First book of Samuel

1 Samuel 1 Samuel


for themselves; David brought it all back. hz an"[' lk' ty" dywId" ab'vW 30:20 `dywId"d> 30:20 So David had captured all the sheep and the cattle which the people drove ahead of the other livestock, and they said, "This is David's spoil." ‘~buyviYO*w: dwI©d" yrEäx]a; tk,L,ämi WråG>Pi-rv dwIëD" tar:ä ‘Wac.YE)w: rAfêB.h; lx;n:åB. s `~Al)v'l. ~h,Þl' la;îv.YIw: rt;b' lz:ymel.mi w[un:m.taid> w[uynIm.taid> ar"bgU !taml !t;am' tw"l. dwId" at'a.w: 30:21 am[ twl dwd byrqw am'[; twmud"q;l. wqup;nW rAvbdI al'xn:b. !wnUwbuytiAaw> dwId" `~l'vli !Ahl. lyaevW am'[; ty" dywId" [r:['w> hyme[id> 30:21 When David came to the two hundred men who were too exhausted to follow David, who had also been left at the brook Besor, and they went out to meet David and to meet the people who were with him, then David approached the people and greeted them. ![;y:… Wrªm.aYOw: èdwID"-~[i Wkål.h' rv al'd> @l'x. wrUm;a.w: dywId" ~[i wluz:a.d: ay"r:bgUmi [:yvir:w> vybi rb;g> lk' bytea.w: 30:22 yhiAnb. ty"w> ty" rb;g> !yhel'a. an"byzEyved> ha'd"[.me !Ahl. !ytenI al' ymi[i wluz:a. `!wluz>yyEw> !wrUb.dyIw> 30:22 Then all the wicked and worthless men among those who went with David said, "Because they did not go with us, we will not give them any of the spoil that we have recovered, except to every man his wife and his children, that they may lead them away and depart." !TeªYIw: Wnt'êao rmoæv.YIw: ‘Wnl'’ hw"ïhy> !t;’n"-rv,a] taeû yx'_a, !kEß Wfï[]t;-al{) dwIëD" rm,aYOæw: 30:23 `WndE(y"B. WnyleÞ[' aB'îh; dWd±G>h;-ta,( an"t;y" rj;nW an"l; y"y> bh;ydI ty" yx'a; !ydk !yke !wdUb.[t; al' dywId" rm;a.w: 30:23 `an"d:ybi an"l;[. tt'a.d: at'yrIvm; ty" bhyw rs;mW 30:23 Then David said, "You must not do so, my brothers, with what the LORD has given us, who has kept us and delivered into our hand the band that came against us. bveîYOh; ql,xe ²k.W¥ hm'ªx'l.MiB; drEäYOh; ql,xeäK. yKi ú hZw: hl'[.m'_w" aWhßh; ~AYðh;me( yhi§y>w: 30:25 p laer"vyIl. !ydI tryzglw ~yql tr:yzEgli hy:wv;w> al'y[elW awhuh; am'Aymi hw"h.w: 30:25 `!ydEh' am'Ay d[; larvyb 30:25 So it has been from that day forward, that he made it a statute and an ordinance for Israel to this day. hNEÜhi rmo=ale Wh[eärEl. hd"ÞWhy> ynEïq.zIl. ll' ²V'h;me( xL;óv;y>w: gl;êq.ciä-la, ‘dwId" aboÜY"w: 30:26

`hw")hy> ybeîy>ao ll;ÞV.mi hk'êr"B. ‘~k,l' yhiAmx.r"l. hd"whuy> tybd tybe ybes'l. at'z>bimi rd:v;w> gl;q.ycil. dywId" at'a.w: 30:26 `y'y>d: am'[; yaen>s' tz:bimi an"t.m; !Akl. ah' rm;ymel. 30:26 Now when David came to Ziklag, he sent some of the spoil to the elders of Judah, to his friends, saying, "Behold, a gift for you from the spoil of the enemies of the LORD: `rTI)y:B. rv bg lk' ªr"B. rv 30:29 `ha'm'l.v' ywErqibdIlW ha'l'ymexr:y> ywErqibdIlW lk'r"bdIlW 30:29 30:29 and to those who were in Racal, and to those who were in the cities of the Jerahmeelites, and to those who were in the cities of the Kenites, `%t")[]B; rv !v"ß['-rAbB. rv hm'²r>x'B. rv 30:30 `$t'[.bdIlW !v'[' rkobdIlW rAbb. ydIlW hm'rx'bdIlW 30:30 30:30 and to those who were in Hormah, and to those who were in Bor-ashan, and to those who were in Athach, p `wyv'(n"a]w: aWhï dwIßD" ~v'î-%L,h;t.hi-rv ay"r:ta; lk'lW !Arbx;bdIlW 30:31 30:31 and to those who were in Hebron, and to all the places where David himself and his men were accustomed to go." WlïP.YIw: ~yTiêv.lip. ynEåP.mi ‘laer"f.yI yveÛn>a; WsnU ÷Y"w: lae_r"f.yIB. ~ymiäx'l.nI ~yTiÞv.lip.W 31:1 `[:Bo)l.GIh; rh:ïB. ~yliÞl'x] ~d"q¥ !mi laer"vyI yven"a. wkypawwkup;a.w: laer"vyIb. ab'r"q. !yxiygIm. yaet'vlipW 31:1 `[:bolgId> ar"wjub. !yliyjiq. wlup;nW yaet'vlip. 31:1 Now the Philistines were fighting against Israel, and the men of Israel fled from before the Philistines and fell slain on Mount Gilboa. !t"ôn"Ahy>-ta, ~yTi ªv.lip. WKåY:w: wyn"+B'-ta,w> lWaßv'-ta, ~yTiêv.lip. WqåB.d>Y:w: 31:2 `lWa)v' ynEïB. [:Wvß-yKil.m;-ta,w> bd" ²n"ybia]-ta,w> ty"w> !t'n"Ahy> ty" yaet'vlip. wluj;qW yhiAnb. ty"w> lwauv' ty" yaet'vlip. wquybida;w> 31:2 `lwauv' ynEb. [:wvuykilm; ty"w> bd"n"ybia. 31:2 The Philistines overtook Saul and his sons; and the Philistines killed Jonathan and Abinadab and Malchi-shua the sons of Saul. daoßm. lx,Y"ïw: tv,Q"+B; ~yviän"a] ~yrIßAMh; Whauîc'm.YIw: lWaêv'-la, ‘hm'x'l.Mih; dB;Ûk.Tiw: 31:3 `~yrI)AMh;me dg:mi !ynIm'aud> !yrIbgU ay"t;v'q;;w> lwauv' l[; ab'r"q. ydEb.[' wpuyqitW 31:3 `ay"t;v'q;mi ad"xl; lyxedW at'vq;b. dg:ymel. 31:3 The battle went heavily against Saul, and the archers hit him; and he was badly wounded by the archers. ~yli ’rE[]h' WaAby"û-!P, Hb' ª ynIrEåq.d"w> ^åB.r>x; @l{ðv. wyl'øke afe ’nOl. •lWav' rm,aYOæw: 31:4 ‘lWav' xQ:ÜYIw: dao+m. arEÞy" yKiî wyl'êke afeänO ‘hb'a' al{Üw> ybiê-WlL.[;t.hiw> ‘ynIrU ’q'd>W hL,aeÛh' `h'yl,([' lPoßYIw: br

`hw")hy> ybeîy>ao ll;ÞV.mi hk'êr"B. ‘~k,l'<br />

yhiAmx.r"l. hd"whuy> tybd tybe ybes'l. at'z>bimi rd:v;w> gl;q.ycil. dywId" at'a.w: 30:26<br />

`y'y>d: am'[; yaen>s' tz:bimi an"t.m; !Akl. ah' rm;ymel.<br />

30:26 Now when David came to Ziklag, he sent some <strong>of</strong> the spoil to the elders <strong>of</strong> Judah, to his friends, saying, "Behold,<br />

a gift for you from the spoil <strong>of</strong> the enemies <strong>of</strong> the LORD:<br />

`rTI)y:B. rv bg lk' ªr"B. rv 30:29<br />

`ha'm'l.v' ywErqibdIlW ha'l'ymexr:y> ywErqibdIlW lk'r"bdIlW 30:29<br />

30:29 and to those who were in Racal, and to those who were in the cities <strong>of</strong> the Jerahmeelites, and to those who were in<br />

the cities <strong>of</strong> the Kenites,<br />

`%t")[]B; rv !v"ß['-rAbB. rv hm'²r>x'B. rv 30:30<br />

`$t'[.bdIlW !v'[' rkobdIlW rAbb. ydIlW hm'rx'bdIlW 30:30<br />

30:30 and to those who were in Hormah, and to those who were in Bor-ashan, and to those who were in Athach,<br />

p `wyv'(n"a]w: aWhï dwIßD" ~v'î-%L,h;t.hi-rv ay"r:ta; lk'lW !Arbx;bdIlW 30:31<br />

30:31 and to those who were in Hebron, and to all the places where David himself and his men were accustomed to go."<br />

WlïP.YIw: ~yTiêv.lip. ynEåP.mi ‘laer"f.yI yveÛn>a; WsnU ÷Y"w: lae_r"f.yIB. ~ymiäx'l.nI ~yTiÞv.lip.W 31:1<br />

`[:Bo)l.GIh; rh:ïB. ~yliÞl'x]<br />

~d"q¥ !mi laer"vyI yven"a. wkypawwkup;a.w: laer"vyIb. ab'r"q. !yxiygIm. yaet'vlipW 31:1<br />

`[:bolgId> ar"wjub. !yliyjiq. wlup;nW yaet'vlip.<br />

31:1 Now the Philistines were fighting against Israel, and the men <strong>of</strong> Israel fled from before the Philistines and fell slain<br />

on Mount Gilboa.<br />

!t"ôn"Ahy>-ta, ~yTi ªv.lip. WKåY:w: wyn"+B'-ta,w> lWaßv'-ta, ~yTiêv.lip. WqåB.d>Y:w: 31:2<br />

`lWa)v' ynEïB. [:Wvß-yKil.m;-ta,w> bd" ²n"ybia]-ta,w><br />

ty"w> !t'n"Ahy> ty" yaet'vlip. wluj;qW yhiAnb. ty"w> lwauv' ty" yaet'vlip. wquybida;w> 31:2<br />

`lwauv' ynEb. [:wvuykilm; ty"w> bd"n"ybia.<br />

31:2 The Philistines overtook Saul and his sons; and the Philistines killed Jonathan and Abinadab and Malchi-shua the<br />

sons <strong>of</strong> Saul.<br />

daoßm. lx,Y"ïw: tv,Q"+B; ~yviän"a] ~yrIßAMh; Whauîc'm.YIw: lWaêv'-la, ‘hm'x'l.Mih; dB;Ûk.Tiw: 31:3<br />

`~yrI)AMh;me<br />

dg:mi !ynIm'aud> !yrIbgU ay"t;v'q;;w> lwauv' l[; ab'r"q. ydEb.[' wpuyqitW 31:3<br />

`ay"t;v'q;mi ad"xl; lyxedW at'vq;b. dg:ymel.<br />

31:3 The battle went heavily against Saul, and the archers hit him; and he was badly wounded by the archers.<br />

~yli ’rE[]h' WaAby"û-!P, Hb' ª ynIrEåq.d"w> ^åB.r>x; @l{ðv. wyl'øke afe ’nOl. •lWav' rm,aYOæw: 31:4<br />

‘lWav' xQ:ÜYIw: dao+m. arEÞy" yKiî wyl'êke afeänO ‘hb'a' al{Üw> ybiê-WlL.[;t.hiw> ‘ynIrU ’q'd>W hL,aeÛh'<br />

`h'yl,([' lPoßYIw: br

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