ana translation

Untitled - Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament Untitled - Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament


The Greek MSS which give the Pericope, with or without note of doubt, are (as cited by Tischendorf ) DEFGHKMSUTAn (but in F only viii, 10, 11 are extant). It also appears in more than 300 mss. The Old Latin versions preserved in the copies known as Colbert), e (Cod. Palat.), ff (Cod, Corbei.), also exhibit it.* c (Cod. In the Notes appended to the following Greek Text (I.), the readings of the Greek MSS are taken from Tischendorf, N.T., (eighth ed.) those of the Old Latin from Sabatier, Latinae Verss., t. HI. ; (c); Tischendorf, Evang. Palat. (e) ; Buchanan, O.L. BibL Texts, no.v.(ff). The Old Latin d, which is interpaged with the Greek D (Cod. Bezae), also gives a text independent in a few places of the Greek. t. i. * The Old Lat mss 1, r, include the Pericope 5 but apparently as borrowed from the Vulgate. The mss g, h, belong to the Old Lat. class only in St. Matthew. The ms b has lost the Pericope by excision of two pp., retaining only viii. 12.

ST. Jon. VII. 53 VIII. 4] 87 rot Kara IQANNHN i. (p. 43, supr.) V ! ; I 3 M 'E-rropevOrj ovv /cao-TO5 [avraii/] t? TOI/ ot/coz> auToO. Ss Se iTTOpcvOrj cis. TO O/3O? Se TraXti/ j\0ei> etg TO tepoV /cat Tra? 6 Xaos WX ro ^P 09 3 auToi/, /cat /ca^tVa^ e'St'Sao-Krev auTOV9. 3 Se Trpocr^Vey/ca^ ot /cat ot eV ypa/x/iaTets $a/3to-atot ywat/ca ^oteta /cara- 4 X^^eicrai/, /cat onfowre urw- Jt8ao-raX6, avTr; 77 VII. (53) This verse lat * (ff a) om ; as do two syr. | 5 alone writes ofo after Lopc^., instead of xai before it. | D M S T and some mss, lat, write verb in plur. \ No gr expresses a^rcGv probably a syr pleonasm. VIII. (I) 'I^ov? Se] UTA, some mss, write ml [o] 'Ii/cro^. | P yeWo (D, xapay tVcra t ).--In the syr and these lat the verb used is the same as renders ^px < ust after J ^ So D M S J F ' I a^ov^ Aj most mss, lat : E G H K II, some mss, om. \ (3) po*njrryir] Nearly (2) W] SoUT, many mss, lat vt (c d ff) ^ ("venit ") : most gr, all gr read ^yovcr^, and so lat vt (ff) f^f :-but lat < (c e) as syr. | After Qapur., S with D M S U T A, most mss, lat vt (e) vg, om wp* aMv (but for ad eum," e gives autem ") :-which E G H K II, many mss, lat vt (c ff ) ins. \ KaToAr^cIaav] Or, MrraXm^y ^~^r vaI 7 M to tense; B writes cftWcVi?i' (om KUT). | (4) KarcX^^] Or, [KT]- KP vary much. | (Here, D writes with K

The Greek MSS which give the Pericope, with or without note of<br />

doubt, are (as cited by Tischendorf )<br />

DEFGHKMSUTAn (but<br />

in F only viii, 10, 11 are extant).<br />

It also appears in more than<br />

300 mss.<br />

The Old Latin versions preserved in the copies known as<br />

Colbert), e (Cod. Palat.), ff (Cod, Corbei.), also exhibit it.*<br />

c (Cod.<br />

In the Notes appended to the following Greek Text (I.),<br />

the<br />

readings of the Greek MSS are taken from Tischendorf, N.T.,<br />

(eighth ed.) those of the Old Latin from Sabatier, Latinae Verss., t. HI.<br />

;<br />

(c); Tischendorf, Evang. Palat. (e) ; Buch<strong>ana</strong>n, O.L. BibL Texts, no.v.(ff).<br />

The Old Latin d, which is<br />

interpaged with the Greek D (Cod.<br />

Bezae), also gives a text independent in a few places of the Greek.<br />

t. i.<br />

* The Old Lat mss 1, r, include the Pericope 5<br />

but apparently as borrowed<br />

from the Vulgate.<br />

The mss g, h, belong to the Old Lat. class only in St. Matthew.<br />

The ms b has lost the Pericope by excision of two pp., retaining only viii. 12.

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