First book of Samuel

1 Samuel 1 Samuel


carrying a jug of wine; `~d"(Y"mi T'Þx.q;l'w> ~x,l,ê-yTev. ‘^l. WnÝt.n"w> ~Al+v'l. ^ßl. Wlïa]v'w> 10:4 lybeq;tW ~yxeldI !ycyrg !syrg !c'yrIg> !ytert; $l' !wnUt.yIw> ~l'vli $l' !wlua.vyIw> 10:4 `!Ahdy:mi 10:4 and they will greet you and give you two loaves of bread, which you will accept from their hand. ~v' ø ^’a]bok. •yhiywI ~yTi_v.lip. ybeäcin> ~v'Þ-rv,a] ~yhiêl{a/h' t[;äb.GI ‘aAbT' !Ke ª rx;a;ä 10:5 rANëkiw> lyliäx'w> ‘@tow> lb,nEÜ ~h, úynEp.liw> hm'êB'h;me( ~ydIär>yO ‘~yaiybin> lb,x,Û T' ú[.g:p'W ry[iªh' `~yai(B.n:t.mi( hM'heÞw> yheywI yaet'vlip. ygEyjirj;sai !m't;d> y"y>d: an"Ara. hb;d> at'[.bgIl. $h't. !yke rt;b' 10:5 at'wrUx'sa; -tybemi !ytix.n" ay"r:p.s' t[;ysi [r:['tw> at'r>q;l. !m't;l. $l'[.ymek. `!yxib.v;m. !wnUaiw> !yrIn"kiw> !;w> !ypituw> !ylibnI !Ahymed"qW 10:5 "Afterward you will come to the hill of God where the Philistine garrison is; and it shall be as soon as you have come there to the city, that you will meet a group of prophets coming down from the high place with harp, tambourine, flute, and a lyre before them, and they will be prophesying. `rxE)a; vyaiîl. T'Þk.P;h.n ~M'_[i t'yBiÞn:t.hiw> hw"ëhy> x:Wrå ‘^yl,’[' hx'Ûl.c'w> 10:6 `!r"x¥a' rb;gli ynEt;vtiw> !Ahm.[i xb;v;tw> y"y> ~d"q¥ !mi ha'wbun> x:wrU $l'[. yrEvtiw> 10:6 10:6 "Then the Spirit of the LORD will come upon you mightily, and you shall prophesy with them and be changed into another man. ac'äm.Ti rv 10:7 `%M")[i ~yhiÞl{a/h' yKiî ^d èlG"l.GIh; éyn:p'l. T'äd>r:y"w> 10:8 `hf,([]T; rv ^yl,êae yaiäAB-d[; ‘lxeAT ~ymiÛy" t[; ’ ~ymi_l'v. ts;knI as'k'n:lW !w"l'[. aq's'a;l. $t'w"l. tyxen" an"a. ah'w> al'g"lgIl. ym;d"q¥ tAxytew> 10:8 `dybe[.t;d> ty" $l' ywEx;a.w: $t'w"l. at;yme d[; $yrEAt !ymiAy h['bvi !yvidqu 10:8 "And you shall go down before me to Gilgal; and behold, I will come down to you to offer burnt offerings and sacrifice peace offerings. You shall wait seven days until I come to you and show you what you should do." rxE+a; bleä ~yhiÞl{a/ Alï-%p'h]Y:w: laeêWmv. ~[iäme ‘tk,l,’l' ‘ AtÜnOp.h;K. hy"©h'w> 10:9 s `aWh)h; ~AYðB; hL,aeÞh' tAtïaoh'-lK' Wabo±Y"w: ha't;a.w: an"r"xau ab'li y"y> hyle ynIv;w> laewmuv. tw"l.mi lz:ymel. ynIp.tai dk; hw"h.w: 10:9 `awhuh; am'Ayb. !yleaih' ay"t;a' lk' 10:9 Then it happened when he turned his back to leave Samuel, God changed his heart; and all those signs came about on that day. ~yhiêl{a/ x:Wrå ‘wyl'[' xl;Ûc.Tiw: At=ar" ~yaiÞbin>-lb,x,( hNEïhiw> ht'['êb.GIh; ‘~v' WaboÜY"w: 10:10 `~k'(AtB. aBeÞn:t.YIw: tr"vW yhwmdqdmw hytewmud"q;l. ay"r:p.s' t[;ysi ah'w> at'[.bgIl. !m't;l. Ata.w: 10:10 `!AhynEybe xb;v;w> y"y> ~d"q¥ !mi ha'wbun> x:wrU yhiAl[. 10:10 When they came to the hill there, behold, a group of prophets met him; and the Spirit of God came upon him mightily, so that he prophesied among them. ~[' øh' rm,aYO“w: aB'_nI ~yaiÞbin>-~[i hNEïhiw> Wa§r>YIw: ~Avê lAmåT.aime ‘A[d>Ay*-lK' yhiªy>w: 10:11

`~yai(ybiN>B; lWaßv' ~g:ïh] vyqiê-!b,l. hy"åh' ‘hZh' ‘!Ke-l[; ~h,_ybia] ymiäW rm,aYOàw: ~V'²mi vyaiî ![;Y:“w: 10:12 `~yai(biN>B; tw"h. !yke l[; !Ahn>AbrI !Ahb.rI !Ahb.r: !m;W rm;a.w: !m't;mi ar"bgU bytea.w: 10:12 `ay"r:p.s'b. lwauv' @a;h. al'tm;l. 10:12 A man there said, "Now, who is their father?" Therefore it became a proverb: "Is Saul also among the prophets?" `hm'(B'h; aboßY"w: tABên:t.hime( ‘lk;y>w: 10:13 `at'wrUx'sa; -tybel. l['w> ax'b'v;l.mi qs;pW 10:13 10:13 When he had finished prophesying, he came to the high place. tAnëtoa]h'ä-ta, ‘vQeb;l. rm,aYO¨w: ~T,_k.l;h] !a"å Arß[]n:-la,(w> wyl' ²ae lWaïv' dAD’ •rm,aYOw: 10:14 `lae(Wmv.-la, aAbßN"w: !yIa;ê-yki ha,är>NIw: rm;a.w: !wtulz:a. !a'l. hymeylew[ulW hyle lwauv'd> yhwba -xa yhiwbuxa; rm;a.w: 10:14 `laewmuv. tw"l. an"ytea.w: !ynIn"xk;va; al' yrEa. an"yzExw: ay"n:t'a. ty" y[ebmil. 10:14 Now Saul's uncle said to him and his servant, "Where did you go?" And he said, "To look for the donkeys. When we saw that they could not be found, we went to Samuel." `lae(Wmv. ~k,Þl' rm:ïa'-hm'( yliê aN"å-hd"yGI)h; lWa+v' dADå rm,aYOàw: 10:15 `laewmuv. !Akl. rm;a. am' yli ![;k. ywIx; lwauv'd> yhwba xa yhiwbuxa; rm;a.w: 10:15 10:15 Saul's uncle said, "Please tell me what Samuel said to you." rb:ÜD>-ta,w> tAn=toa]h' Waßc.m.nI yKiî Wnl'ê ‘dyGIhi dGEÜh; AdêAD-la, ‘lWav' rm,aYOÝw: 10:16 p `lae(Wmv. rm:ïa' rv ah'l'a. y"y> rm;a. !n"dki laer"vyI ynEbli rm;a.w: 10:18 !q'x.d"d> at'w"k.lm; lk' dy:miW yaer"cmid> ad"y>mi !Akt.y" tybiyzEyvew> ~yIr"cmimi laer"vyI `!Akt.y" !yqix.d"d> 10:18 and he said to the sons of Israel, "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, 'I brought Israel up from Egypt, and I delivered you from the hand of the Egyptians and from the power of all the kingdoms that were oppressing you.' ~k,äyteA[r"-lK'mi é~k,l' [:yviäAm aWhå-rv,a] ~k,ªyhel{a/-ta, ~T,äs.a;m. ~AY÷h; ~T, ’a;w> 10:19

`~yai(ybiN>B; lWaßv' ~g:ïh] vyqiê-!b,l. hy"åh' ‘hZh' ‘!Ke-l[; ~h,_ybia] ymiäW rm,aYOàw: ~V'²mi vyaiî ![;Y:“w: 10:12<br />

`~yai(biN>B;<br />

tw"h. !yke l[; !Ahn>AbrI !Ahb.rI !Ahb.r: !m;W rm;a.w: !m't;mi ar"bgU bytea.w: 10:12<br />

`ay"r:p.s'b. lwauv' @a;h. al'tm;l.<br />

10:12 A man there said, "Now, who is their father?" Therefore it became a proverb: "Is Saul also among the prophets?"<br />

`hm'(B'h; aboßY"w: tABên:t.hime( ‘lk;y>w: 10:13<br />

`at'wrUx'sa; -tybel. l['w> ax'b'v;l.mi qs;pW 10:13<br />

10:13 When he had finished prophesying, he came to the high place.<br />

tAnëtoa]h'ä-ta, ‘vQeb;l. rm,aYO¨w: ~T,_k.l;h] !a"å Arß[]n:-la,(w> wyl' ²ae lWaïv' dAD’ •rm,aYOw: 10:14<br />

`lae(Wmv.-la, aAbßN"w: !yIa;ê-yki ha,är>NIw:<br />

rm;a.w: !wtulz:a. !a'l. hymeylew[ulW hyle lwauv'd> yhwba -xa yhiwbuxa; rm;a.w: 10:14<br />

`laewmuv. tw"l. an"ytea.w: !ynIn"xk;va; al' yrEa. an"yzExw: ay"n:t'a. ty" y[ebmil.<br />

10:14 Now Saul's uncle said to him and his servant, "Where did you go?" And he said, "To look for the donkeys. When<br />

we saw that they could not be found, we went to <strong>Samuel</strong>."<br />

`lae(Wmv. ~k,Þl' rm:ïa'-hm'( yliê aN"å-hd"yGI)h; lWa+v' dADå rm,aYOàw: 10:15<br />

`laewmuv. !Akl. rm;a. am' yli ![;k. ywIx; lwauv'd> yhwba xa yhiwbuxa; rm;a.w: 10:15<br />

10:15 Saul's uncle said, "Please tell me what <strong>Samuel</strong> said to you."<br />

rb:ÜD>-ta,w> tAn=toa]h' Waßc.m.nI yKiî Wnl'ê ‘dyGIhi dGEÜh; AdêAD-la, ‘lWav' rm,aYOÝw: 10:16<br />

p `lae(Wmv. rm:ïa' rv ah'l'a. y"y> rm;a. !n"dki laer"vyI ynEbli rm;a.w: 10:18<br />

!q'x.d"d> at'w"k.lm; lk' dy:miW yaer"cmid> ad"y>mi !Akt.y" tybiyzEyvew> ~yIr"cmimi laer"vyI<br />

`!Akt.y" !yqix.d"d><br />

10:18 and he said to the sons <strong>of</strong> Israel, "Thus says the LORD, the God <strong>of</strong> Israel, 'I brought Israel up from Egypt, and I<br />

delivered you from the hand <strong>of</strong> the Egyptians and from the power <strong>of</strong> all the kingdoms that were oppressing you.'<br />

~k,äyteA[r"-lK'mi é~k,l' [:yviäAm aWhå-rv,a] ~k,ªyhel{a/-ta, ~T,äs.a;m. ~AY÷h; ~T, ’a;w> 10:19

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