First book of Samuel

1 Samuel 1 Samuel


s `#r"(p.nI !Azàx' !yaeî ~heêh' ay"m;Ayb. ysik. hw"h. y"y>d: am'g"tpiW yli[e yyEx;b. y"y> ~d"q¥ vymev;m. laewmuv ay"br"w> 3:1 `ay"lg: ha'wbun> tyle !wnUaih' 3:1 Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the LORD before Eli. And word from the LORD was rare in those days, visions were infrequent. lk;ÞWy al{ï tAhêke WLxeähe ‘Îwyn"y[ew>Ð ¿Any[ew>À Am+qom.Bi bkeävo yliÞ[ew> aWhêh; ~AYæB; ‘yhiy>w:) 3:2 `tAa)r>li al' yhekmil. wayrv ha'yrIv' yhiAny[ew> hyrEta;b. bykev' yli[ew> awhuh; am'Ayb. hw"h.w: 3:2 `yzExmil. lykey" 3:2 It happened at that time as Eli was lying down in his place (now his eyesight had begun to grow dim and he could not see well), `~yhi(l{a/ !Arïa] ~v'Þ-rv,a] hw"ëhy> lk;äyheB. bke_vo laeÞWmv.W hB,êk.yI ~r 3:3 p yaew"yle tr:z:[.b; bykev. bykev' laewmuvW ap'j. al' d[; y"y>d: av'd>qm; tybe !yciAbW 3:3 `y'y>d: an"Ara. !m't;d> y"y>d: al'k.yheme [m;t.vai yyyd al'q'w> 3:3 and the lamp of God had not yet gone out, and Samuel was lying down in the temple of the LORD where the ark of God was, `ynINE)hi rm,aYOðw: laeÞWmv.-la, hw"±hy> ar"óq.YIw: 3:4 `an"a.h' rm;a.w: laewmuvli y"y> ar"qW 3:4 3:4 that the LORD called Samuel; and he said, "Here I am." %l,YEßw: bk'_v. bWvå ytiar"Þq'-al{) rm,aYOðw: yLiê t'ar"äq'-yKi( ‘ynIn>hi rm,aYOÝw: yliª[e-la, #r'Y"åw: 3:5 s `bK'(v.YIw: bAkv. bwtu ytiyrEq. al' rm;a.w: yli at'yrEq. yrEa. an"a.h' rm;a.w: yli[e tw"l. jh;rW 3:5 `bykevW lz:a.w: bykev. 3:5 Then he ran to Eli and said, "Here I am, for you called me." But he said, "I did not call, lie down again." So he went and lay down. yKiî ynIën>hi rm,aYOæw: yliê[e-la, %l,YEåw: ‘laeWmv. ~q'Y"Üw: èlaeWmv. édA[ aroåq. hw"©hy> @s,YOæw: 3:6 `bk'(v. bWvï ynIßb. ytiar"îq'-al{) rm,aYO °w: yli_ t'ar"Þq' yrEa. an"a.h' rm;a.w: yli[e tw"l. lz:a.w: laewmuv. ~q'w> laewmuv. dA[ yrEqmi y"y> @yseAaw> 3:6 `bykev. bAkv. bwtu yrIb. ytiyrEq. al' rm;a.w: yli at'yrEq. 3:6 The LORD called yet again, "Samuel!" So Samuel arose and went to Eli and said, "Here I am, for you called me." But he answered, "I did not call, my son, lie down again." `hw")hy>-rb;D> wyl'Þae hl,îG"yI ~r hw"+hy>-ta, [d:äy" ~r yyyd atlxd y"y> ~d"q¥ !mi !p'lau [d"mil. @yleyae @yleAa al' d[; laewmuvW 3:7 `y'y>d: at'a.wbun> ~g"tpi hyle ylig>tai al' 3:7 Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD, nor had the word of the LORD yet been revealed to him. yKiî ynIën>hi rm,aYOæw: yliê[e-la, %l,YEåw: ‘~q'Y"’w: ètyviliV.B; élaeWmv.-aroq. hw"ïhy> @s,YO “w: 3:8 `r[;N")l; arEîqo hw"ßhy> yKiî yliê[e !b,Y"åw: yli_ t'ar"Þq' yrEa. an"a.h' rm;a.w: yli[e tw"l. lz:a.w: ~q'w> at'yteylitbi laewmuv. yrEqmi y"y> @yseAaw> 3:8 `ay"br"l. yrEq.tmi y"y> ~d"q¥ !mi yrEa. yli[e rb;sW yli at'yrEq. 3:8 So the LORD called Samuel again for the third time. And he arose and went to Eli and said, "Here I am, for you called me." Then Eli discerned that the LORD was calling the boy.

hw"ëhy> rBEåD: ‘T'r>m;a'(w> ^yl,êae ar"äq.yI-~ai ‘hy"h'w> èbk'v. %lEå é yliä[e rm,aYO “w: 3:9 `Am*Aqm.Bi bK;Þv.YIw: laeêWmv. %l,YEåw: ^D y"y> hyl ylig>taiw> 3:10 `$d"b[; [m;v' yrEa. lylem; laewmuv. rm;a.w: 3:10 Then the LORD came and stood and called as at other times, "Samuel! Samuel!" And Samuel said, "Speak, for Your servant is listening." A[êm.voå-lK' ‘rv,a] lae_r"f.yIB. rb"ßd" hf,î[o yki ²nOa' hNEôhi laeêWmv.-la, ‘hw"hy> rm,aYOÝw: 3:11 `wyn")z>a' yTeîv. hn"yL,ÞciT. !l'c.yI hynE[im.vyId> lk lk'd> laer"vyIb. am'g"tpi dybe[' an"a.h' laewmuvl y"y> rm;a.w: 3:11 `yhiAndau !ytert; !l'c.yyE 3:11 The LORD said to Samuel, "Behold, I am about to do a thing in Israel at which both ears of everyone who hears it will tingle. `hLe(k;w> lxeÞh' At+yBe-la, yTir>B:ßDI rvG:åhiw> 3:13 `~B'( hh'Þki al{ïw> wyn"ëB' ‘~h,l' !ybiAxb. am'l.[' d[; hyteybe vn"a. !mi an"a. [r:p.tmi yrEa. hyle ywxyaw ytiywIx;w> 3:13 `!Ahb. @zn ah'k. al'w> yhiAnb. !Ahl. !yzIg>rm; yrEa. [d:ydI 3:13 "For I have told him that I am about to judge his house forever for the iniquity which he knew, because his sons brought a curse on themselves and he did not rebuke them. `~l'(A[-d[; hx'Þn>mib.W xb;z-tyBe tAtål.D:-ta, xT;Þp.YIw: rq,Boêh;-d[; ‘laeWmv. bK;Ûv.YIw: 3:15 `yli([e-la, ha'Þr>M;h;-ta, dyGIïh;me lyxed" laewmuvW y"y>d: av'd>qm; tybe yved: ty" xt;pW ar"pc; d[; laewmuv. bykevW 3:15 `yli[el. at'a.wbun> wzUyxe ty" ahwwxm ha'w"x;l.mi 3:15 So Samuel lay down until morning. Then he opened the doors of the house of the LORD. But Samuel was afraid to tell the vision to Eli. `ynINE)hi rm,aYOàw: ynI+B. laeäWmv. rm,aYOàw: laeêWmv.-ta, ‘yli[e ar"Ûq.YIw: 3:16 `an"a.h' rm;a.w: yrIb. laewmuv. rm;a.w: lawmv ty laewmuvli yli[e ar"qW 3:16 3:16 Then Eli called Samuel and said, "Samuel, my son." And he said, "Here I am."

s `#r"(p.nI !Azàx' !yaeî ~heêh'<br />

ay"m;Ayb. ysik. hw"h. y"y>d: am'g"tpiW yli[e yyEx;b. y"y> ~d"q¥ vymev;m. laewmuv ay"br"w> 3:1<br />

`ay"lg: ha'wbun> tyle !wnUaih'<br />

3:1 Now the boy <strong>Samuel</strong> was ministering to the LORD before Eli. And word from the LORD was rare in those days,<br />

visions were infrequent.<br />

lk;ÞWy al{ï tAhêke WLxeähe ‘Îwyn"y[ew>Ð ¿Any[ew>À Am+qom.Bi bkeävo yliÞ[ew> aWhêh; ~AYæB; ‘yhiy>w:) 3:2<br />

`tAa)r>li<br />

al' yhekmil. wayrv ha'yrIv' yhiAny[ew> hyrEta;b. bykev' yli[ew> awhuh; am'Ayb. hw"h.w: 3:2<br />

`yzExmil. lykey"<br />

3:2 It happened at that time as Eli was lying down in his place (now his eyesight had begun to grow dim and he could<br />

not see well),<br />

`~yhi(l{a/ !Arïa] ~v'Þ-rv,a] hw"ëhy> lk;äyheB. bke_vo laeÞWmv.W hB,êk.yI ~r 3:3<br />

p<br />

yaew"yle tr:z:[.b; bykev. bykev' laewmuvW ap'j. al' d[; y"y>d: av'd>qm; tybe !yciAbW 3:3<br />

`y'y>d: an"Ara. !m't;d> y"y>d: al'k.yheme [m;t.vai yyyd al'q'w><br />

3:3 and the lamp <strong>of</strong> God had not yet gone out, and <strong>Samuel</strong> was lying down in the temple <strong>of</strong> the LORD where the ark <strong>of</strong><br />

God was,<br />

`ynINE)hi rm,aYOðw: laeÞWmv.-la, hw"±hy> ar"óq.YIw: 3:4<br />

`an"a.h' rm;a.w: laewmuvli y"y> ar"qW 3:4<br />

3:4 that the LORD called <strong>Samuel</strong>; and he said, "Here I am."<br />

%l,YEßw: bk'_v. bWvå ytiar"Þq'-al{) rm,aYOðw: yLiê t'ar"äq'-yKi( ‘ynIn>hi rm,aYOÝw: yliª[e-la, #r'Y"åw: 3:5<br />

s `bK'(v.YIw:<br />

bAkv. bwtu ytiyrEq. al' rm;a.w: yli at'yrEq. yrEa. an"a.h' rm;a.w: yli[e tw"l. jh;rW 3:5<br />

`bykevW lz:a.w: bykev.<br />

3:5 Then he ran to Eli and said, "Here I am, for you called me." But he said, "I did not call, lie down again." So he went<br />

and lay down.<br />

yKiî ynIën>hi rm,aYOæw: yliê[e-la, %l,YEåw: ‘laeWmv. ~q'Y"Üw: èlaeWmv. édA[ aroåq. hw"©hy> @s,YOæw: 3:6<br />

`bk'(v. bWvï ynIßb. ytiar"îq'-al{) rm,aYO °w: yli_ t'ar"Þq'<br />

yrEa. an"a.h' rm;a.w: yli[e tw"l. lz:a.w: laewmuv. ~q'w> laewmuv. dA[ yrEqmi y"y> @yseAaw> 3:6<br />

`bykev. bAkv. bwtu yrIb. ytiyrEq. al' rm;a.w: yli at'yrEq.<br />

3:6 The LORD called yet again, "<strong>Samuel</strong>!" So <strong>Samuel</strong> arose and went to Eli and said, "Here I am, for you called me."<br />

But he answered, "I did not call, my son, lie down again."<br />

`hw")hy>-rb;D> wyl'Þae hl,îG"yI ~r hw"+hy>-ta, [d:äy" ~r yyyd atlxd y"y> ~d"q¥ !mi !p'lau [d"mil. @yleyae @yleAa al' d[; laewmuvW 3:7<br />

`y'y>d: at'a.wbun> ~g"tpi hyle ylig>tai al'<br />

3:7 Now <strong>Samuel</strong> did not yet know the LORD, nor had the word <strong>of</strong> the LORD yet been revealed to him.<br />

yKiî ynIën>hi rm,aYOæw: yliê[e-la, %l,YEåw: ‘~q'Y"’w: ètyviliV.B; élaeWmv.-aroq. hw"ïhy> @s,YO “w: 3:8<br />

`r[;N")l; arEîqo hw"ßhy> yKiî yliê[e !b,Y"åw: yli_ t'ar"Þq'<br />

yrEa. an"a.h' rm;a.w: yli[e tw"l. lz:a.w: ~q'w> at'yteylitbi laewmuv. yrEqmi y"y> @yseAaw> 3:8<br />

`ay"br"l. yrEq.tmi y"y> ~d"q¥ !mi yrEa. yli[e rb;sW yli at'yrEq.<br />

3:8 So the LORD called <strong>Samuel</strong> again for the third time. And he arose and went to Eli and said, "Here I am, for you<br />

called me." Then Eli discerned that the LORD was calling the boy.

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