First book of Samuel

1 Samuel 1 Samuel


AnàB. dwIïD"-dy:B. xl;²v.YIw: dx'_a, ~yZIß[i ydIîg>W !yIy:ë danOæw> ‘~x,l, ’ rAmðx] yv; øyI xQ;’YIw: 16:20 `lWa)v'-la, yzE[i rb; ay"dg:w> rm;x.d: br"gW amxld !w[j am'xl; ar"m'x. !w[uj. yv;yI bysenW 16:20 `lwauv' tw"l. hyrEb. dwId" dy:b. rd:v;w> dx; 16:20 Jesse took a donkey loaded with bread and a jug of wine and a young goat, and sent them to Saul by David his son. `~yli(ke afeînO Alß-yhiy>w:) daoêm. Wh)beäh'a/Y yhiAmd"q¥ vymev;w> lwauv' tw"l. dwId: at'a.w: 16:21 `!ynIyzE 16:21 Then David came to Saul and attended him; and Saul loved him greatly, and he became his armor bearer. `yn")y[eB. !xEß ac'm'î-yKi( yn:ëp'l. ‘dwId" an"Ü-dm'[]y: rmo=ale yv;ÞyI-la, lWaêv' xl;äv.YIw: 16:22 xk;va; yrEa. ym;d"q¥ dwId" ![;k. ~wqy vymev;y> rm;ymel. yv;yI tw"l. lwauv' xl;vW 16:22 `ymdq yn"y[eb. !ymix.r: 16:22 Saul sent to Jesse, saying, "Let David now stand before me, for he has found favor in my sight." xw:Ür"w> Ad=y"B. !GEånIw> rANàKih;-ta, dwI±D" xq:ïl'w> lWaêv'-la, ‘~yhil{a/-x:Wr) tAyÝh.Bi( hy"©h'w> 16:23 p `h['(r"h' x:Wrï wyl'Þ['me hr"s'îw> Alê bAjåw> ‘lWav'l. dwId" bysen"w> lwauv' twl l[; y"y> ~d"q¥ !mi av'ybi x:wrU ay"rv' dk; hwhw ywEh'w> 16:23 hynEmi aq'l.t;smiW hyle byaej'w> lwauv'l. xw:r>tmiW hydEybi !ygEn:mW arwnk ar"n"ki ty" `av'ybi x:wrU yhwl[m 16:23 So it came about whenever the evil spirit from God came to Saul, David would take the harp and play it with his hand; and Saul would be refreshed and be well, and the evil spirit would depart from him. Wn°x]Y:w:) hd"_Whyli rv 17:2 `~yTi(v.liP. wrUd:s;w> am'jbu rv;ymeb. ArvW wvynk wvun:k.tai wvuynIk.tai laer"vyI vn"a.w: lwauv'w> 17:2 `yaet'vlip. twmud"q;l. ab'r"q. 17:2 Saul and the men of Israel were gathered and camped in the valley of Elah, and drew up in battle array to encounter the Philistines. ay>G:ßh;w> hZ hZ ak'mi ar"wju l[; !ymiy>q' yaet'vlipW 17:3 `!AhynEybe 17:3 The Philistines stood on the mountain on one side while Israel stood on the mountain on the other side, with the valley between them. `tr,z")w" tAMßa; vveî Ah§b.G" tG:+mi Amßv. ty"ïl.G" ~yTiêv.liP. tAnæx]M;mi ‘~yIn:’Beh;-vyai( aceÛYEw: 17:4 !ymia; tyve hymewrU tg:mi hymev. ty"lg" yaet'vlip. ty"r>vm;mi !AhynEybemi ar"bgU qp;nW 17:4 `at'rz:w>

17:4 Then a champion came out from the armies of the Philistines named Goliath, from Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span. !Ayër>Vih; ‘lq;v.miW vWb+l' aWhå ~yFiÞq;f.q; !Ayðr>viw> Avêaro-l[; ‘tv,xo’n> [b;AkÜw> 17:5 `tv,(xo)n> ~yliÞq'v. ~ypiîl'a]-tv,mex] an"y"rvi lq;tm;W vybil. awhu !yklg !ybil'g: !y"rviw> hyveyrE l[; vx'ndI sl;AqW 17:5 `av'x'n> yleqti !ypila; av'mx; 17:5 He had a bronze helmet on his head, and he was clothed with scale-armor which weighed five thousand shekels of bronze. `wyp'(teK. !yBeî tv,xoßn> !Adïykiw> wyl'_g>r:-l[; tv,xoßn> tx;îc.miW 17:6 atxcmw apxcmw ap';W yhiAlgr: l[; vx'ndI !ylylqrjw !ynIyliqr:jW 17:6 `yhiAptk; l[ !ybe lyjn lj;m; as'l.Aq !mi qypen" av'x'ndI 17:6 He also had bronze greaves on his legs and a bronze javelin slung between his shoulders. lzB; ~yliÞq'v. tAaïme-vve AtêynIx] tb,h,äl;w> ~ygIër>ao* ‘rAnm.Ki AtªynIx] Î#[eäw>Ð ¿#x'w>À 17:7 `wyn")p'l. %lEïho hN"ßCih; afeînOw> tyve lq;tm; hyteynIr"Amd> annyvw an"n>v;w> !yaiy"d>rg:d> !s'ka;k. hyteynIr"Amd> [a'w> 17:7 `yhiAmd"q¥ lyzEa' as'yrIt. hynyz lyjen"w> al'z>rb; !y[ls yleqti ha'm. 17:7 The shaft of his spear was like a weaver's beam, and the head of his spear weighed six hundred shekels of iron; his shield-carrier also walked before him. hm'_x'l.mi %roæ[]l; Waßc.te hM'l'î ~h,êl' rm,aYOæw: laeêr"f.yI tkoår>[;m;-la, ‘ar"q.YIw: dmoª[]Y:w:) 17:8 `yl'(ae drEîyEw> vyaiÞ ~k,îl'-WrB. lWaêv'l. ~ydIäb'[] ‘~T,a;w> yTi ªv.liP.h; ykiänOa' aAlôh] !Ahl. rm;a.w: larvyd abrq laer"vyI ardysb yrEdsi l[; zyrkaw ylika;w> ~q'w> 17:8 ha't'vlip. an"a. al'h. yatvylp ~[ ab'r"q. ar"d"s;l. !yqpn !wta !wqup.ti am'l. `ytiw"l. tAxyyEw> ar"bgU !Akl. wrUx;b. lwauv'l. !ydIb[; !wtua;w> 17:8 He stood and shouted to the ranks of Israel and said to them, "Why do you come out to draw up in battle array? Am I not the Philistine and you servants of Saul? Choose a man for yourselves and let him come down to me. ‘Al-lk;Wa) ynIÜa]-~aiw> ~ydI_b'[]l; ~k,Þl' WnyyIïh'w> ynIK'êhiw> ‘yTiai ~xeÛL'hil. lk; úWy-~ai 17:9 `Wnt'(ao ~T,Þd>b;[]w: ~ydIêb'[]l; ‘Wnl'’ ~t,yyIÜh.wI wytiêyKihiw> lAkai an"a. ~aiw> !ydIb[;l. !Akl. yhenW ynIn:lij.qyIw> ymi[i ab'r"q. ax'g"a'l. lAkyI ~ai 17:9 `an"t;y" !wxul.ptiW !ydIb[;l. an"l; !AhtW;w> hyle 17:9 "If he is able to fight with me and kill me, then we will become your servants; but if I prevail against him and kill him, then you shall become our servants and serve us." vyaiê yliä-WnT. hZ yli Atyae !ydEh' am'Ay laer"vyI yrEdsi ty" tydIysex; an"a. ha't'vlip. rm;a.w: 17:10 `hyme[i ad"xk; ab'r"q. x:ygInW ar"bgU 17:10 Again the Philistine said, "I defy the ranks of Israel this day; give me a man that we may fight together." p `dao)m. Waßr.YI)w: WTx;îYEw: hL,ae_h' yTiÞv.liP.h; yrEîb.DI-ta, laeêr"f.yI-lk'w> ‘lWav' [m;Ûv.YIw: 17:11 wluyxidW wrUb;t.aiw> !yleaih' ha't'vlip. ymeg"tpi ty" laer"vyI lk'w> lwauv' [m;vW 17:11 `ad"xl; 17:11 When Saul and all Israel heard these words of the Philistine, they were dismayed and greatly afraid. ~ynI+b' hn"åmov. Alßw> yv;êyI Amæv.W hd"êWhy> ‘~x,l,’ tyBeîmi hZ 17:12 `~yvi(n"a]b; aB'î !qEßz" lWaêv' ymeäyBi ‘vyaih'w>

17:4 Then a champion came out from the armies <strong>of</strong> the Philistines named Goliath, from Gath, whose height was six<br />

cubits and a span.<br />

!Ayër>Vih; ‘lq;v.miW vWb+l' aWhå ~yFiÞq;f.q; !Ayðr>viw> Avêaro-l[; ‘tv,xo’n> [b;AkÜw> 17:5<br />

`tv,(xo)n> ~yliÞq'v. ~ypiîl'a]-tv,mex]<br />

an"y"rvi lq;tm;W vybil. awhu !yklg !ybil'g: !y"rviw> hyveyrE l[; vx'ndI sl;AqW 17:5<br />

`av'x'n> yleqti !ypila; av'mx;<br />

17:5 He had a bronze helmet on his head, and he was clothed with scale-armor which weighed five thousand shekels <strong>of</strong><br />

bronze.<br />

`wyp'(teK. !yBeî tv,xoßn> !Adïykiw> wyl'_g>r:-l[; tv,xoßn> tx;îc.miW 17:6<br />

atxcmw apxcmw ap';W yhiAlgr: l[; vx'ndI !ylylqrjw !ynIyliqr:jW 17:6<br />

`yhiAptk; l[ !ybe lyjn lj;m; as'l.Aq !mi qypen" av'x'ndI<br />

17:6 He also had bronze greaves on his legs and a bronze javelin slung between his shoulders.<br />

lzB; ~yliÞq'v. tAaïme-vve AtêynIx] tb,h,äl;w> ~ygIër>ao* ‘rAnm.Ki AtªynIx] Î#[eäw>Ð ¿#x'w>À 17:7<br />

`wyn")p'l. %lEïho hN"ßCih; afeînOw><br />

tyve lq;tm; hyteynIr"Amd> annyvw an"n>v;w> !yaiy"d>rg:d> !s'ka;k. hyteynIr"Amd> [a'w> 17:7<br />

`yhiAmd"q¥ lyzEa' as'yrIt. hynyz lyjen"w> al'z>rb; !y[ls yleqti ha'm.<br />

17:7 The shaft <strong>of</strong> his spear was like a weaver's beam, and the head <strong>of</strong> his spear weighed six hundred shekels <strong>of</strong> iron; his<br />

shield-carrier also walked before him.<br />

hm'_x'l.mi %roæ[]l; Waßc.te hM'l'î ~h,êl' rm,aYOæw: laeêr"f.yI tkoår>[;m;-la, ‘ar"q.YIw: dmoª[]Y:w:) 17:8<br />

`yl'(ae drEîyEw> vyaiÞ ~k,îl'-WrB. lWaêv'l. ~ydIäb'[] ‘~T,a;w> yTi ªv.liP.h; ykiänOa' aAlôh]<br />

!Ahl. rm;a.w: larvyd abrq laer"vyI ardysb yrEdsi l[; zyrkaw ylika;w> ~q'w> 17:8<br />

ha't'vlip. an"a. al'h. yatvylp ~[ ab'r"q. ar"d"s;l. !yqpn !wta !wqup.ti am'l.<br />

`ytiw"l. tAxyyEw> ar"bgU !Akl. wrUx;b. lwauv'l. !ydIb[; !wtua;w><br />

17:8 He stood and shouted to the ranks <strong>of</strong> Israel and said to them, "Why do you come out to draw up in battle array? Am<br />

I not the Philistine and you servants <strong>of</strong> Saul? Choose a man for yourselves and let him come down to me.<br />

‘Al-lk;Wa) ynIÜa]-~aiw> ~ydI_b'[]l; ~k,Þl' WnyyIïh'w> ynIK'êhiw> ‘yTiai ~xeÛL'hil. lk; úWy-~ai 17:9<br />

`Wnt'(ao ~T,Þd>b;[]w: ~ydIêb'[]l; ‘Wnl'’ ~t,yyIÜh.wI wytiêyKihiw><br />

lAkai an"a. ~aiw> !ydIb[;l. !Akl. yhenW ynIn:lij.qyIw> ymi[i ab'r"q. ax'g"a'l. lAkyI ~ai 17:9<br />

`an"t;y" !wxul.ptiW !ydIb[;l. an"l; !AhtW;w> hyle<br />

17:9 "If he is able to fight with me and kill me, then we will become your servants; but if I prevail against him and kill<br />

him, then you shall become our servants and serve us."<br />

vyaiê yliä-WnT. hZ<br />

yli Atyae !ydEh' am'Ay laer"vyI yrEdsi ty" tydIysex; an"a. ha't'vlip. rm;a.w: 17:10<br />

`hyme[i ad"xk; ab'r"q. x:ygInW ar"bgU<br />

17:10 Again the Philistine said, "I defy the ranks <strong>of</strong> Israel this day; give me a man that we may fight together."<br />

p `dao)m. Waßr.YI)w: WTx;îYEw: hL,ae_h' yTiÞv.liP.h; yrEîb.DI-ta, laeêr"f.yI-lk'w> ‘lWav' [m;Ûv.YIw: 17:11<br />

wluyxidW wrUb;t.aiw> !yleaih' ha't'vlip. ymeg"tpi ty" laer"vyI lk'w> lwauv' [m;vW 17:11<br />

`ad"xl;<br />

17:11 When Saul and all Israel heard these words <strong>of</strong> the Philistine, they were dismayed and greatly afraid.<br />

~ynI+b' hn"åmov. Alßw> yv;êyI Amæv.W hd"êWhy> ‘~x,l,’ tyBeîmi hZ 17:12<br />

`~yvi(n"a]b; aB'î !qEßz" lWaêv' ymeäyBi ‘vyaih'w>

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