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Untitled - Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament

Untitled - Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament

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[2 PET. m. 5-10<br />

It follows that in his exemplar KCU Si' vSaros did not appear, and that<br />

he derived them from some other source. But there is nothing to show<br />

whether that source was Philox., or a second Gr. exemplar.<br />

6. Both versions render Kara/cAro^eis (arr. Aey. in N.T.) by *SL^ and<br />

', so Syr.-Hxp., Ps. Ixxvii. [Ixxviii.] 20 (LXX.), and elsewhere. The noun<br />

p.2Q^ = KaraKXvo-/xo5, occurs ii. 5 supr. (both versions); likewise (Pesh.<br />

and Harkl.), Mt. xxiv. 38, Luc. xvii. 27 ;<br />

as in Gen. vi. 7, Syr.-Hxp.<br />

(Pesh. similarly).<br />

But the verb ^ does not occur in Pesh. N.T. It<br />

appears in Harkl., but used in a different sense;<br />

as Luc. viii. 23<br />

( = 7rAeio), Act. xiii. 4 ( = a7ro7rA.ea>), xv. 39 ( = eKTrAeaj) ; so again ( = 7rA.e*omVo = jjyovvTai, see second Note supr. on ii. 19 (the<br />

pointing of participles pael and apliel).<br />

Ib. For J^f = /2ovAd/xi/o9, see Note infr., on 2 Joh. 12.<br />

10. Of the two modes of representing oroi^eta in Syr.<br />

(a naturalized word), and ]*_DQ^b (a mere transliteration of the<br />

Gr.) we may presume that Philox. consistently adopted one or other<br />

in this verse and ver. 12. Now, of our codices, three of the earlier<br />

group (9, 12, 14) with 11, 13, 19, 20, as well as 7, 8, 10, write in ver.<br />

10, tmOO^fibl, partly supported by 2 and 3 (ImDQ^cb); while "UsO&iB<br />

is written by our best authority (1) supported only by 18, and (as might<br />

be expected) by the graecizing Harkl. But in ver. 1 2, most of our best<br />

group change sides; 2 and 14 alone remain stedfast to ImOQ^cbl<br />

1<br />


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