ana translation

Untitled - Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament Untitled - Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament


72 SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES. [2 CHR. xxxm. 3 Hebrew mtfN'or JTTtfN , whence the "lucus" of the Old Latin* and the Vulgate, and the " grove " of A. V. Accordingly in this place a\a-if] is represented by rc^A^z. kxa [this use of ^ - - is idiomatic], lit., OLKOV c^vrcvyuarcui/ = vTevTtjpLa (" plantaria," " plantations "). But it is to be noted that, whereas the LXX uniformly employ aAo-os (not _x. . There is no apparent reason for this change of rendering, which is contrary to the translator's habitual practice of uniformity. The noun itfx_a. denotes "a thicket" merely, whether natural or other ; while K'^A^-z. rather implies "a plantation" (artificial), and thus may better express an aAcros dedicated to use in worship. But this consideration applies alike to all the places above referred to, and does not account for the variation from the latter to the former and back again. In the Prophets, there is but one example of aAo-os thus used (Mic. v. 13 [14]) ; and here Syr.-Hxp. has n^^-A^-r.. Except in that place, the use of this rendering is found in no book in the Syr.- Hxp. after Judges, until we find it here in 2 Chron. We may reasonably infer that it was similarly used in the lost parts of this Book. In 1 Reg., the LXX employ aAo-r; to render /mn#y (vii. 3, 4 ; xii. 10). Neither 1 nor 2 Reg. is now extant in Syr.-Hxp. ; but the Syr. Pecul. of Masius testifies (s.v.) that his manuscript in 1 Reg. xii. [10], and, we may infer, in the other places likewise gave the rendering *- ^| . The Peshitta renders m$N variously, but nowhere as LXX and Syr.-Hxp. ; in Exodus and Deuteronomy and the Books of Samuel and * See Lucif. Calar., De non Conv. c. Haeret., 221. f The above facts suggest the enquiry whether the hand of a collaborator may not be traced in the Books 1-4 Reg. It is to be noted that our translator in his subscription to 4 Reg. specially acknowledges the " labour and care " of ' Mar Thomas, Syncellus of the Patriarch Mar Athanasius " (not improbably Thomas of Harkel), in helping him in the work (De Lagarde, Bibliothecae Syricae, p. 256, line 32, edn. 1892. See also D.C. J5., vol. iv, p. 1015).

2 CHR. xxxm. 3-NEH. ii. 8] SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES. 73 Kings, by K^_Lui (= , = lv yfj Beei>vofji, represents the text of A ; and is of course a corrupted form of the lv ye Bai/e 'Em>//, the transliteration by which B endeavours to reproduce D3rT^3 \32 of the Hebrew ("in the valley of the Sons of Hinnom "). The present Hebr. text reads ]2 for ^3 here, and also (tfri) in the parallel 4 Reg. xxiii. 10, where LXX has lv

2 CHR. xxxm. 3-NEH. ii. 8] SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES. 73<br />

Kings, by K^_Lui (= ,<br />

= lv yfj<br />

Beei>vofji,<br />

represents the text of A ;<br />

and is of course a corrupted form of<br />

the lv ye Bai/e 'Em>//, the transliteration by<br />

which B endeavours to<br />

reproduce D3rT^3 \32 of the Hebrew ("in the valley of the Sons<br />

of Hinnom ").<br />

The present Hebr. text reads ]2 for ^3 here, and also<br />

(tfri) in the parallel 4 Reg. xxiii. 10, where LXX has lv

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