First book of Samuel

1 Samuel 1 Samuel


yber>br:l. vykia' rm;a.w: !yleaih' yaed"whuy> am' al'h. yaet'vlip. yber>br: wrUm;a.w: 29:3 !ymiAy !n"d> ymi[i hw"h.d: laer"vyId> ak'lm; lwauv'd> ad"b[; dywId" !ydE al'h. yaet'vlip. ytiw"l. vr:pt;aid> vr:p'taid> am'Aymi vybi ~[;d"mi hybe tyxik;va; al'w> !ynIv. !n"d> Aa `!ydEh' am'Ay d[; 29:3 Then the commanders of the Philistines said, "What are these Hebrews doing here?" And Achish said to the commanders of the Philistines, "Is this not David, the servant of Saul the king of Israel, who has been with me these days, or rather these years, and I have found no fault in him from the day he deserted to me to this day?" ‘bvoy"w> vyaiªh'-ta, bveäh' ~yTiøv.lip. yrE ’f' •Al Wrm.aYOæw: ~yTiªv.lip. yrEäf' wyl'ø[' Wp’c.q.YIw: 29:4 !j"ßf'l. WnL'î-hy hm'êx'l.MiB; ‘WnM'’[i drEÛyE-al{)w> ~v'ê ATåd>q;p.hi rv !ypila;b. 29:5 "Is this not David, of whom they sing in the dances, saying, 'Saul has slain his thousands, And David his ten thousands '?" yn:y[eB.û bAjåw> hT' ªa; rv"åy"-yKi hw"ùhy>-yx; wyl'aeû rm,aYOæw: dwI©D"-la, vykiøa' ar"’q.YIw: 29:6 ~AYæh;-d[; yl;Þae ^ïa]Bo ~AY°mi h['êr" ‘^b. yti(ac'Ûm'-al{) yKiû hn awhu ~yy"q; hyle rm;a.w: dywId"l. vykia' ar"qW 29:6 vybi ~[;d"mi $b' tyxik;va; al' yrEa. at'yrIvm;b. ymi[i $l'[.ymeW $q'p.m; $q'p.mi yn:y[eb. `ta; !yqet' al' ay"n:rwju ynEy[ebW !ydEh' am'Ay d[; ytiw"l. at'ytea.d: am'Aymi 29:6 Then Achish called David and said to him, "As the LORD lives, you have been upright, and your going out and your coming in with me in the army are pleasing in my sight; for I have not found evil in you from the day of your coming to me to this day. Nevertheless, you are not pleasing in the sight of the lords. s `~yTi(v.lip. ynEïr>s; ynEßy[eB. [r"ê hf,ä[]t;-al{)w> ~Al+v'B. %lEåw> bWvß hT'î[;w> 29:7 `yaet'vlip. ynErwju ymdq ynEy[eb. vybi dybe[.t; al'w> ~l'vbi lyzEyaiw> bwtu ![;kW 29:7 29:7 "Now therefore return and go in peace, that you may not displease the lords of the Philistines." ytiyyIåh' rvb.[;b. t'ac'äM'-hm;W ‘ytiyfi ’[' hm,Û yKiä vykiªa'-la, dwI ÷D" rm,aYO “w: 29:8 `%l,M,(h; ynIïdoa] ybeÞy>aoB. yTim.x;êl.nIw> ‘aAba' al{Ü yKiä hZ

`hm'(x'l.MiB; WnM'Þ[i hl,î[]y:-al{) Wrêm.a'( ‘~yTiv.lip. yrEÛf' %a:å ~r:b. y"y>d: ak'a.lm;k. yn:y[eb. ta; !yqet' yrEa. an"[d:y: dywId"l. rm;a.w: vykia' bytea.w: 29:9 `ab'r"qbi an"m;[i qs;yI al' !yrma wrUm;a. yaet'vlip. yber>br: 29:9 But Achish replied to David, "I know that you are pleasing in my sight, like an angel of God; nevertheless the commanders of the Philistines have said, 'He must not go up with us to the battle.' rAaðw> rq,BoêB; ~T,äm.K;v.hiw> %T"+ai WaB'ä-rv,a] ^yn rq,BoêB; ~Keäv.h; ‘hT'[;w> 29:10 `Wkle(w" ~k,Þl' rh;nyIw> ar"pc;b. !wmud>qt;w> $m'[i Ata.d: $n"AbrI ydEb[;w> ar"pc;b. ~ydEqa; ![;kW 29:10 `!wkhtw !wluz>ytew> !Akl. rwhnyw rh;ny:w> 29:10 "Now then arise early in the morning with the servants of your lord who have come with you, and as soon as you have arisen early in the morning and have light, depart." ~yTiÞv.lip.W ~yTi_v.liP. #r 29:11 `la[;r>zyIl. wquylis. yaet'vlipW 29:11 So David arose early, he and his men, to depart in the morning to return to the land of the Philistines. And the Philistines went up to Jezreel. ‘bg dywId" at'a. dk; hw"h.w: 30:1 `ar"wnUb. ht;y" wdUyqiAaw> gl;q.yci ty" AxmW gl;q.yci l[;w> ~Ard" l[; wdUg:n>tai 30:1 Then it happened when David and his men came to Ziklag on the third day, that the Amalekites had made a raid on the Negev and on Ziklag, and had overthrown Ziklag and burned it with fire; Wkßl.YEw: Wgëh]n>YI)w: vyai_ WtymiÞhe al{ï lAdêG"-d[;w> !joæQ'mi ‘HB'-rv,a] ~yviÛN"h;-ta, WB’v.YIw: 30:2 `~K'(r>d:l. wrUb;d:w> wrUb;dW vn"a. wluj;q. al'w: ab'r: d[;w> ar"y[ez>mi hb;d> ay"v;n> ty" AbvW 30:2 `!Ahxr:Aal. wluz:a.w: 30:2 and they took captive the women and all who were in it, both small and great, without killing anyone, and carried them off and went their way. ~h,ÞytenOb.W ~h,îynEb.W ~h, ²yven>W vae_B' hp'ÞWrf. hNEïhiw> ry[iêh'-la, ‘wyv'n"a]w:) dwIÜd" abo’Y"w: 30:3 `WB)v.nI !Aht.n"bW !AhynEbW !AhyvenW ar"wnUb. ay"lq; ah'w> at'rq;l. yhiArbgUw> dwId" at'a.w: 30:3 `wauybit.vai 30:3 When David and his men came to the city, behold, it was burned with fire, and their wives and their sons and their daughters had been taken captive. `tAK) x:Koß ~h,²B'-!yae rv hw"h. al'd> d[; AkbW !Ahl.q' ty" hyme[id> am'[;w> dywId" ~yrEa.w: 30:4 `ykebmil. al'yxe !Ahb. 30:4 Then David and the people who were with him lifted their voices and wept until there was no strength in them to weep. `yli(m.r>K;h;( lb'în" tv,aeÞ lyIg:¨ybia]w: tyliê[er>z>YIh; ‘~[;nO’yxia] WB+v.nI dwIßd"-yve(n> yTeîv.W 30:5 lb'n" tt;ai lyIg:ybia.w: la[;r>zyImid> ~[;nOyxia. ha'ybit.vai dywId" yven> !ytert;w> 30:5 `al'm.rk;mid>

`hm'(x'l.MiB; WnM'Þ[i hl,î[]y:-al{) Wrêm.a'( ‘~yTiv.lip. yrEÛf' %a:å<br />

~r:b. y"y>d: ak'a.lm;k. yn:y[eb. ta; !yqet' yrEa. an"[d:y: dywId"l. rm;a.w: vykia' bytea.w: 29:9<br />

`ab'r"qbi an"m;[i qs;yI al' !yrma wrUm;a. yaet'vlip. yber>br:<br />

29:9 But Achish replied to David, "I know that you are pleasing in my sight, like an angel <strong>of</strong> God; nevertheless the<br />

commanders <strong>of</strong> the Philistines have said, 'He must not go up with us to the battle.'<br />

rAaðw> rq,BoêB; ~T,äm.K;v.hiw> %T"+ai WaB'ä-rv,a] ^yn rq,BoêB; ~Keäv.h; ‘hT'[;w> 29:10<br />

`Wkle(w" ~k,Þl'<br />

rh;nyIw> ar"pc;b. !wmud>qt;w> $m'[i Ata.d: $n"AbrI ydEb[;w> ar"pc;b. ~ydEqa; ![;kW 29:10<br />

`!wkhtw !wluz>ytew> !Akl. rwhnyw rh;ny:w><br />

29:10 "Now then arise early in the morning with the servants <strong>of</strong> your lord who have come with you, and as soon as you<br />

have arisen early in the morning and have light, depart."<br />

~yTiÞv.lip.W ~yTi_v.liP. #r 29:11<br />

`la[;r>zyIl. wquylis. yaet'vlipW<br />

29:11 So David arose early, he and his men, to depart in the morning to return to the land <strong>of</strong> the Philistines. And the<br />

Philistines went up to Jezreel.<br />

‘bg dywId" at'a. dk; hw"h.w: 30:1<br />

`ar"wnUb. ht;y" wdUyqiAaw> gl;q.yci ty" AxmW gl;q.yci l[;w> ~Ard" l[; wdUg:n>tai<br />

30:1 Then it happened when David and his men came to Ziklag on the third day, that the Amalekites had made a raid on<br />

the Negev and on Ziklag, and had overthrown Ziklag and burned it with fire;<br />

Wkßl.YEw: Wgëh]n>YI)w: vyai_ WtymiÞhe al{ï lAdêG"-d[;w> !joæQ'mi ‘HB'-rv,a] ~yviÛN"h;-ta, WB’v.YIw: 30:2<br />

`~K'(r>d:l.<br />

wrUb;d:w> wrUb;dW vn"a. wluj;q. al'w: ab'r: d[;w> ar"y[ez>mi hb;d> ay"v;n> ty" AbvW 30:2<br />

`!Ahxr:Aal. wluz:a.w:<br />

30:2 and they took captive the women and all who were in it, both small and great, without killing anyone, and carried<br />

them <strong>of</strong>f and went their way.<br />

~h,ÞytenOb.W ~h,îynEb.W ~h, ²yven>W vae_B' hp'ÞWrf. hNEïhiw> ry[iêh'-la, ‘wyv'n"a]w:) dwIÜd" abo’Y"w: 30:3<br />

`WB)v.nI<br />

!Aht.n"bW !AhynEbW !AhyvenW ar"wnUb. ay"lq; ah'w> at'rq;l. yhiArbgUw> dwId" at'a.w: 30:3<br />

`wauybit.vai<br />

30:3 When David and his men came to the city, behold, it was burned with fire, and their wives and their sons and their<br />

daughters had been taken captive.<br />

`tAK) x:Koß ~h,²B'-!yae rv hw"h. al'd> d[; AkbW !Ahl.q' ty" hyme[id> am'[;w> dywId" ~yrEa.w: 30:4<br />

`ykebmil. al'yxe !Ahb.<br />

30:4 Then David and the people who were with him lifted their voices and wept until there was no strength in them to<br />

weep.<br />

`yli(m.r>K;h;( lb'în" tv,aeÞ lyIg:¨ybia]w: tyliê[er>z>YIh; ‘~[;nO’yxia] WB+v.nI dwIßd"-yve(n> yTeîv.W 30:5<br />

lb'n" tt;ai lyIg:ybia.w: la[;r>zyImid> ~[;nOyxia. ha'ybit.vai dywId" yven> !ytert;w> 30:5<br />


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