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Untitled - Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament

Untitled - Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament

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xxi<br />

2. Further, it is to be noted that (as above stated) the compiler prefixes<br />

to his extracts from 1 Esdras the heading, ~*-^* n rd=>&vA ^<br />

rfiv-xi ("<br />

From the First Book of Ezra"), and immediately subjoins to<br />

them his extracts from Nehemiah, headed, t^iv-^i ^.ii^i n=&\_a, ^a<br />

("From the Second Book of Ezra"), adding, nri-n u IT rdLa ^<br />

(" from the words of Nehemiah "),<br />

thus ignoring entirely the canonical<br />

Ezra. Hence it follows as probable that in our compiler's copy of<br />

Paul's Version, 1 Esdras (" after the Seventy ") was not merely included<br />

with, but substituted for, the Ezra of<br />

the Hebrew and the Peshitta.<br />

If this be so, we are to interpret the " Esdras " of the Masian list as<br />

meaning " 1 Esdras [the apocryphal], with Nehemiah " and<br />

;<br />

to conclude<br />

that Paul in his Version not only differed from the Greek MSS<br />

of the Septuagint as regards the arrangement by which* they usually<br />

place the " Greek Esdras " first (describing it as "Bo-Spas A), and after<br />

it the canonical Ezra plus Nehemiah (as *EaSpas B), but that he<br />

altogether omitted the " Esdras " which follows<br />

the Hebrew, and filled<br />

its place by this (so-called) " Apocryphal 1 Esdras," which represents<br />

the Hebrew but partially, omitting much, inserting one large episode,<br />

and paraphrasing rather than translating throughout.<br />

3. Thus, finally, the surmise is suggested, that in this preference<br />

for the Book which is now excluded from the Canon over the canonical<br />

Book, Origen himself may have led the way in his Hexapla ;<br />

Catena passes over the canonical Ezra, because Paul omitted it<br />

that the<br />

from<br />

his Version, and that Paul omitted it because Origen substituted for it<br />

in the Septuagint column of his Tetrapla and Hexapla, the Book we<br />

reckon as non-canonical.<br />


Analogy between 1 Esdras and the "Chisian" Daniel.<br />

Elsewhere (Diet, of Chr. Biography, art. Theodotion)^ I have called<br />

attention to the close affinity which subsists between the Daniel of the<br />

Hexapla (the "Chisian") and this " 1 Esdras," in their paraphrastic<br />

style, their use of words, and the relation which they severally bear to<br />

their respective originals an affinity such as (in my judgment) to<br />

bespeak a common translator. There is no unlikelihood in the suggestion<br />

* So A, B, and [presumably] N.<br />

t Vol. iv, p. 977.

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