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Untitled - Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament Untitled - Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament


134 SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES. [JUDE 12-15 capable ; for though the Lexx. do not record it as thus used in peal, we find fcOLAco] (ethpa.) = avtarTrdo-O-r] (Act. xi. 10, Pesh.) ; also the ptcp. apJi. *QQSo = dvao-Trao-et (Lc. xiv. 5, Pesh. and Harkl.), and the fut. apJi. kQCQJ = avao-Trdo-rj (Dan. vi. [vii.] 19, Syr.-Hxp.). Harkl. here, while with Philox. he avoids JQlZ) , yet in his similar periphrasis the better-chosen belongs to the Syro-Hexaplar vocabulary, instead of n^ro uses Qm^ZZ] (m!lZ = eKTt'XAo>, see Tlies. S., s.v.). 13. Here, on the contrary, for eTra^pt'^oi/ra (a rare verb) Syriac offers no equivalent. Both versions alike expand it into Si [Harkl., OLTT J O.pOV OLVTWV ^ttlKVUVTO.. Ib. For PQAJ^J p.4^1 = 6 o (= e/3So/x,os)] Philox. here, and always, expresses the ordinal number (as Pesh. does) by the cardinal with prefix >, which is the idiomatic usage. But Harkl. here employs the later adjectival form, vo ]. and similarly writes j,.l.iJLDZ for oyooov (2 Pet. ii. 5, where Philox. has ta.lV.oZ>), and so elsewhere in places where the ordinal denotes second, third, &c., in a series. But in the two remaining instances where an ordinal (Seurepos) occurs in these Epp. (2 Pet. iii. 1 ; Jud. 5) merely meaning second, or secondly, as opposed to first, Harkl. with Philox., renders by ^aZj'Zj. Cp. on this point (e.g.) the Pesh. and Harkl. renderings of Mt. xxii. 26, and of Joh. xxi. 14 17. 14, 15. In these two verses our version exhibits three remarkable agreements with readings in which N is singular or nearly so among Gr. authorities. (a) In 14, it represents ei/ pvpido-w dyiW (for eV dyuus /xvptacriv) but ft, &G., add dyycXwj (6) In 15, Traorav $vyr) v i for Trai/Tas TOVS dcre/^ets ; (c) In 15, after Ipywv, it omits d

JUDE 15-23] SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES. 135 scribe's grammatical correction ; the true reading of Philox., with its irregularity, is no doubt that which the two oldest copies preserve. Harkl. corrects it in the opposite way, by writing the former verb as well as the latter in the infinitive (,*">SV?S). Notably, it is the habit of Harkl. to render Gr. infin. by infin. ; Philox. tends to substitute (where admissible) the fut. with j prefix. 1 6. Here Philox. once more, in rendering /ze/xi/a^cxpoi, offers a fairly adequate periphrasis (see note on Gr. text in loc.) Harkl., : forsaking the guidance of the prior version, is misled by a reading (else unknown) which he records on his inarg., ^^i^vpot into an attempt to render the word etymologically (as if = /xc/x^o/jtevoi /xvptaSa),* --^,V IZoo^. White renders " conquerentes de principatu" but the Gr. of Harkl. marg. implies ]ZoS> ( = /xvpias, as ver. 14), not (Zo29 ( = /u,eya- Awo-uV*/, as ver. 25). Ib. For |Au> i'l.. ( = v7T6poyKa), see note (p. 17), and first Note supr., on (MJQ.I, 2 Pet. ii. 18. The form here used is the Syro-Hexaplar rendering of the same Gr. word, Thren. i. 9, also (as cited by Masius, Syr. PecuL, s.v.), Deut. xxx. 11. 20. Neither version attempts to express the superlative ayiajTu'-n;, both render merely as if dym, which no Gr. gives, were read here. 22. For .OO1TV)\O (= KCU ovs (AW), 10 and 20 (and Arab, similarly) read .OOllSDO ; representing KCU TO i/xanov avrw (sc., the e' The noun (JJlD is sometimes written without (, and its, use = f/xartov is frequent in Pesh. (In tlje footnote in loc., p. 37, the reading of 10 is wrongly given as tOOlQlSC-lO.) 22, 23. To the notes (p. 82 supr.) on the complicated variations in the text of these verses, the following remarks are supplementary. (a) Philox. here, against Harkl. and the other versions, and the Gr. manuscripts, supports the form in which the passage is cited by a writer so early and so learned as Clement of Alexandria (ors /xev e/c c, Sia/cpao/xeVous Se cA-eetre (Strom, vi. 8) and by Jerome * For an example of the etymological skill of Harkl., see his note on Act. x. 1, where he explains KopvyXios as = Kop))v r)\iov: also (assuming the later Syr. version of Apoc. to be his) his rendering of eV /ieV ovpavn/^an, as if it were written, eV /u.eVy oupa.i' at'uarj (or TOS) (Apoc. viii. 13).


capable ; for though the Lexx. do not record it as thus used in peal,<br />

we find fcOLAco] (ethpa.) = avtarTrdo-O-r] (Act. xi. 10, Pesh.) ;<br />

also the<br />

ptcp. apJi.<br />

*QQSo = dvao-Trao-et (Lc. xiv. 5, Pesh. and Harkl.), and the<br />

fut. apJi.<br />

kQCQJ = avao-Trdo-rj (Dan. vi. [vii.] 19, Syr.-Hxp.). Harkl.<br />

here, while with Philox. he avoids JQlZ) , yet<br />

in his similar periphrasis the better-chosen<br />

belongs to the Syro-Hexaplar vocabulary,<br />

instead of n^ro uses<br />

Qm^ZZ] (m!lZ = eKTt'XAo>,<br />

see Tlies. S., s.v.).<br />

13. Here, on the contrary, for eTra^pt'^oi/ra (a rare verb) Syriac<br />

offers no equivalent. Both versions alike expand it into Si [Harkl.,<br />


Ib. For PQAJ^J p.4^1 = 6 o (= e/3So/x,os)] Philox. here, and always, expresses the<br />

ordinal number (as Pesh. does) by the cardinal with prefix >, which is<br />

the idiomatic usage. But Harkl. here employs the later adjectival form,<br />

vo<br />

]. and similarly writes j,.l.iJLDZ for oyooov (2 Pet. ii. 5, where<br />

Philox. has ta.lV.oZ>), and so elsewhere in places where the ordinal<br />

denotes second, third, &c., in a series. But in the two remaining<br />

instances where an ordinal (Seurepos) occurs in these Epp. (2 Pet. iii. 1 ;<br />

Jud. 5) merely meaning second, or secondly, as opposed to first, Harkl.<br />

with Philox., renders by ^aZj'Zj. Cp. on this point (e.g.) the Pesh. and<br />

Harkl. renderings of Mt. xxii. 26, and of Joh. xxi. 14 17.<br />

14, 15.<br />

In these two verses our version exhibits three remarkable<br />

agreements with readings in which N is singular or nearly so among<br />

Gr. authorities.<br />

(a) In 14, it represents ei/ pvpido-w dyiW (for eV dyuus<br />

/xvptacriv)<br />

but ft, &G., add dyycXwj (6)<br />

In 15, Traorav $vyr) v i<br />

for<br />

Trai/Tas TOVS dcre/^ets ; (c) In 15, after Ipywv, it omits d

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