ana translation

Untitled - Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament Untitled - Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament


46 TIAPAAEinOMENflN B. [2 CHit.xxvi.20-xxix.34 xxvr. /cat ot tepees* /cat tSou auros Xenpos iv rw /xercoTrw. /cat Karecnrevcrav O.VTOV e/cet$i>, /cat yap auros ecrTreucrei' ort r.v avrov Kvios. 21 /cat li/ *Otas 21 [6] fiacrL\v$ XeTrpos ecus r){JLpa 6 ySacrtXet/s '^^e/cta? /cat ot ap^ovre

XXIX. 2CHR.xxix.34-xxx.5] HAPAAEinOMENflN B. 47 35 irapa rou? tepets. 3o Kal rj dXo/cauTwo-ts TroXXr) eV TW crreaTL rrjs reXetwcrew? TOV crajrqptou* /cat cr7ro^8a>y rrjs 6Xo/cauTwo-ea>9. Kal KaTcupOaiOrj TO tpyov iv m 36 ot/caj Kvpiov* KOL yv(j)pdv0rj '.E^e/ctas /cat 770,5 6 Xao5. Sta TO rjTOLp.dKei'ai TOV zbv rw Xaw* on efaTTt^a eyeVero xxx. 1 : Kat aTrecrretXe^ 'E^e/cta? eVt Tra^ra 'Jcr/oa^X ical ' /cat eVto-ToXas eypai/iez/ eVt TOI^ 'E^paL^ /cat Mavacrcrr) \.@LV ets OIKOV Kvpiov et? ^lepovcraXtjfJL' TTOirjcrou TO ao"e/c 2 TW Kvpia) eaj 'IcrpaTJX. 2 /cat IfiovXevorctTO 6 /BacriXevs /cat ot ap^ovTts /cat Tracra 17 e/c/cX^o-ta 17 3 7rot^o-at TO (fracrcK TO> /A>;^t TO! 8euTe/30>* 3 ou ya/> r)8vvdo'0r)cra.v Trotrja'at auTo e^ TOJ /catpw oceu>&> [eV] TO> /x-Ty^t TW TTpwTco' oTL ot te/jel? ou^ rjyvia'drjcrai' iKavoi' /cat o 4 Xaos ov crvvrix6j)

46 TIAPAAEinOMENflN B. [2 CHit.xxvi.20-xxix.34<br />

xxvr.<br />

/cat<br />

ot<br />

tepees* /cat tSou auros Xenpos iv rw /xercoTrw.<br />

/cat<br />

Karecnrevcrav O.VTOV e/cet$i>,<br />

/cat<br />

yap auros ecrTreucrei'<br />

ort r.v avrov Kvios.<br />

21 /cat li/ *Otas 21<br />

[6] fiacrL\v$ XeTrpos ecus r){JLpa 6 ySacrtXet/s '^^e/cta? /cat ot ap^ovre

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