ana translation

Untitled - Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament Untitled - Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament


xlvi INTRODUCTION as being the only known Syriac MS (brought from the East, and not written in Europe, as Cod. 16 was see below, p. Iv) which contains the entire New Testament as recognized by all non-Syrian Churches ; for it not merely includes all seven Catholic Epistles in their normal order, but after the Fourth Gospel it places the Apocalypse, in a version nowhere else extant. I have elsewhere* endeavoured to show that this Apocalypse, as well as our Four Epistles, is the work of Polycarpus. If this be so, Cod. 12 may be described (as above, p. xxx) as the Peshitta N.T. supplemented by the Philoxenian, so as to conform to the Greek canon. It claims to have been written in "the monastery of Jacob the Egyptian Recluse and of Bar-Shabba, j beside Salach in Tur-'Abdin in the Sultanate of Hesna d' Kipha." Its script is of the same well-marked character as that of Cod. 9, and it may be confidently assigned to the same period. As compared with Cod. 9 it is somewhat superior in text when measured by the standard of Cod. 1, with which it agrees closely, in one case too closely, repeating the error of 2 Pet. iii. 7 (^i;Cf)|). But in this comparison Cod. 9 is at a disadvantage, being damaged in many places, whereas the strong vellum of Cod. 12 is in sound preservation. This MS is one of the forty-two collated for Mr. Gwilliam's standard edition of the Peshitta Gospels, Tetraeuangelium Sanctum, where it is numbered 12, as here. Cod. 14. (Paris, Biblioth. Nat., Suppl 27, Catal 29.) Of this MS (which originally contained the entire New Testament, excepting, probably, the Apocalypse), many leaves are wanting from both ends. In it, as in 9, the Four Epistles are placed after the Three. It now gives no note of time or place, but it may be confidently set down as Tur'abdinese of the twelfth century, like Codd. 9 and 12. Not only does its script show the same characteristics, but it is one of a large group of Biblical MSS (on vellum) in the same division (Supplement) of the great Library to which it belongs, all closely alike in script, evidently the work of one and the same school of caligraphy, nearly all of them dated shortly before or after A.D. 1200, and signed by scribes who call themselves monks of some monastery of Tur- 'Abdin. Its text for the most part agrees with that of the two * See references in note $, p. xlv supr. ; also Appendix III, p. 154 infr. t The colophon which contains this statement is given in full in Apoc. Syr. Crawford (cited in same note t), PP- 32, 98.

INTRODUCTION xlvii preceding, but conforms less closely to the A standard, and lapses not infrequently into the errors of the B-text. Thus it appears that the MSS of our A-group are all of Jacobite origin that ; (possibly excepting Cod. 2) they represent the text as read in a region of Mesopotamia which had its ecclesiastical centre first at Amid and then (as now) at Mardin ; and that none is later than A.D. 1200, one being as early as the ninth century. (ii.) MSS of Intermediate Character. (a) Of Earlier Date. After these I place two MSS, Codd. 4 and 5. possibly of the same period as Codd. 9, 12, 14, but written with less care, on paper, and in a cursive hand ; intermediate in text between the A- and B-groups, but tending mostly to the latter ; neither complete ; both without note of date or place. Cod. 4. (Br. M., Add. 14474, Catal. cxxi.) Eight leaves (now ff. 105-12), hardly earlier than the twelfth century, containing 1 Pet. of the Peshitta, followed by 2 and 3 John and Jude of our Version. These have been inserted (to make up a volume of Acts and Epistles) into a ninth century MS of singular construction, whose contents are (1) The Pauline Epistles, (2) The Acts, (3) The Epistles 2 Peter, James, 1 John (1) and (2) being of the Peshitta Version, (3) of the Harklensian (the 8 of p. 146 infr.). Between James and 1 John the binder has interpolated our eight leaves. It is noteworthy that the scribe of the original MS, in choosing his three Catholic Epistles from the Harklensian, should have preferred 2 Peter to 1 Peter ; and again, that the scribe of these supplemental leaves should go back to the older Version for 2 and 3 John and Jude. The text of these is mainly of the B-type, but in a few instances agrees with that of the A-group. Cod. 5.* (Br. M., Add. 14681, Catal. cxxin.) This appears to have been a complete Peshitta New Testament, but the earlier part is not forthcoming, and it now begins with the Acts (at ii. 42), to which Book it subjoins the Three Catholic Epistles. After them followed (as in Codd. 9 and 14, but arranged as in Cod. 1) * I had at first reckoned this MS in group B (p. 96 infr.), but on re-consideration I now rank it as intermediate.


xlvii<br />

preceding, but conforms less closely to the A standard, and lapses not<br />

infrequently into the errors of the B-text.<br />

Thus it appears that the MSS of our A-group are all of Jacobite<br />

origin that<br />

; (possibly excepting Cod. 2) they represent the text as<br />

read in a region of Mesopotamia which had its ecclesiastical centre<br />

first at Amid and then (as now) at Mardin ;<br />

and that none is later<br />

than A.D. 1200, one being as early as the ninth century.<br />

(ii.)<br />

MSS of Intermediate Character.<br />

(a)<br />

Of<br />

Earlier Date.<br />

After these I place two MSS, Codd. 4 and 5. possibly of the same<br />

period as Codd. 9, 12, 14, but written with less care, on paper, and<br />

in a cursive hand ;<br />

intermediate in text between the A- and B-groups,<br />

but tending mostly to the latter ; neither complete ;<br />

both without note<br />

of date or place.<br />

Cod. 4. (Br. M., Add. 14474, Catal. cxxi.)<br />

Eight leaves (now ff. 105-12), hardly earlier than the twelfth<br />

century, containing 1 Pet. of the Peshitta, followed by 2 and 3 John<br />

and Jude of our Version. These have been inserted (to make up a<br />

volume of Acts and Epistles) into a ninth century MS of singular<br />

construction, whose contents are (1) The Pauline Epistles, (2) The<br />

Acts, (3)<br />

The Epistles 2 Peter, James, 1 John<br />

(1) and (2) being<br />

of the Peshitta Version, (3)<br />

of the Harklensian (the 8 of p. 146<br />

infr.).<br />

Between James and 1 John the binder has interpolated our<br />

eight leaves. It is noteworthy that the scribe of the original MS,<br />

in choosing his three Catholic Epistles from the Harklensian, should<br />

have preferred<br />

2 Peter to 1 Peter ;<br />

and again, that the scribe of these<br />

supplemental leaves should go<br />

back to the older Version for 2 and<br />

3 John and Jude. The text of these is<br />

mainly of the B-type, but<br />

in a few instances agrees with that of the A-group.<br />

Cod.<br />

5.* (Br. M., Add. 14681, Catal. cxxin.)<br />

This appears to have been a complete Peshitta New Testament, but<br />

the earlier part is not forthcoming, and it now begins with the Acts<br />

(at ii. 42), to which Book it subjoins the Three Catholic Epistles.<br />

After them followed (as<br />

in Codd. 9 and 14, but arranged as in Cod. 1)<br />

* I had at first reckoned this MS in group B (p. 96 infr.), but on re-consideration<br />

I now rank it as intermediate.

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