First book of Samuel

1 Samuel 1 Samuel


and five golden mice according to the number of the lords of the Philistines, for one plague was on all of you and on your lords. #r Î~k,øyrExoj.Ð ¿~k,ylep.['À yme’l.c; •~t,yfi[]w: 6:5 ~k,Þyhel{a/ l[;îmeW ~k,êyle[]me( ‘Ady"-ta, lqEÜy" yl;ªWa dAb+K' laeÞr"f.yI yheîl{ale ~T,²t;n>W `~k,(c.r>a; l[;îmeW !wnUt.tiw> a['ra; ty" !ylib.x;mdI !AkyrEb.k[; ymelc;w> !AkyrEAxj. ymelc; !wdUb.[t;w> 6:5 !Akt.w"[.j' !miW !Akn>mi hytex.m; xw:nUt. ~ai am' ar"q'y> laer"vyId> ahlal ah'l'a. ~d"q¥ `!Ak[r:a. !miW 6:5 "So you shall make likenesses of your tumors and likenesses of your mice that ravage the land, and you shall give glory to the God of Israel; perhaps He will ease His hand from you, your gods, and your land. ‘aAlh] ~B'_li-ta, h[oßr>p;W ~yIr:ïc.mi Wd±B.Ki rv 6:6 `Wkle(YEw: ~WxßL.v;y>w:¥ ~h,êB' lLeä[;t.hi rvB")h; ~h,ÞyrEx]a;me ~h, ²ynEB. ~t,óboyveh]w: hl'êg"[]B' ‘tArP'h;-ta, ~T,Ûr>s;a]w: l[o+ ~h,Þyle[] !r"At !ytert;w> ad"x. at'd:x. at'lg:[. wdyb[yw wdyby[w wdUybi[.w: wbus; ![;k.W 6:7 at'lg:[.b; !rwt at'r"At ty" !wrUs.ytew> rynIb. !whyl[ ad"g:n> al'd> !q'n>yme at'r>At `atyb wyg"l. !AhyrEt.b'mi !AhynEb. !wbuytit'w> 6:7 "Now therefore, take and prepare a new cart and two milch cows on which there has never been a yoke; and hitch the cows to the cart and take their calves home, away from them. rv, ’a] bh'ªZ"h; yleäK. taeäw> hl'êg"[]h'ä-la, ‘Atao ~T,Ût;n>W hw"©hy> !Aråa]-ta, ~T,úx.q;l.W 6:8 `%l")h'w> Atàao ~T,îx.L;viw> AD=Cimi zG:ßr>a;b' WmyfiîT' ~v'êa' ‘Al ~t,îboveh] ab'h.d: ynEm' ty"w> at'lg:[.b; hytey" !wntytw !wtux.t;w> y"y>d: an"Ara. ty" !wbus.tiw> 6:8 !wxul.v;tW hyrEjsimi atwbytb ab't.yteb. !Awv;t. am'v'a. !b;rqu yhiAmd"q¥ !wtubytea.d: `$h'ywI hytey" 6:8 "Take the ark of the LORD and place it on the cart; and put the articles of gold which you return to Him as a guilt offering in a box by its side. Then send it away that it may go. h['îr"h'-ta, Wnl'ê hf'['ä aWh… vm,v,ê tyBeä ‘hl,[]y:) AlÝWbG> %rh; yhiAmd"q¥ !mi vm;v;-tybel. qsy qyles' qyles; hymewxut. xr:Aab. ~[i !Azxtiw> 6:9 al' yrEa. [d:nIw> al' ~aiw> ad"h' at'b.r: at'vbi ty an"l; tdyb[ty td:ybe[.tai `an"l; aw"h.d: awhu [:wrUy[e an"b; tb;yrEq. hytex.m; 6:9 "Watch, if it goes up by the way of its own territory to Beth-shemesh, then He has done us this great evil. But if not, then we will know that it was not His hand that struck us; it happened to us by chance." ~h,ÞynEB.-ta,w> hl'_g"[]B' ~Wrßs.a;Y:w: tAlê[' ‘tArp' yTeÛv. Wxªq.YIw: !Keê ‘~yvin"a]h' WfÜ[]Y:w: 6:10 `tyIB")b; WlïK' !wnyrsaw !ynIwrUs;a.w: !q'n>yme !r"At !ytert; wrUb;dW wbuysinW !yke ay"r:bgU wdUb;[.w: 6:10 `at'ybeb. Alk. !AhynEb. ty"w> at'lg:[.b; 6:10 Then the men did so, and took two milch cows and hitched them to the cart, and shut up their calves at home.

taeÞw> bh'êZ"h; yrEäB.k.[; ‘taew> zG:©r>a;h' taeäw> hl'_g"[]h'-la, hw"ßhy> !Arïa]-ta, Wmfi²Y"w: 6:11 `~h,(yrExoj. ymeîl.c; ty"w> ab'hd: yrEb.k[; ty"w> atwbyt at'b.yte ty"w> at'lg:[.b; y"y>d: an"Ara. ty" wyUwIv;w> 6:11 `!AhyrEAxj. ymelc; 6:11 They put the ark of the LORD on the cart, and the box with the golden mice and the likenesses of their tumors. A[êg"w> ‘%l{h' WkÜl.h' tx; ªa; hL'äsim.Bi vm,v,ê tyBeä ‘%r lwamo+f.W !ymiäy" Wrs"ß-al{w> avybkb av'bkib. vm;v;-tybe xr:Aa l[' ax'rAab. at'r"At an"ywIk;aiw> an"ywIka;w> 6:12 ynErwjuw> al'm'sliw> an"ymiy:l. ha'j;s. al'w> !y"[.g"w> lz"yme wlza !ylza !l'z>a' dx; `vm;v'-tybe ~wxut. d[; !AhyrEt.b' !yliz>a' yaet'vlip. 6:12 And the cows took the straight way in the direction of Beth-shemesh; they went along the highway, lowing as they went, and did not turn aside to the right or to the left. And the lords of the Philistines followed them to the border of Beth-shemesh. !Arêa'h'ä-ta, ‘War>YIw: ~h,ªynEy[e-ta, Waåf.YIw: qm,[e_B' ~yJiÞxi-ryciq. ~yrIïc.qo vm,v,ê tybeäW 6:13 `tAa)r>li Wxßm.f.YIw:) an"Ara. ty" Azx.w: !AhynEy[e ty" wpuq;zW ar"v.ymeb. !yjixi dc'x. !ydIc.x' vm;v;-tybeW 6:13 `yzExmil. wauydIxw: 6:13 Now the people of Beth-shemesh were reaping their wheat harvest in the valley, and they raised their eyes and saw the ark and were glad to see it. hl'_AdG> !b,a,ä ~v'Þw> ~v'ê dmoå[]T;w: ‘yvim.Vih;-tyBe( [;vuÛAhy> hdE ’f.-la, ha'B'û hl'‡g"[]h'w> 6:14 s `hw")hyl; hl'Þ[o Wlï[/h, tArêP'h;’-ta,w> hl'êg"[]h' yceä[]-ta, ‘W[Q.b;y>w:) !m't;w> !m't; amqw tm;q;w> vm;v; tybb yd tybemid> [:vuAhy> lq;x.l; tt'a. at'lg:[.w: 6:14 `y'y> ~d"q¥ at'l'[. wquysia; at'r"At ty"w> at'lg:[. y[ea' ty" wxul;c;w> at'b.r: an"ba; 6:14 The cart came into the field of Joshua the Beth-shemite and stood there where there was a large stone; and they split the wood of the cart and offered the cows as a burnt offering to the LORD. bh'êz"-yle(k. ABå-rv,a] ‘ATai-rv,a] zG:Ür>a;h'-ta,w> hw"©hy> !Aråa]-ta, WdyrIåAh ~YIùwIl.h;w> 6:15 ~AYðB; ~yxi²b'z> WxôB.z>YIw:¥ tAlø[o Wl’[/h, vm,v,ª-tybe( yveän>a;w> hl'_AdG>h; !b,a,äh'-la, WmfiÞY"w: `hw")hyl;( aWhßh; hybed> hyme[id> atwbyt at'b.yte ty"w> y"y>d: an"Ara. ty" wtuyxia. wtuyxia; yaew"ylew> 6:15 ts;knI wsuykin:w> !w"l'[. wquysia; vm;v;-tybe yrEbgUw> at'b.r: an"ba; l[; wauywIv;w> ab'hd: ynEm' `y'y> ~d"q¥ awhuh; am'Ayb. !yvidqu 6:15 The Levites took down the ark of the LORD and the box that was with it, in which were the articles of gold, and put them on the large stone; and the men of Beth-shemesh offered burnt offerings and sacrificed sacrifices that day to the LORD. s `aWh)h; ~AYðB; !Arßq.[, WbvuîY"w: Wa+r" ~yTiÞv.lip.-ynE)r>s; hV'îmix]w: 6:16 `awhuh' am'Ayb. !Arq[;l. wbut'w> wzUx. yaet'vlip. ynErwju av'mx;w> 6:16 6:16 When the five lords of the Philistines saw it, they returned to Ekron that day. dx'êa, dAD’v.a;l. hw"+hyl;( ~v'Þa' ~yTi ²v.lip. Wbyvióhe rv, ’a] bh'êZ"h; yrEäxoj. ‘hL,ae’w> 6:17 s `dx'(a, !Arïq.[,l. dx'Þa, tg:ïl. dx'êa, !Alåq.v.a;l. ‘dx'a, hZ"Ü[;l. dx; dAdva;d> y"y> ~d"q¥ am'v'a. !b;rqu yaet'vlip. wbuytia.d: ab'hd: yrEAxj. !yleaiw> 6:17 `dx; !Arq[;d> dx; tg:d> dx; !;d> dx; hz"[;d> 6:17 These are the golden tumors which the Philistines returned for a guilt offering to the LORD: one for Ashdod, one for Gaza, one for Ashkelon, one for Gath, one for Ekron;

taeÞw> bh'êZ"h; yrEäB.k.[; ‘taew> zG:©r>a;h' taeäw> hl'_g"[]h'-la, hw"ßhy> !Arïa]-ta, Wmfi²Y"w: 6:11<br />

`~h,(yrExoj. ymeîl.c;<br />

ty"w> ab'hd: yrEb.k[; ty"w> atwbyt at'b.yte ty"w> at'lg:[.b; y"y>d: an"Ara. ty" wyUwIv;w> 6:11<br />

`!AhyrEAxj. ymelc;<br />

6:11 They put the ark <strong>of</strong> the LORD on the cart, and the box with the golden mice and the likenesses <strong>of</strong> their tumors.<br />

A[êg"w> ‘%l{h' WkÜl.h' tx; ªa; hL'äsim.Bi vm,v,ê tyBeä ‘%r lwamo+f.W !ymiäy" Wrs"ß-al{w><br />

avybkb av'bkib. vm;v;-tybe xr:Aa l[' ax'rAab. at'r"At an"ywIk;aiw> an"ywIka;w> 6:12<br />

ynErwjuw> al'm'sliw> an"ymiy:l. ha'j;s. al'w> !y"[.g"w> lz"yme wlza !ylza !l'z>a' dx;<br />

`vm;v'-tybe ~wxut. d[; !AhyrEt.b' !yliz>a' yaet'vlip.<br />

6:12 And the cows took the straight way in the direction <strong>of</strong> Beth-shemesh; they went along the highway, lowing as they<br />

went, and did not turn aside to the right or to the left. And the lords <strong>of</strong> the Philistines followed them to the border <strong>of</strong><br />

Beth-shemesh.<br />

!Arêa'h'ä-ta, ‘War>YIw: ~h,ªynEy[e-ta, Waåf.YIw: qm,[e_B' ~yJiÞxi-ryciq. ~yrIïc.qo vm,v,ê tybeäW 6:13<br />

`tAa)r>li Wxßm.f.YIw:)<br />

an"Ara. ty" Azx.w: !AhynEy[e ty" wpuq;zW ar"v.ymeb. !yjixi dc'x. !ydIc.x' vm;v;-tybeW 6:13<br />

`yzExmil. wauydIxw:<br />

6:13 Now the people <strong>of</strong> Beth-shemesh were reaping their wheat harvest in the valley, and they raised their eyes and saw<br />

the ark and were glad to see it.<br />

hl'_AdG> !b,a,ä ~v'Þw> ~v'ê dmoå[]T;w: ‘yvim.Vih;-tyBe( [;vuÛAhy> hdE ’f.-la, ha'B'û hl'‡g"[]h'w> 6:14<br />

s `hw")hyl; hl'Þ[o Wlï[/h, tArêP'h;’-ta,w> hl'êg"[]h' yceä[]-ta, ‘W[Q.b;y>w:)<br />

!m't;w> !m't; amqw tm;q;w> vm;v; tybb yd tybemid> [:vuAhy> lq;x.l; tt'a. at'lg:[.w: 6:14<br />

`y'y> ~d"q¥ at'l'[. wquysia; at'r"At ty"w> at'lg:[. y[ea' ty" wxul;c;w> at'b.r: an"ba;<br />

6:14 The cart came into the field <strong>of</strong> Joshua the Beth-shemite and stood there where there was a large stone; and they split<br />

the wood <strong>of</strong> the cart and <strong>of</strong>fered the cows as a burnt <strong>of</strong>fering to the LORD.<br />

bh'êz"-yle(k. ABå-rv,a] ‘ATai-rv,a] zG:Ür>a;h'-ta,w> hw"©hy> !Aråa]-ta, WdyrIåAh ~YIùwIl.h;w> 6:15<br />

~AYðB; ~yxi²b'z> WxôB.z>YIw:¥ tAlø[o Wl’[/h, vm,v,ª-tybe( yveän>a;w> hl'_AdG>h; !b,a,äh'-la, WmfiÞY"w:<br />

`hw")hyl;( aWhßh;<br />

hybed> hyme[id> atwbyt at'b.yte ty"w> y"y>d: an"Ara. ty" wtuyxia. wtuyxia; yaew"ylew> 6:15<br />

ts;knI wsuykin:w> !w"l'[. wquysia; vm;v;-tybe yrEbgUw> at'b.r: an"ba; l[; wauywIv;w> ab'hd: ynEm'<br />

`y'y> ~d"q¥ awhuh; am'Ayb. !yvidqu<br />

6:15 The Levites took down the ark <strong>of</strong> the LORD and the box that was with it, in which were the articles <strong>of</strong> gold, and put<br />

them on the large stone; and the men <strong>of</strong> Beth-shemesh <strong>of</strong>fered burnt <strong>of</strong>ferings and sacrificed sacrifices that day to the<br />

LORD.<br />

s `aWh)h; ~AYðB; !Arßq.[, WbvuîY"w: Wa+r" ~yTiÞv.lip.-ynE)r>s; hV'îmix]w: 6:16<br />

`awhuh' am'Ayb. !Arq[;l. wbut'w> wzUx. yaet'vlip. ynErwju av'mx;w> 6:16<br />

6:16 When the five lords <strong>of</strong> the Philistines saw it, they returned to Ekron that day.<br />

dx'êa, dAD’v.a;l. hw"+hyl;( ~v'Þa' ~yTi ²v.lip. Wbyvióhe rv, ’a] bh'êZ"h; yrEäxoj. ‘hL,ae’w> 6:17<br />

s `dx'(a, !Arïq.[,l. dx'Þa, tg:ïl. dx'êa, !Alåq.v.a;l. ‘dx'a, hZ"Ü[;l.<br />

dx; dAdva;d> y"y> ~d"q¥ am'v'a. !b;rqu yaet'vlip. wbuytia.d: ab'hd: yrEAxj. !yleaiw> 6:17<br />

`dx; !Arq[;d> dx; tg:d> dx; !;d> dx; hz"[;d><br />

6:17 These are the golden tumors which the Philistines returned for a guilt <strong>of</strong>fering to the LORD: one for Ashdod, one<br />

for Gaza, one for Ashkelon, one for Gath, one for Ekron;

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