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The pdf-version - Eesti Koostöö Kogu


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Table 1.3.5<br />

Strengths and weaknesses of Estonian education based on international indicators compared to the domestic debates.<br />

Strengths of Estonian education based<br />

on international reports<br />

Small percentage of children with low<br />

performance<br />

Relatively small differences between<br />

schools; small impact of socio-economic<br />

background on study performance<br />

Children’s enrolment in pre-school education<br />

at the saturation level (almost 90%)<br />

Problems presented in domestic<br />

debates<br />

Teachers’ low salaries<br />

High drop-out rate<br />

Poor level and volume of vocational education;<br />

poor preparation of the graduates of<br />

all schools for vocational work<br />

Meaning of examination results, admission<br />

tests, “elite schools”<br />

Shortage of kindergarten places<br />

Insufficient teaching of creativity and<br />

entrepreneurship<br />

Weaknesses of Estonian education<br />

based on international reports<br />

Teachers’ low salaries<br />

Weak connection to the labour market (i.e.<br />

many people do simpler work than one<br />

might assume from their qualifications;<br />

salary gap to the detriment of women)<br />

Extremely high dependence of financing on<br />

government resources<br />

Small percentage of men compared to<br />

women among both students and teachers<br />

at all educational levels<br />

Sources: Education at a Glance 2012; Progress Towards the Common Objectives in Education and Training 2010/2011; The Five Challenges<br />

for Estonian Education 2012<br />

References<br />

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40<br />

Estonian Human Development Report 2012/2013

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