First book of Samuel

1 Samuel 1 Samuel


[d:YEÜw: ly[i_m. hj,Þ[o aWhïw> hl,ê[o ‘!qez" vyaiÛ rm,aToªw: Arêa¥T'-hm;( ‘Hl' rm,aYOÝw: 28:14 s `WxT'(v.YIw: hc'r>a:ß ~yIP: ±a; dQoïYIw: aWhê laeäWmv.-yKi( ‘lWav' [d:ywI al'y[im. @yje[' awhuw> qyles' ab's' ar"bgU tr:m;a.w: hywEzx; am' hl; rm;a.w: 28:14 `dygEsW a['ra; l[; yhiApa; l[; lwav [r:kW awhu laewmuv. yrEa. lwauv' 28:14 He said to her, "What is his form?" And she said, "An old man is coming up, and he is wrapped with a robe." And Saul knew that it was Samuel, and he bowed with his face to the ground and did homage. lWav'û rm,aYOæw: yti_ao tAlå[]h;l. ynIT:ßz>G:r>hi hM'l'î lWaêv'-la, ‘laeWmv. rm,aYOÝw: 28:15 ~G:Ü dA[ª ynIn"å['-al{)w> ‘yl;['me( rs"Ü ~yhiúl{awE) yBiª ~ymiäx'l.nI ~yTiäv.lip.W dao øm. yli’-rc; s `hf,([/a, hm'î ynI[EßydIAhl. ^êl. ha,är"q.a,w" tAmêl{x]B;ä-~G: ‘~aiybiN>h;-dy:)B. yli tq;[; lwauv' rm;a.w: ytiy" aq's'a;l. ynIt;[z:a. am'l. lwauv'l. laewmuv. rm;a.w: 28:15 ytiAlc. lybeq; al'w> ytiy" qyxer: y"y>d: ar"m.ymeW ybi ab'r"q. !yxiygIm. yaet'vlipW ad"xl; `dybe[.a; am' ynIt;w[ud"Ahl. $l' tyrEqW ay"m;lx;b. @a; ay"r:p.s' dy:b. @a; dA[ 28:15 Then Samuel said to Saul, "Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?" And Saul answered, "I am greatly distressed; for the Philistines are waging war against me, and God has departed from me and no longer answers me, either through prophets or by dreams; therefore I have called you, that you may make known to me what I should do." `^rd: ar"m.ymeW ytiy" lyaev' ta; am'lw> laewmuv. rm;a.w: 28:16 `hybeb'd> ly[eb. ta;d> ar"bgUd> hydE[.s;b. 28:16 Samuel said, "Why then do you ask me, since the LORD has departed from you and has become your adversary? Hn"ßT.YIw:) ^d [r:’q.YIw: ydI_y"B. rB db[w ~yyEq;w> 28:17 `dywId"l. $r"bx;l. hb;hy:w> $dy !m 28:17 "The LORD has done accordingly as He spoke through me; for the LORD has torn the kingdom out of your hand and given it to your neighbor, to David. rb"åD"h; ‘!Ke-l[; qle_m'[]B; APßa;-!Arx] t'yfiî['-al{)w> hw"ëhy> lAqåB. ‘T'[.m;’v'-al{) rvd: ar"m.ymel. at[mv at'lybeq; al'd> am'k. 28:18 `!ydEh' am'Ay y"y> $l' dyb[y db;[. !ydEh' am'g"tpi !yke l[; qlem'[. tybedbi 28:18 "As you did not obey the LORD and did not execute His fierce wrath on Amalek, so the LORD has done this thing to you this day. ~G:… yMi_[i ^ynû !TEåyIw> 28:19 `~yTi(v.liP.-dy:B. hw"ßhy> !TEïyI laeêr"f.yI hnEåx]m;-ta, @a;w> ymi[i $n"bW ta; rx;mW yaet'vlipdI ad"ybi $m'[i laer"vyI ty" @a; y"y> rs;myIw> 28:19 `yaet'vlipdI ad"ybi y"y> rs;myI laer"vyId> at'yrIvm; ty" 28:19 "Moreover the LORD will also give over Israel along with you into the hands of the Philistines, therefore tomorrow you and your sons will be with me. Indeed the LORD will give over the army of Israel into the hands of the Philistines!" ‘x:Ko ’-~G: lae_Wmv. yrEäb.DImi daoßm. ar"îYIw: hc'r>a;ê ‘Atm'Aq)-al{m. lPoÜYIw: lWaªv' rhEåm;y>w: 28:20 `hl'y>L")h;-lk'w> ~AYàh;-lK' ~x,l,ê ‘lk;a' al{Ü yKiä Abê hy"h"å-al{ ad"xl; lyxedW a[ra l[ a['ra;l. hytem.Aq ylem. lp;nW lwauv' yxiAaw> 28:20 am'm'y> lk' am'xl; lk;a. al' yrEa. hybe hw"h. al' al'yxe @a; laewmuv. ymeg"tpimi `ay"lyle lk'w> amwy 28:20 Then Saul immediately fell full length upon the ground and was very afraid because of the words of Samuel; also

there was no strength in him, for he had eaten no food all day and all night. h['Ûm.v' hNE“hi wyl' ªae rm,aToåw: dao+m. lh;äb.nI-yKi arB:ßDI rv at'pi $m'd"q¥ ywEv;a.w: $t'ma; rm;ymel. ta; @a; ![;k. [mv lybeq; ![;kW 28:22 `ax'rAab. lyzEyte yrEa. lyxe $b' yheywI lwkua.w: 28:22 "So now also, please listen to the voice of your maidservant, and let me set a piece of bread before you that you may eat and have strength when you go on your way." ‘~q'Y" ’w: ~l'_qol. [m;Þv.YIw: hV'êaih'ä-~g:w> ‘wyd"b'[] AbÜ-Wcr>p.YIw: lk;êao al{å ‘rm,aYO ’w: !aeªm'y>w: 28:23 `hJ'(Mih;-la, bv,YEßw: #r at' @a;w> yhiAdb[; hybe wpuyqita;w> lAkyae al' rm;a.w: byrEs'w> 28:23 `as'r[; l[; byteywI a['ra;me ~q'w> !Ahrm;ymel. 28:23 But he refused and said, "I will not eat." However, his servants together with the woman urged him, and he listened to them. So he arose from the ground and sat on the bed. WhpeÞTow: vl'T'êw: xm;q at'ybeb. ~yjip; lg:y[e at't.ailW 28:24 `ryjip; hytep'a.w: 28:24 The woman had a fattened calf in the house, and she quickly slaughtered it; and she took flour, kneaded it and baked unleavened bread from it. p `aWh)h; hl'y>L:ïB; Wkßl.YEw: WmqUïY"w: Wlke_aYOw: wyd"Þb'[] ynEïp.liw> lWa±v'-ynE) vGEôT;w: 28:25 `awhuh; ay"lyleb. wluz:a.w: wmuq'w> wluk;a.w: yhiAdb[; ~d"qW lwauv' ~d"q¥ tb;yrEq'w> 28:25 28:25 She brought it before Saul and his servants, and they ate. Then they arose and went away that night. `la[,(r>z>yIB. rv qpea.l; !Aht.y"r>vm; lk' ty" yaet'vlip. wvun:kW 29:1 29:1 Now the Philistines gathered together all their armies to Aphek, while the Israelites were camping by the spring which is in Jezreel. hn"ßrox]a;B' ~yrI±b.[o) wyv' ªn"a]w: dwIåd"w> ~ypi_l'a]l;w> tAaßmel. ~yrIêb.[o) ‘~yTiv.lip. ynEÜr>s;w> 29:2 `vyki(a'-~[i !yrIb.[' yhiArb'ygIw> yhiArbgUw> dywId"w> !ypila;lW !w"am'l. !yrIb.[' yaet'vlip. ynErwjuw> 29:2 `vykia' ~[i at'yrEt.b'b. 29:2 And the lords of the Philistines were proceeding on by hundreds and by thousands, and David and his men were proceeding on in the rear with Achish. ~yTiªv.lip. yrEäf'-la, vykiøa' rm,aYO“w: hL,ae_h' ~yrIåb.[ih' hm'Þ ~yTiêv.lip. yrEäf' ‘Wrm.aYO*w: 29:3 ~ynIëv' hz

there was no strength in him, for he had eaten no food all day and all night.<br />

h['Ûm.v' hNE“hi wyl' ªae rm,aToåw: dao+m. lh;äb.nI-yKi arB:ßDI rv at'pi $m'd"q¥ ywEv;a.w: $t'ma; rm;ymel. ta; @a; ![;k. [mv lybeq; ![;kW 28:22<br />

`ax'rAab. lyzEyte yrEa. lyxe $b' yheywI lwkua.w:<br />

28:22 "So now also, please listen to the voice <strong>of</strong> your maidservant, and let me set a piece <strong>of</strong> bread before you that you<br />

may eat and have strength when you go on your way."<br />

‘~q'Y" ’w: ~l'_qol. [m;Þv.YIw: hV'êaih'ä-~g:w> ‘wyd"b'[] AbÜ-Wcr>p.YIw: lk;êao al{å ‘rm,aYO ’w: !aeªm'y>w: 28:23<br />

`hJ'(Mih;-la, bv,YEßw: #r at' @a;w> yhiAdb[; hybe wpuyqita;w> lAkyae al' rm;a.w: byrEs'w> 28:23<br />

`as'r[; l[; byteywI a['ra;me ~q'w> !Ahrm;ymel.<br />

28:23 But he refused and said, "I will not eat." However, his servants together with the woman urged him, and he<br />

listened to them. So he arose from the ground and sat on the bed.<br />

WhpeÞTow: vl'T'êw: xm;q at'ybeb. ~yjip; lg:y[e at't.ailW 28:24<br />

`ryjip; hytep'a.w:<br />

28:24 The woman had a fattened calf in the house, and she quickly slaughtered it; and she took flour, kneaded it and<br />

baked unleavened bread from it.<br />

p `aWh)h; hl'y>L:ïB; Wkßl.YEw: WmqUïY"w: Wlke_aYOw: wyd"Þb'[] ynEïp.liw> lWa±v'-ynE) vGEôT;w: 28:25<br />

`awhuh; ay"lyleb. wluz:a.w: wmuq'w> wluk;a.w: yhiAdb[; ~d"qW lwauv' ~d"q¥ tb;yrEq'w> 28:25<br />

28:25 She brought it before Saul and his servants, and they ate. Then they arose and went away that night.<br />

`la[,(r>z>yIB. rv qpea.l; !Aht.y"r>vm; lk' ty" yaet'vlip. wvun:kW 29:1<br />

29:1 Now the Philistines gathered together all their armies to Aphek, while the Israelites were camping by the spring<br />

which is in Jezreel.<br />

hn"ßrox]a;B' ~yrI±b.[o) wyv' ªn"a]w: dwIåd"w> ~ypi_l'a]l;w> tAaßmel. ~yrIêb.[o) ‘~yTiv.lip. ynEÜr>s;w> 29:2<br />

`vyki(a'-~[i<br />

!yrIb.[' yhiArb'ygIw> yhiArbgUw> dywId"w> !ypila;lW !w"am'l. !yrIb.[' yaet'vlip. ynErwjuw> 29:2<br />

`vykia' ~[i at'yrEt.b'b.<br />

29:2 And the lords <strong>of</strong> the Philistines were proceeding on by hundreds and by thousands, and David and his men were<br />

proceeding on in the rear with Achish.<br />

~yTiªv.lip. yrEäf'-la, vykiøa' rm,aYO“w: hL,ae_h' ~yrIåb.[ih' hm'Þ ~yTiêv.lip. yrEäf' ‘Wrm.aYO*w: 29:3<br />

~ynIëv' hz

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