First book of Samuel

1 Samuel 1 Samuel


`sm'kmi tz:g"mli yaet'vlip. gyjerj;sai qp;nW 13:23 13:23 And the garrison of the Philistines went out to the pass of Michmash. ‘hr"B.[.n:w> hk'ªl. wyl'êke afeänO ‘r[;N: ’h;-la, ‘lWav'-!B, !t"Ün"Ay rm,aYO “w: ~AY©h; yhiäy>w: 14:1 `dyGI)hi al{ï wybiÞa'l.W zL'_h; rb,[eäme rv at;yae hynEyzE lyjen" am'ylew[ul. lwauv' rb; !t'n"Ay rm;a.w: am'Ay hw"h.w: 14:1 `ywIx; al' yhiwbua.lW ykiydE ar"b[imed> yaet'vlip. gyjrjcyal gyjerj;sail. 14:1 Now the day came that Jonathan, the son of Saul, said to the young man who was carrying his armor, "Come and let us cross over to the Philistines' garrison that is on the other side." But he did not tell his father. AMê[i rv !Ar+g>miB. rv !ArgmibdI !AmrI yleApvi at'[.bgI ypey"sbi bytey" lwauv'w> 14:2 `ar"bgU ha'm. 14:2 Saul was staying in the outskirts of Gibeah under the pomegranate tree which is in Migron. And the people who were with him were about six hundred men, afeänO AlßviB. hw"±hy> !hEôKo yliø[e-!B, sx' ’n>yPi-!B, dAbåk'yai yxi‡a] bWj‡xia]-!b, hY"åxia]w: 14:3 `!t")n"Ay %l:ßh' yKiî [d:êy" al{å ‘~['h'w> dAp+ae vymev;m. !yhik' yli[e rb; sx;n>pi rb; dAbk'yaid> yhiwxua. bwjuyxia. rb; hy"xia.w: 14:3 `!t'n"Ay lz:a. yrEa. w[ud:y> [d:y> al' am'[;w> ad"Apyae vybel' Alyvib. y"y> ~d"q¥ 14:3 and Ahijah, the son of Ahitub, Ichabod's brother, the son of Phinehas, the son of Eli, the priest of the LORD at Shiloh, was wearing an ephod. And the people did not know that Jonathan had gone. [l;S,Ûh;-!ve ~yTiêv.liP. bC;äm;-l[; ‘rbo[]l;( ‘!t'n"Ay* vQEÜBi rv, ’a] tArªB.[.M;h;( !ybeäW 14:4 `hN hZ ak'mi ar"b[ime ap'yked> an"yvi yaet'vlip. `at'ykiArdm. ad"x. ~vew> ~Avw> at'y[iArvm. ad"x. 14:4 Between the passes by which Jonathan sought to cross over to the Philistines' garrison, there was a sharp crag on the one side and a sharp crag on the other side, and the name of the one was Bozez, and the name of the other Seneh. s `[b;G") lWmï bg ~d"q¥ tyle yrEa. as'nI an"l; y"y> dybe[.y: ~ai am' !yleaih' `yrEy[ezbi Aa yaeygIs;b. qr:pmil. 14:6 Then Jonathan said to the young man who was carrying his armor, "Come and let us cross over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; perhaps the LORD will work for us, for the LORD is not restrained to save by many or by few." `^b ^b

`~h,(ylea] WnyliÞg>nIw> ~yvi_n"a]h'-la, ~yrIßb.[o Wnx.n:ïa] hNE ±hi !t'ên"Ahæy> ‘rm,aYO’w: 14:8 `!Ahl. yleg>tnIw> ay"r:bgU tw"l. !yrIb.[' an"xn:a. ah' !t'n"Ahy> rm;a.w: 14:8 14:8 Then Jonathan said, "Behold, we will cross over to the men and reveal ourselves to them. hl,Þ[]n: al{ïw> WnyTeêx.t; Wnd>m;ä['w> ~k,_ylea] Wn[eÞyGIh;-d[; WMDo§ Wnyleêae ‘Wrm.ayO* hKoÜ-~ai 14:9 `~h,(ylea] !Akt.w"l. anbyrqm yjem.tnId> d[; wbk[ta wkuyrIAa an"l; !wrUm.yyE !ydEk. ~ai 14:9 `!Aht.w"l. qs;nI al'w> an"r:ta;b. ~wqunW 14:9 "If they say to us, 'Wait until we come to you'; then we will stand in our place and not go up to them. `tAa)h' WnL'Þ-hz WndE_y"B. hw"ßhy> ~n"ït'n>-yKi( Wnyliê['w> ‘Wnyle ’[' WlÜ[] Wrøm.ayO hKo ’-~aiw> 14:10 an"d:ybi y"y> !wnUrIs;m. yrEa. qs;nIw> ~wqynw antwl an"l;[. wqus; !wrUm.yyE !ydEk. ~aiw> 14:10 `at'a' an"l; !ydEw> 14:10 "But if they say, 'Come up to us,' then we will go up, for the LORD has given them into our hands; and this shall be the sign to us." ~yaiêc.yO* ‘~yrIb.[i hNEÜhi ~yTiêv.lip. Wråm.aYOw: ~yTi_v.liP. bC;Þm;-la, ~h,êynEv. WlåG"YIw: 14:11 `~v'(-WaB.x;t.hi rv ay"r:Ax !mi wqpn !yqip.n" yaed"whuy> 14:11 When both of them revealed themselves to the garrison of the Philistines, the Philistines said, "Behold, Hebrews are coming out of the holes where they have hidden themselves." h['ydIîAnw> Wnyleêae Wlå[] ‘Wrm.aYO*w: wyl' ªke afeänO-ta,w> !t"ån"Ay-ta, hb'øC'M;h; yve’n>a; •Wn[]Y:w: 14:12 dy:ïB. hw"ßhy> ~n"ït'n>-yKi( yr:êx]a; hleä[] ‘wyl'ke afeÛnO-la, !t' øn"Ay rm,aYO “w: p rb"+D" ~k,Þt.a, `lae(r"f.yI [d:AhnW an"l;[. wqus; wrUm;a.w: hynEyzE lyjen" ty"w> !t'n"Ay ty" at'rj;m; yven"a. wbuytia.w: 14:12 ad"ybi y"y> !wnUrIs;m. yrEa. yr:t.b' qs; hynEyzE lyjen"l. !t'n"Ay rm;a.w: am'g"tpi !Akt.y" `laer"vyId> 14:12 So the men of the garrison hailed Jonathan and his armor bearer and said, "Come up to us and we will tell you something." And Jonathan said to his armor bearer, "Come up after me, for the LORD has given them into the hands of Israel." afeînOw> !t'ên"Ay ynEå ‘WlP.YIw:) wyr"_x]a; wyl'Þke afeînOw> wyl'êg>r:-l[;w> ‘wyd"y"-l[; !t' ªn"Ay l[;Y:åw: 14:13 `wyr"(x]a; tteîAmm. wyl'Þke !ynI[.j'm. wlup;nW yhiArt.b' hynEyzE lyjen"w> yhiAlgr: l[;w> yhiAdy> l[; !t'n"Ay qylesW 14:13 `yhiArt.b' tymm tytem'm. hynEyzE lyjen"w> !t'n"Ay ~d"q¥ abrx !yny[j dk 14:13 Then Jonathan climbed up on his hands and feet, with his armor bearer behind him; and they fell before Jonathan, and his armor bearer put some to death after him. yciîx]b;K. vyai_ ~yrIåf.[,K. wyl'Þke afeînOw> !t"±n"Ay hK'óhi rv, ’a] hn"©voarIh' hK'äM;h; yhi úT.w: 14:14 `hdx' tyxiêv.M;h;w> ‘bC'M;h; ~['êh'-lk'b.W ‘hd

`~h,(ylea] WnyliÞg>nIw> ~yvi_n"a]h'-la, ~yrIßb.[o Wnx.n:ïa] hNE ±hi !t'ên"Ahæy> ‘rm,aYO’w: 14:8<br />

`!Ahl. yleg>tnIw> ay"r:bgU tw"l. !yrIb.[' an"xn:a. ah' !t'n"Ahy> rm;a.w: 14:8<br />

14:8 Then Jonathan said, "Behold, we will cross over to the men and reveal ourselves to them.<br />

hl,Þ[]n: al{ïw> WnyTeêx.t; Wnd>m;ä['w> ~k,_ylea] Wn[eÞyGIh;-d[; WMDo§ Wnyleêae ‘Wrm.ayO* hKoÜ-~ai 14:9<br />

`~h,(ylea]<br />

!Akt.w"l. anbyrqm yjem.tnId> d[; wbk[ta wkuyrIAa an"l; !wrUm.yyE !ydEk. ~ai 14:9<br />

`!Aht.w"l. qs;nI al'w> an"r:ta;b. ~wqunW<br />

14:9 "If they say to us, 'Wait until we come to you'; then we will stand in our place and not go up to them.<br />

`tAa)h' WnL'Þ-hz WndE_y"B. hw"ßhy> ~n"ït'n>-yKi( Wnyliê['w> ‘Wnyle ’[' WlÜ[] Wrøm.ayO hKo ’-~aiw> 14:10<br />

an"d:ybi y"y> !wnUrIs;m. yrEa. qs;nIw> ~wqynw antwl an"l;[. wqus; !wrUm.yyE !ydEk. ~aiw> 14:10<br />

`at'a' an"l; !ydEw><br />

14:10 "But if they say, 'Come up to us,' then we will go up, for the LORD has given them into our hands; and this shall<br />

be the sign to us."<br />

~yaiêc.yO* ‘~yrIb.[i hNEÜhi ~yTiêv.lip. Wråm.aYOw: ~yTi_v.liP. bC;Þm;-la, ~h,êynEv. WlåG"YIw: 14:11<br />

`~v'(-WaB.x;t.hi rv ay"r:Ax !mi wqpn !yqip.n" yaed"whuy><br />

14:11 When both <strong>of</strong> them revealed themselves to the garrison <strong>of</strong> the Philistines, the Philistines said, "Behold, Hebrews<br />

are coming out <strong>of</strong> the holes where they have hidden themselves."<br />

h['ydIîAnw> Wnyleêae Wlå[] ‘Wrm.aYO*w: wyl' ªke afeänO-ta,w> !t"ån"Ay-ta, hb'øC'M;h; yve’n>a; •Wn[]Y:w: 14:12<br />

dy:ïB. hw"ßhy> ~n"ït'n>-yKi( yr:êx]a; hleä[] ‘wyl'ke afeÛnO-la, !t' øn"Ay rm,aYO “w: p rb"+D" ~k,Þt.a,<br />

`lae(r"f.yI<br />

[d:AhnW an"l;[. wqus; wrUm;a.w: hynEyzE lyjen" ty"w> !t'n"Ay ty" at'rj;m; yven"a. wbuytia.w: 14:12<br />

ad"ybi y"y> !wnUrIs;m. yrEa. yr:t.b' qs; hynEyzE lyjen"l. !t'n"Ay rm;a.w: am'g"tpi !Akt.y"<br />

`laer"vyId><br />

14:12 So the men <strong>of</strong> the garrison hailed Jonathan and his armor bearer and said, "Come up to us and we will tell you<br />

something." And Jonathan said to his armor bearer, "Come up after me, for the LORD has given them into the hands <strong>of</strong><br />

Israel."<br />

afeînOw> !t'ên"Ay ynEå ‘WlP.YIw:) wyr"_x]a; wyl'Þke afeînOw> wyl'êg>r:-l[;w> ‘wyd"y"-l[; !t' ªn"Ay l[;Y:åw: 14:13<br />

`wyr"(x]a; tteîAmm. wyl'Þke<br />

!ynI[.j'm. wlup;nW yhiArt.b' hynEyzE lyjen"w> yhiAlgr: l[;w> yhiAdy> l[; !t'n"Ay qylesW 14:13<br />

`yhiArt.b' tymm tytem'm. hynEyzE lyjen"w> !t'n"Ay ~d"q¥ abrx !yny[j dk<br />

14:13 Then Jonathan climbed up on his hands and feet, with his armor bearer behind him; and they fell before Jonathan,<br />

and his armor bearer put some to death after him.<br />

yciîx]b;K. vyai_ ~yrIåf.[,K. wyl'Þke afeînOw> !t"±n"Ay hK'óhi rv, ’a] hn"©voarIh' hK'äM;h; yhi úT.w: 14:14<br />

`hdx' tyxiêv.M;h;w> ‘bC'M;h; ~['êh'-lk'b.W ‘hd

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