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The pdf-version - Eesti Koostöö Kogu


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promote healthy lifestyles among the population, and to<br />

prevent heart disease and injuries, which has ensured<br />

the progress to date; but, at the same time, these are the<br />

reasons that the Estonian population’s health indicators<br />

to continue to lag.<br />

Medicalisation – the increased utilisation of medi cal<br />

assistance and medications – is a phenomenon characteristic<br />

of developed countries, and it is also spreading<br />

in Estonia. This is evidenced by the increased readiness<br />

of the medical system to provide continual medical assistance<br />

for various illnesses, as well as the readiness of the<br />

population to admit that they need help. The quantity<br />

of prescription medications that is being used, which<br />

characterises medicalisation, has doubled during the last<br />

decade in both Estonia and the Nordic countries. The<br />

total number of medication users, as well as the intensity<br />

of the use, has increased, although we cannot conclude<br />

from this that we now have more people who are ill, or<br />

that the illnesses have become more serious. This phenomenon<br />

rather demonstrates that the population’s illness-related<br />

behaviour is becoming consumer behaviour.<br />

Unfortunately, among Estonia’s young people, the<br />

health-promoting factors are decreasing, and the ones<br />

damaging to health are increasing, and this is happening<br />

faster than in the other developed countries.<br />

Among schoolchildren, the number of overweight boys<br />

and girls has suddenly increased during the last decade<br />

and, just as suddenly, the number of children who are<br />

physically active has decreased. This dynamic is typical<br />

not only of Estonia, but also the rest of the developed<br />

countries, and portends a significant increase in illness<br />

and the need for medical care in this generation, in a<br />

few decades.<br />

The Estonian population’s health trends, during<br />

the last decade, allow us to make a very simplified<br />

summary -- the older segment of the Estonian population<br />

is living longer; the middle-aged segment is living<br />

healthier; but among the young, the impact of the<br />

factors that protect one’s health is declining. We can<br />

only hope that the health behaviour of Estonia’s young<br />

people will become more health-sustaining when they<br />

reach the next age group.<br />

References<br />

1. Eurostat Healthy life years statistics. http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.<br />

eu/statistics_explained/index.php/Healthy_life years_statistics<br />

2. Health Behaviour of School-aged Children Study. http://www.<br />

hbsc.org/<br />

3. Estonian State Agency of Medicines medication statistics. http://<br />

www.ravimiamet.ee/<br />

4. Nordic Medico-Statistical Committee. http://www.nom-nos.dk<br />

5. Aru J., Rahno J., Rannala H. “Tervena elada jäänud aastad ning<br />

nende arvutamine,” Quarterly newsletter of Statistics Estonia.<br />

2012; 1: 45–50.<br />

6. Salomon J. A., Wang H., Freeman M. K., Vos T., Flaxman A.<br />

D., Lopez A. D., Murray C. J. L. “Healthy life expectancy for<br />

187 countries, 1990–2010: a systematic analysis for the Global<br />

Burden Disease Study 2010,” Lancet 2012; 380: 2144–2162.<br />

7. Volmer D., Smirnova L., Henrikson E., Kiivet R. A. “Eesti<br />

inimeste retseptiravimite kasutamise seosed tervise enesehinnangu<br />

ja krooniliste haiguste esinemisega 1996. ja 2006. aasta<br />

Eesti terviseuuringu andmetel,” Eesti Arst 2012; 91(6): 286–293.<br />

8. Aasvee K., Maser M. “Ülevaade Eestis 2001/2002. ja 2005/2006.<br />

õppeaastal toimunud kooliõpilatse tervisekäitumise uuringutest<br />

teiste riikide taustal” Eesti Arst 2009; 88(6):390-401.<br />

Estonian Human Development Report 2012/2013<br />


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