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of possible problems with the methodology of the World<br />

Values Survey, and the fact that the survey includes far<br />

from all of the values that people may consider to be<br />

important in their lives, this is probably the best attempt<br />

so far for comparing the value preferences of various peoples<br />

over time. Estonia’s position on the cultural map of<br />

the world – with a strong focus on secular-rational values,<br />

but also on values related to survival – reflects, to a great<br />

extent, our position on the geopolitical map, on the crossroads<br />

between Northern and Eastern Europe. Thus, we<br />

cannot help that Estonia’s actual position on both maps<br />

diverges somewhat from the position in which we would<br />

wish, or imagine, ourselves to be, which is closer to the<br />

Nordic ideal.<br />

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Estonian Human Development Report 2012/2013

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