First book of Samuel

1 Samuel 1 Samuel


as'mnU !Ahl. ywEx;tW !Ahb. dyhest; ad"h'sa; yrEa. ~r:b. !Ahrm;ymel. lybeq; ![;kW 8:9 `!Ahyle[. $AlmyId> ak'lm;d> as'AmynI 8:9 "Now then, listen to their voice; however, you shall solemnly warn them and tell them of the procedure of the king who will reign over them." s `%l,m,( ATßaime ~yliîa]Voh; ~['§h'-la, hw"+hy> yrEäb.DI-lK' taeÞ laeêWmv. rm,aYOæw: 8:10 `ak'lm; hynEmi wlyavd !ylia.v'd> am'[;l. y"y>d: ay"m;g"tpi lk' ty" laewmuv. rm;a.w: 8:10 8:10 So Samuel spoke all the words of the LORD to the people who had asked of him a king. ‘Al ~f'îw> xQ'ªyI ~k,äynEB.-ta, ~k,_yle[] %l{àm.yI rv ~ypiÞl'a] yrEîf' Alê ~Wfål'w> 8:12 `AB*k.rI yleîk.W ATßm.x;l.mi-yle(K. dc;xmilW hyrEynI rn"mli ay"r:k'aiw> !yvimx; ynEb'r:w> !ypila; ynEb'r: hyle ha'n"m;lW 8:12 `hykytr yhiAktir> ynEm'W hyber"q. ynEm' db;[.m;l. ay"n:m'wauw> hydEc'x. 8:12 "He will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and of fifties, and some to do his plowing and to reap his harvest and to make his weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. `tAp)aol.W tAxßB'j;l.W tAxïQ'r:l. xQ"+yI ~k,ÞyteAnB.-ta,w> 8:13 `!a'p'a'lW !x'b'j;lW !v'm'v;l. rb;dyI !Akt.n"b. ty"w> 8:13 8:13 "He will also take your daughters for perfumers and cooks and bakers. `wyd"(b'[]l; !t:ßn"w> xQ"+yI ~ybiÞAJh; ~k, ²yteyzEw> ~k,óymer>K;-ta,w> ~k,yteAd)f.û-ta,w> 8:14 `yhiAdb[;l. !yteyIw> bs;yI ay"b;j' !wktyz tyw !AkyteyzEw> !Akymerk; ty"w> !Akyleqx; ty"w> 8:14 8:14 "He will take the best of your fields and your vineyards and your olive groves and give them to his servants. `wyd"(b'[]l;w> wys'ÞyrIs'l. !t:ïn"w> rfo=[.y: ~k,Þymer>k;w> ~k,îy[er>z:w> 8:15 yhiAnb'r>br:l. yhiAbr>br:l. bhyw !yteyIw> ar"s[; !mi dx; bs;yI !Akymerk;w> !Aky[erz:w> 8:15 `yhiAdb[;lW 8:15 "He will take a tenth of your seed and of your vineyards and give to his officers and to his servants. xQ"+yI ~k,ÞyrEAmx]-ta,w> ~ybi ²AJh; ~k,óyrEWxB;-ta,w> ~k,øyteAx’,w>) •~k,ydEb.[;-ta,w> 8:16 `AT*; hf'Þ['w> rb'dyI !AkyrEm'x. ty"w> ay"r:ypiv; !Akymeylew[u ty"w> !Akt.h'ma; ty"w> !AkydEb[; ty"w> 8:16 `hyted>ybi[. ty" !ydIb.[' ywEhmil. 8:16 "He will also take your male servants and your female servants and your best young men and your donkeys and use them for his work. `~ydI(b'[]l; Alï-Wyh.Ti( ~T,Þa;w> rfo=[.y: ~k,Þn>aco 8:17 `!ydIb[;l. hyle !Aht. !wtua;w> ar"s[; !mi dx; bs;yI !Akn>[' 8:17 8:17 "He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will become his servants. hw" ±hy> hn ~k,_l' ~T,Þr>x;B. rvW 8:18 `aWh)h; ~AYðB; ~k,Þt.a, !Akl. !wtuy[ir>taid> !Akk.lm; ~d"q¥ !mi awhuh; am'Ayb. an"d"[ib. !wxuw>ct;w> !wxuw>ctiw> 8:18

`awhuh; am'Ayb. an"d"[ib. !wkty !Akt.Alc. y"y> lybeq;y> al'w> 8:18 "Then you will cry out in that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the LORD will not answer you in that day." `Wnyle([' hy 8:19 `an"l;[. 8:19 Nevertheless, the people refused to listen to the voice of Samuel, and they said, "No, but there shall be a king over us, ~x;Þl.nIw> WnynEëp'l. ac'äy"w> ‘WnKe’l.m; Wnj'Ûp'v.W ~yI+AGh;-lk'K. Wnx.n:ßa]-~g: WnyyIïh'w> 8:20 `Wnte(mox]l.mi-ta, qApyIw> an"k;lm; an"l; [r:p.tyIw> ay"m;m.[; lk'k. an"xn:a. @a; $h;nW ywhnw yhenW 8:20 `an"b;r"q. ty" xy:gIywI xy:gInW ay"v;yrEb. 8:20 that we also may be like all the nations, that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles." p `hw")hy> ynEïz>a'B. ~rEÞB.d:y>w:) ~['_h' yrEäb.DI-lK' taeÞ laeêWmv. [m;äv.YIw: 8:21 `y'y> ~d"q¥ !wnUrId:s;w> am'[; ymeg"tpi lk' ty" laewmuv. [m;vW 8:21 8:21 Now after Samuel had heard all the words of the people, he repeated them in the LORD'S hearing. ‘laeWmv. rm,aYOÝw: %l,m,_ ~h,Þl' T'îk.l;m.hiw> ~l'êAqB. [m;äv. ‘laeWmv.-la, hw"Ühy> rm,aYO“w: 8:22 p `Ar)y[il. vyaiî Wkßl. laeêr"f.yI yveän>a;-la, laewmuv. rm;a.w: ak'lm; !Ahl. $ylemt;w> !Ahrm;ymel. lybeq; laewmuvli y"y> rm;a.w: 8:22 `hyterq;l. rb;g> wluyzIyai laer"vyI yven"a.l; 8:22 The LORD said to Samuel, "Listen to their voice and appoint them a king." So Samuel said to the men of Israel, "Go every man to his city." tr: ²AkB.-!B, rArõc.-!B, laeúybia]-!B, vyqIå Amv.Wû Î!ymi ªy"n>BimiÐ ¿!ymiy"-!BimiÀ vyaiä-yhiy>w:¥ 9:1 `lyIx") rABàGI ynI+ymiy> vyaiä-!B, x:ypiÞa]-!B, rArc. rb; laeybia. rb; vyqi hymevW !ymiy"nbi tybed> aj'bvimi dx ar"bgU hw"h.w: 9:1 `al'yxe rb'gI !ymiy"nbi tybed> aj'bvimi ar"bgU rb; xy:pia. rb; tr:Akb. rb; 9:1 Now there was a man of Benjamin whose name was Kish the son of Abiel, the son of Zeror, the son of Becorath, the son of Aphiah, the son of a Benjamite, a mighty man of valor. WNM,_mi bAjå laeÞr"f.yI ynEïB.mi vyai² !yaeîw> bAjêw" rWxåB' ‘lWav' AmÜv.W !be ø hy" “h'-Alw> 9:2 `~['(h'-lK'mi H:boßG" hl'[.m;êw" Amæk.Vimi rypiv;d> laer"vyI ynEb.mi ar"bgU tylew> rypiv;w> ~yleA[ lwauv' hymevw> rb; hw"h. hylew> 9:2 `am'[; lk'mi br ~r" al'y[elW hypetkimi hynEmi 9:2 He had a son whose name was Saul, a choice and handsome man, and there was not a more handsome person than he among the sons of Israel; from his shoulders and up he was taller than any of the people. an"Ü-xq; An©B. lWaåv'-la, vyqiø rm,aYO“w: lWa+v' ybiäa] vyqIßl. tAnëtoa]h' ‘hn"d>b;’aTow: 9:3 `tnO*toa]h'-ta, vQEßB; %leê ~Wqåw> ~yrIê['N>h;me( dx;äa;-ta, ‘^ ![;k. rb;d> hyrEb. lwauv'l. vyqi rm;a.w: lwauv'd> yhiwbua. vyqil. ay"n:t'a. ad"b;a.w: 9:3 `ay"n:t'a. ty" y[eb. lyzEyai ~wquw> ay"m;ylew[ume dx; ty" $m'[i 9:3 Now the donkeys of Kish, Saul's father, were lost. So Kish said to his son Saul, "Take now with you one of the servants, and arise, go search for the donkeys." ‘~yli[]v;-#r hv'liÞv'-#r ynIßymiy>-#r

as'mnU !Ahl. ywEx;tW !Ahb. dyhest; ad"h'sa; yrEa. ~r:b. !Ahrm;ymel. lybeq; ![;kW 8:9<br />

`!Ahyle[. $AlmyId> ak'lm;d> as'AmynI<br />

8:9 "Now then, listen to their voice; however, you shall solemnly warn them and tell them <strong>of</strong> the procedure <strong>of</strong> the king<br />

who will reign over them."<br />

s `%l,m,( ATßaime ~yliîa]Voh; ~['§h'-la, hw"+hy> yrEäb.DI-lK' taeÞ laeêWmv. rm,aYOæw: 8:10<br />

`ak'lm; hynEmi wlyavd !ylia.v'd> am'[;l. y"y>d: ay"m;g"tpi lk' ty" laewmuv. rm;a.w: 8:10<br />

8:10 So <strong>Samuel</strong> spoke all the words <strong>of</strong> the LORD to the people who had asked <strong>of</strong> him a king.<br />

‘Al ~f'îw> xQ'ªyI ~k,äynEB.-ta, ~k,_yle[] %l{àm.yI rv ~ypiÞl'a] yrEîf' Alê ~Wfål'w> 8:12<br />

`AB*k.rI yleîk.W ATßm.x;l.mi-yle(K.<br />

dc;xmilW hyrEynI rn"mli ay"r:k'aiw> !yvimx; ynEb'r:w> !ypila; ynEb'r: hyle ha'n"m;lW 8:12<br />

`hykytr yhiAktir> ynEm'W hyber"q. ynEm' db;[.m;l. ay"n:m'wauw> hydEc'x.<br />

8:12 "He will appoint for himself commanders <strong>of</strong> thousands and <strong>of</strong> fifties, and some to do his plowing and to reap his<br />

harvest and to make his weapons <strong>of</strong> war and equipment for his chariots.<br />

`tAp)aol.W tAxßB'j;l.W tAxïQ'r:l. xQ"+yI ~k,ÞyteAnB.-ta,w> 8:13<br />

`!a'p'a'lW !x'b'j;lW !v'm'v;l. rb;dyI !Akt.n"b. ty"w> 8:13<br />

8:13 "He will also take your daughters for perfumers and cooks and bakers.<br />

`wyd"(b'[]l; !t:ßn"w> xQ"+yI ~ybiÞAJh; ~k, ²yteyzEw> ~k,óymer>K;-ta,w> ~k,yteAd)f.û-ta,w> 8:14<br />

`yhiAdb[;l. !yteyIw> bs;yI ay"b;j' !wktyz tyw !AkyteyzEw> !Akymerk; ty"w> !Akyleqx; ty"w> 8:14<br />

8:14 "He will take the best <strong>of</strong> your fields and your vineyards and your olive groves and give them to his servants.<br />

`wyd"(b'[]l;w> wys'ÞyrIs'l. !t:ïn"w> rfo=[.y: ~k,Þymer>k;w> ~k,îy[er>z:w> 8:15<br />

yhiAnb'r>br:l. yhiAbr>br:l. bhyw !yteyIw> ar"s[; !mi dx; bs;yI !Akymerk;w> !Aky[erz:w> 8:15<br />

`yhiAdb[;lW<br />

8:15 "He will take a tenth <strong>of</strong> your seed and <strong>of</strong> your vineyards and give to his <strong>of</strong>ficers and to his servants.<br />

xQ"+yI ~k,ÞyrEAmx]-ta,w> ~ybi ²AJh; ~k,óyrEWxB;-ta,w> ~k,øyteAx’,w>) •~k,ydEb.[;-ta,w> 8:16<br />

`AT*; hf'Þ['w><br />

rb'dyI !AkyrEm'x. ty"w> ay"r:ypiv; !Akymeylew[u ty"w> !Akt.h'ma; ty"w> !AkydEb[; ty"w> 8:16<br />

`hyted>ybi[. ty" !ydIb.[' ywEhmil.<br />

8:16 "He will also take your male servants and your female servants and your best young men and your donkeys and use<br />

them for his work.<br />

`~ydI(b'[]l; Alï-Wyh.Ti( ~T,Þa;w> rfo=[.y: ~k,Þn>aco 8:17<br />

`!ydIb[;l. hyle !Aht. !wtua;w> ar"s[; !mi dx; bs;yI !Akn>[' 8:17<br />

8:17 "He will take a tenth <strong>of</strong> your flocks, and you yourselves will become his servants.<br />

hw" ±hy> hn ~k,_l' ~T,Þr>x;B. rvW 8:18<br />

`aWh)h; ~AYðB; ~k,Þt.a,<br />

!Akl. !wtuy[ir>taid> !Akk.lm; ~d"q¥ !mi awhuh; am'Ayb. an"d"[ib. !wxuw>ct;w> !wxuw>ctiw> 8:18

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