First book of Samuel

1 Samuel 1 Samuel


ay"g:yjerj;sai ag"yjerj;sai am'[; lk'bW al'qx;b. at'yrIvm;b. a['y"z> hw"h.w: 14:15 `y'y> ~d"q¥ !mi [y"zli tw"h.w: a['ra; t[;z:w> !wnUyai @a; w[uz" al'b.x;mW 14:15 And there was a trembling in the camp, in the field, and among all the people. Even the garrison and the raiders trembled, and the earth quaked so that it became a great trembling. p `~l{)h]w: %l,YEïw: gAmßn" !Am±h'h, hNEôhiw> !mI+y"n>Bi t[;Þb.gIB. lWaêv'l. ‘~ypiCoh; WaÜr>YIw: 14:16 yaet'vlip. tyrIvm; !Amh' ah'w> !ymiy"nybi tybed> at'[.bgIb. lwauv'l. ay"a;Aks' Azx.w: 14:16 `ygEs'w> hyrEb't. lyzEa' rb; 14:16 Now Saul's watchmen in Gibeah of Benjamin looked, and behold, the multitude melted away; and they went here and there. Wdêq.p.YIw:) WnM'_[ime %l:åh' ymiÞ Waêr>W an"å-Wdq.Pi ATêai rv !t"ßn"Ay !yaeî hNE ±hiw> tyle ah'w> AnmW an"n:mi an"v. !m; Azx.w: ![;k. wrU[;s. hyme[id> am'[;l. lwauv' rm;a.w: 14:17 `hynEyzE lyjen"w> !t'n"Ay 14:17 Saul said to the people who were with him, "Number now and see who has gone from us." And when they had numbered, behold, Jonathan and his armor bearer were not there. ~AYðB; ~yhi²l{a/h' !Arôa] hy"ùh'-yKi( ~yhi_l{a/h' !Aråa] hv'yGIßh; hY"ëxia]l;( ‘lWav' rm,aYOÝw: 14:18 `lae(r"f.yI ynEïb.W aWhßh; awhuh; am'Ayb. y"y>d: an"Ara. hw"h. yrEa. y"y>d: an"Ara. byrEq' hy"xia.l; lwauv' rm;a.w: 14:18 `laer"vyI tyb ynEb. ~[i 14:18 Then Saul said to Ahijah, "Bring the ark of God here." For the ark of God was at that time with the sons of Israel. %l,YEïw: ~yTiêv.lip. hnEåx]m;B. ‘rv,a] !Amªh'h,w> !heêKoh;-la, ‘lWav' rBw: 14:19 `^dh' hNE“hiw> hm'_x'l.Mih;-d[; WaboßY"w: ATêai rv lwauv' vynEk.taiw> 14:20 `ad"xl; br: yvewgUvi hyrEbx;b. 14:20 Then Saul and all the people who were with him rallied and came to the battle; and behold, every man's sword was against his fellow, and there was very great confusion. bybi_s' hn 14:21 `!t")n"Ayw> lWaßv'-~[i rv laer"vyI ~[i ywEhmil. wbut' !wnUai @a;w> rAxs.-rAxs. at'yrIvm;b. 14:21 Now the Hebrews who were with the Philistines previously, who went up with them all around in the camp, even they also turned to be with the Israelites who were with Saul and Jonathan. WqïB.d>Y:w:) ~yTi_v.liP. Wsn"ß-yKi( W[êm.v'( ‘~yIr:’p.a,-rh;B. ~yaiÛB.x;t.Mi(h; laeør"f.yI vyai’ •lkow> 14:22 `hm'(x'l.MiB; ~h,ÞyrEx]a; hM'he²-~g: wqypa wkup;a. yrEa. w[um;v. ~yIr:pa; tybed> ar"wjub. wrUm;j.aid> laer"vyI vn"a. lk'w> 14:22 `ab'r"qbi !AhyrEt.b' !wnUai @a; wquybida;w> yaet'vlip. 14:22 When all the men of Israel who had hidden themselves in the hill country of Ephraim heard that the Philistines had

fled, even they also pursued them closely in the battle. `!w laer"vyI ty" awhuh; am'Ayb. y"y> qr:pW 14:23 14:23 So the LORD delivered Israel that day, and the battle spread beyond Beth-aven. vyaih'û rWråa' rmoªale ~['øh'-ta, lWa’v' •la,YOw: aWh+h; ~AYæB; fG:ßnI laeîr"f.yI-vyai(w> 14:24 s `~x,l'( ~['Þh'-lK' ~[;îj' al{)w> yb;êy>aoæme ‘yTim.Q;nIw> br yb;b'd>-yle[.b;mi 14:24 Now the men of Israel were hard-pressed on that day, for Saul had put the people under oath, saying, "Cursed be the man who eats food before evening, and until I have avenged myself on my enemies." So none of the people tasted food. `hdd" lk'w> 14:25 14:25 All the people of the land entered the forest, and there was honey on the ground. arEîy"-yKi( wyPiê-la, ‘Ady" gyFiÛm;-!yaew> vb'_D> %l,heä hNEßhiw> r[;Y:ëh;-la, ‘~['h' aboÜY"w: 14:26 `h['(buV.h;-ta, ~['Þh' hymewpul. hydEy> ytymd bytimdI tylew> av'bdU zyrEb' ah'w> av'rxul. am'[; at'a.w: 14:26 `at'[.wbuv.mi am'[; lyxed" lyxed> yrEa. 14:26 When the people entered the forest, behold, there was a flow of honey; but no man put his hand to his mouth, for the people feared the oath. rv 14:27 `wyn")y[e Îhn"r>aoàT'w:Ð ¿hn"aroT'w:À wyPiê-la, ‘Ady" bv,Y"Üw: vb'_D>h; tr:ä[.y:B. Ht'ÞAa lBoïj.YIw: Adêy"B. at'yjiAv vyrE ty" jyveAaw> am'[; ty" yhiwbua. ymiAa dk; [m;v. al' !t'n"Ayw> 14:27 ar"h;nW hymewpul. hyty hydEy> bytea.w: av'bdUd> an"yqeb. hyt,y" ht;y" lb;jW hydEybid> `yhiAny[e 14:27 But Jonathan had not heard when his father put the people under oath; therefore, he put out the end of the staff that was in his hand and dipped it in the honeycomb, and put his hand to his mouth, and his eyes brightened. vyai ²h' rWrïa' rmoêale ‘~['h'-ta, ^ybiÛa' [:yBi’v.hi •[:Bev.h; rm,aYO©w: ~['øh'me( vyai ’ •![;Y:w: 14:28 `~['(h' @[;Y"ßw: ~AY=h; ~x,l,Þ lk;ayOð-rv,a] jyli rm;ymel. ~'[; ty" $wbua. ymiAa ha'm'Aa rm;a.w: am'[;me dx ar"bgU bytea.w: 14:28 `am'[; yhilt;vaiw> !ydE am'Ay am'xl; lAkyyEd> ar"bgU 14:28 Then one of the people said, "Your father strictly put the people under oath, saying, 'Cursed be the man who eats food today.'" And the people were weary. j[;Þm. yTim.[;êj' yKiä yn:ëy[e Wraoæ-yKi( ‘an"-War> #r tymiy[ej. yrEa. 14:29 Then Jonathan said, "My father has troubled the land. See now, how my eyes have brightened because I tasted a little of this honey. hT' ²[; yKiî ac'_m' rv

fled, even they also pursued them closely in the battle.<br />

`!w laer"vyI ty" awhuh; am'Ayb. y"y> qr:pW 14:23<br />

14:23 So the LORD delivered Israel that day, and the battle spread beyond Beth-aven.<br />

vyaih'û rWråa' rmoªale ~['øh'-ta, lWa’v' •la,YOw: aWh+h; ~AYæB; fG:ßnI laeîr"f.yI-vyai(w> 14:24<br />

s `~x,l'( ~['Þh'-lK' ~[;îj' al{)w> yb;êy>aoæme ‘yTim.Q;nIw> br yb;b'd>-yle[.b;mi<br />

14:24 Now the men <strong>of</strong> Israel were hard-pressed on that day, for Saul had put the people under oath, saying, "Cursed be<br />

the man who eats food before evening, and until I have avenged myself on my enemies." So none <strong>of</strong> the people tasted<br />

food.<br />

`hdd" lk'w> 14:25<br />

14:25 All the people <strong>of</strong> the land entered the forest, and there was honey on the ground.<br />

arEîy"-yKi( wyPiê-la, ‘Ady" gyFiÛm;-!yaew> vb'_D> %l,heä hNEßhiw> r[;Y:ëh;-la, ‘~['h' aboÜY"w: 14:26<br />

`h['(buV.h;-ta, ~['Þh'<br />

hymewpul. hydEy> ytymd bytimdI tylew> av'bdU zyrEb' ah'w> av'rxul. am'[; at'a.w: 14:26<br />

`at'[.wbuv.mi am'[; lyxed" lyxed> yrEa.<br />

14:26 When the people entered the forest, behold, there was a flow <strong>of</strong> honey; but no man put his hand to his mouth, for<br />

the people feared the oath.<br />

rv 14:27<br />

`wyn")y[e Îhn"r>aoàT'w:Ð ¿hn"aroT'w:À wyPiê-la, ‘Ady" bv,Y"Üw: vb'_D>h; tr:ä[.y:B. Ht'ÞAa lBoïj.YIw: Adêy"B.<br />

at'yjiAv vyrE ty" jyveAaw> am'[; ty" yhiwbua. ymiAa dk; [m;v. al' !t'n"Ayw> 14:27<br />

ar"h;nW hymewpul. hyty hydEy> bytea.w: av'bdUd> an"yqeb. hyt,y" ht;y" lb;jW hydEybid><br />

`yhiAny[e<br />

14:27 But Jonathan had not heard when his father put the people under oath; therefore, he put out the end <strong>of</strong> the staff that<br />

was in his hand and dipped it in the honeycomb, and put his hand to his mouth, and his eyes brightened.<br />

vyai ²h' rWrïa' rmoêale ‘~['h'-ta, ^ybiÛa' [:yBi’v.hi •[:Bev.h; rm,aYO©w: ~['øh'me( vyai ’ •![;Y:w: 14:28<br />

`~['(h' @[;Y"ßw: ~AY=h; ~x,l,Þ lk;ayOð-rv,a]<br />

jyli rm;ymel. ~'[; ty" $wbua. ymiAa ha'm'Aa rm;a.w: am'[;me dx ar"bgU bytea.w: 14:28<br />

`am'[; yhilt;vaiw> !ydE am'Ay am'xl; lAkyyEd> ar"bgU<br />

14:28 Then one <strong>of</strong> the people said, "Your father strictly put the people under oath, saying, 'Cursed be the man who eats<br />

food today.'" And the people were weary.<br />

j[;Þm. yTim.[;êj' yKiä yn:ëy[e Wraoæ-yKi( ‘an"-War> #r tymiy[ej. yrEa.<br />

14:29 Then Jonathan said, "My father has troubled the land. See now, how my eyes have brightened because I tasted a<br />

little <strong>of</strong> this honey.<br />

hT' ²[; yKiî ac'_m' rv

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