þr"[]m; ~yTiêv.lip.W ‘laer"f.yI %roÝ[]T;w: 17:21<br />

`ar"dsi twmud"q;l. ar"dsi yaet'vlipW laer"vyI wrUd:s;w> 17:21<br />

17:21 Israel and the Philistines drew up in battle array, army against army.<br />

abo§Y"w: hk'_r"[]M;h; #r'Y"ßw: ~yliêKeh; rmEåAv ‘dy:-l[; wyl'ª['me ~yliøKeh;-ta, dwI“D" •vJoYIw: 17:22<br />

`~Al)v'l. wyx'Þa,l. la;îv.YIw:<br />

jh;rW ay"n:m' ryjn rj;n" dy: l[; yhwwly[d yhiAl[.d: ay"n:m' ty" dywId" qb;vW 17:22<br />

`~l'vli yhiAxa.l; la;vW lyaevW at'a.w: ar"dsil. jyhrw<br />

17:22 Then David left his baggage in the care <strong>of</strong> the baggage keeper, and ran to the battle line and entered in order to<br />

greet his brothers.<br />

‘tG:mi AmÜv. yTi’v.liP.h; •ty"l.G" hl,úA[ ~yIn:³Beh; vyaiä hNEåhiw> ~M'ª[i rBEåd:m. aWhåw> 17:23<br />

`dwI)D" [m;Þv.YIw: hL,ae_h' ~yrIåb'D>K; rBEßd:y>w: ~yTiêv.liP. ÎtAkår>[;M;miÐ ¿tAr[]M;miÀ<br />

hymev. ha't'vlip. ty"lg" qyles' !AhynEybemi ar"bgU ah'w> !Ahm.[i lylem;m. awhuw> 17:23<br />

!yleaih' ay"m;g"tpik. lylem;W yatvlpd abrq tyyrvmm yaet'vlip. yrEdsimi tg:mi<br />

`dwId" [m;vW<br />

17:23 As he was talking with them, behold, the champion, the Philistine from Gath named Goliath, was coming up from<br />

the army <strong>of</strong> the Philistines, and he spoke these same words; and David heard them.<br />

`dao)m. Waßr>yYI)w: wyn"ëP'mi ‘WsnU’Y"w: vyai_h'-ta, ~t'ÞAar>Bi laeêr"f.yI vyaiä ‘lkow> 17:24<br />

wluyxidw> yhiAmd"q¥ !mi wqypaw wkup;a.w: ar"bgU ty" !AhyzExmib. laer"vyI vn"a. lk'w> 17:24<br />

`ad"xl;<br />

17:24 When all the men <strong>of</strong> Israel saw the man, they fled from him and were greatly afraid.<br />

laeÞr"f.yI-ta, @rEïx'l. yKi² hZh; laeªr"f.yI vyaiä rm,aYOæw: 17:25<br />

‘taew> Alê-!T,yI ‘ATBi-ta,w> lAdªG" rv,[oå %l,M,äh; WNrû) hl,_[o<br />

`lae(r"f.yIB. yviÞp.x' hf,î[]y: wybiêa' tyBeä<br />

laer"vyI ty" ad"s'x;l. yrEa. !ydEh' qyles'd> ar"bgU !AtyzEx.h; laer"vyI vn"a. rm;a.w: 17:25<br />

hyter:b. ty"w> ygIs; rt;A[ ak'lm; hynEyrIt.[y: hynErIt.[;y> hynElij.qyId> ar"bgU yheywI qyles'<br />

`laer"vyIb. !ybir>br: !yrwx dybe[.y: yhiwbua. tybe ty"w> hyle !yteyI<br />

17:25 The men <strong>of</strong> Israel said, "Have you seen this man who is coming up? Surely he is coming up to defy Israel. And it<br />

will be that the king will enrich the man who kills him with great riches and will give him his daughter and make his<br />

father's house free in Israel."<br />

‘hK,y: rv[;m; @rEêxe<br />

lAjqyId> ar"bgUl. dybe[.tyI am' rm;ymel. hyme[i !ymiy>q'd> ay"r:bgUl. dywId" rm;a.w: 17:26<br />

al'r[; ha't'vlip. !m; yrEa. laer"vyI l[;me ad"sxi ydE[y:w> ykiydE ha't'vlip. ty" lyjqd<br />

`am'y"q; y"y>d: hym[d am'[; abrq ydb[ yrEdsi dysex; yrEa. !ydEh'<br />

17:26 Then David spoke to the men who were standing by him, saying, "What will be done for the man who kills this<br />

Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel? For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should taunt the<br />

armies <strong>of</strong> the living God?"<br />

`WNK,(y: rv

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