ana translation

Untitled - Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament Untitled - Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament


62 IIETPOT B. [2 PET. II. 4-10 II. tft^ov raprapwcras [aurovs], 7rapeSw/ci> [aurous] ets Kpicriv /coXdcrews TrjpeLcrOaC 5 /cat ap^aiov /cooyzou OVK e^etcraro* 5 dXX* oySooi> iVaie St/catoauV^s KTJpvKa e9. 7 /cat St/catoz> 7 KaraTTovov^.vov vno T^S rail' aOeo-fJLUis IP dcreXyeta eppvoraTO* 8 )8Xe/x)LtaTt yap /cat d/co^ 6 Sucaios 8 avrots, Tjfjiepav cf rjfjiepas ^vyriv avrov St- /catai/ OLVO^OI^ epyots e/Sacrd^t^ei'. 9 otSet' Kvpios TOUS 9 e/c Tretpacr/xou pvtcrOai, d8t/coi>9 Se ets rjpepav /coXa^o/xeVou? rrjpelv. crap/cos ez/ 7rt^v/ita />tta(7/xou Tropeuo/xeVous, /cat 10 /xctXt(jra 8e rous oTrtcro) 10 sic in txt ; in mg (gr), raprapwafa?]) TrapcScaKCj/. | avrovs (&s)] 5 and hkl ms pron., probably without gr equivalent ; and so 5, auras, v. 6. | KoXaorews T^pcia^ai] Reading otherwise unattested, except by hkl (which marks *oA. with ^f). Among gr, the nearest to it is ms 13 (also op Joh. Damasc.) KoAao/x

'2 PET. II. 10-14] IIETPOT B. 63 II. KaTapovovvTa$' ToXfJLYjTal /cat au&iSets' ot Soav ov )8Xacr77fioiWs. ll onov dyyeXot tcr^i* /cat oi>T9 [auT&ii/]' ou povcrLv /car' avrwv napa 12 Kvpiov ft\da-r)iJLov Kpicriv. 12 ovrot Se a>s dXoya

'2 PET. II. 10-14] IIETPOT B. 63<br />

II.<br />

KaTapovovvTa$' ToXfJLYjTal<br />

/cat au&iSets' ot Soav ov<br />

)8Xacr77fioiWs.<br />

ll<br />

onov dyyeXot tcr^i*<br />

/cat<br />

oi>T9 [auT&ii/]'<br />

ou povcrLv<br />

/car' avrwv napa<br />

12 Kvpiov ft\da-r)iJLov Kpicriv.<br />

12 ovrot Se a>s dXoya<br />

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