Raport roczny 2004r.

Raport roczny 2004r.

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Klienci / Customers<br />

Struktura iloœciowa sprzeda¿y energii elektrycznej w proc., w latach 2003-2004<br />

Quantitative sales structure for electric power in 2003-2004 (%)<br />

Sprzeda¿ i dostawa energii elektrycznej poszczególnym grupom odbiorców<br />

Sale and supply of electric power to single consumer groups<br />

Grupy taryfowe Charakter odbioru IloϾ energii w MWh<br />

Tariff groups Type of consumer Quantity of power in MWh<br />

Grupy taryfowe A<br />

A tariff groups<br />

Grupy taryfowe B<br />

B tariff groups<br />

2 0 0 3 r . 2 0 0 4 r .<br />

przemysł zasilany z sieci WN<br />

industry supplied by high voltage network<br />

1 155 456 1 002 459<br />

przemysł zasilany z sieci SN<br />

1 413 568<br />

industry supplied by medium voltage network<br />

1 472 344<br />

Grupy taryfowe C<br />

odb. zasilani z sieci nn<br />

(handel, usługi, rzemiosło)<br />

C tariff groups<br />

low voltage reception<br />

(trade, services, craft)<br />

Grupa taryfowa R odbiorcy ryczałtowi<br />

R tariff group<br />

bulk consumers<br />

Razem odbiorcy przemysłowi<br />

Total industrial consumers<br />

odbiorcy indywidualni<br />

Grupy taryfowe G<br />

w lokalach mieszkalnych<br />

individual consumers -<br />

G tariff groups<br />

households<br />

Ogółem sprzedaż dla odbiorców taryfowych<br />

Total sales to tariff consumers<br />

Energia dostarczona do odbiorców korzystających z TPA<br />

Power supplied to consumers using TPA<br />

Razem energia dostarczona odbiorcom końcowym<br />

Total power supplied to end users<br />

603 295 607 124<br />

257 304<br />

3 172 576 3 082 231<br />

958 439 962 409<br />

4 131 015 4 044 640<br />

33 211 81 947<br />

4 164 226 4 126 587<br />

In 2004 The ZEŁ-T S.A. Power Company carried out<br />

purchase and sales, as well as transmission and<br />

distribution of power for 592,530 end users, compared<br />

to 2003 the number of our customers<br />

increased by 2,439. In 2004 we sold 4,045 GWh of<br />

electric power.<br />

Industrial consumers supplied by the medium<br />

and low voltage network, increased by 579 compared<br />

to 2003, and the number of household consumers increased<br />

by 1,860. In the course of 2004, industrial customers<br />

supplied by the medium voltage network decreased<br />

by 70 and contracts were signed with 115 new<br />

recipients. Among the newly-gained consumers there<br />

are companies which receive large quantities of electric<br />

power, billed in three time zones. In the B23 tariff<br />

group, related to the biggest consumers, the Company<br />

signed contracts with 45 enterprises in 2004, which<br />

can be seen as proof of economic development in the<br />

łódzkie voivodship.<br />

That is why initiatives were continued aiming at<br />

the improvement of service quality for our customers.<br />

We implemented the SELEN billing system. Caring<br />

for the improvement of service quality, we managed to<br />

merge the spatial information system and the billing<br />

system. As a result, our employees can quickly reach<br />

any data concerning the customer in order to solve<br />

problems more quickly. The speed in which this data<br />

can be made available is particularly important as far<br />

as integral and fast customer service is concerned.<br />

In early September 2004, the customers of<br />

ZEŁ-T S.A. could settle their payments for electric current<br />

not only in Customer Service Offices, at the post office<br />

or at the bank, but also while shopping in your local<br />

grocery shop or supermarket, thanks to cash payment<br />

servicing via the Moje Rachunki (My Bills) network.<br />

Between 2004 and 2005 ZEŁ-T S.A. inaugurated<br />

an on-line Customer Service Desk and implemented<br />

a Customer Relationship Management system.<br />


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