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The pdf-version - Eesti Koostöö Kogu


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that repudiates the GDP-centric mindset and has created<br />

a Happy Planet Index, which is rapidly gaining popularity.<br />

From Estonia’s point of view, most of these ladders<br />

seem reasonable and pertinent: even the anti-globalists<br />

and euro-sceptics want to live healthy lives with some<br />

banknotes in their pockets, and none of them want to<br />

fall victim to criminals or end up in the grasp of corrupt<br />

superiors. Regardless of the criticism and the qualms, the<br />

development ladders we see circulating in the world represent<br />

the current understanding of what is important and<br />

significant in life. Climbing them will not lead to an ideal<br />

world, but it will make life more worthy of human dignity.<br />

6.1.2<br />

The next step<br />

It has taken Estonia two decades to settle into the open<br />

world and the global marketplace. In this report, we compare<br />

the length of our steps both globally and in respect<br />

to selected reference states. Figure 6.1.1 provides a generalised<br />

comparison with our immediate environment – the<br />

European Union. The spheres of life where Estonia is an<br />

achiever in the EU context are included, as are the areas<br />

where we lag behind.<br />

When examining Estonia’s position in the world, as<br />

well as in Europe, a unique contradiction becomes evident<br />

– the indicators of our potential are often better than our<br />

actual results. Estonia has been able to create a favourable<br />

environment, without any significant restrictions,<br />

for people, companies, and civil society organisations to<br />

act. We follow the rules; our procedures are simple and<br />

technology-friendly, even outdoing the countries of “old”<br />

Europe. The Estonian taxpayers have to spend relatively<br />

little to service the state debt. We have built an environment<br />

that supports development, but, at the same time,<br />

have not succeeded in adequately converting this into<br />

benefits for the local people. Our health, wallets and life<br />

satisfaction continue to among the poorest in Europe. The<br />

development environment is good, but the development<br />

itself does not meet expectations. Thus, our next challenge<br />

is to transform Estonia’s potential into actual life quality.<br />

The following are some observations based on this report,<br />

which could support the steps that we will need to take.<br />

Firstly – the broader view. Today, there are great<br />

fluctuations in the assessments of Estonia: the external<br />

view consists mostly of a wonderful success story; the<br />

internal view is indecisive and critical, and sometimes<br />

downright dramatic. The dramatic internal view is often<br />

supported by a narrow base of comparison, which usually<br />

starts with the statement, “But in Finland, they ….”<br />

Broader comparative circumstances would benefit the<br />

Estonians’ mindset. By examining the broader context,<br />

we would find out that ideal worlds do not exist, and on<br />

the global arena, we have actually coped very well – we<br />

are one of the few societies with a population of about<br />

one million which has established itself in the world.<br />

A broader comparison would also help to increase the<br />

people’s self-confidence in Estonia and cure them of the<br />

need to cling to past concerns. It would help to shift their<br />

attitude from someone who is endangered and waiting for<br />

help toward someone who is responsible and makes a contribution.<br />

Because our actual position in the world tells us<br />

outright – we have to tend not only to our own business,<br />

but also to the business of Europe and the world.<br />

Secondly – the obstinate view. In the course of<br />

twenty years, the Estonian state and people have been<br />

good learners, adopting the things that already existed<br />

– be it the European Union’s rules, NATO’s standards<br />

or the correct wording of human rights issues. Unfortunately,<br />

imitation can only produce a middling result, not<br />

the best one. Becoming one of the best requires stepping<br />

outside the well-worn path, having the courage to risk,<br />

taking a critical of view oneself, but also having the ability<br />

to compromise. In this regard, we lag behind the most<br />

capable players – be it enterprise in the economic sphere,<br />

leadership in the social sphere, or clearly argued involvement<br />

in politics. Our conservative self-interest needs to be<br />

purposefully complemented by a more constructive and<br />

creative attitude toward life.<br />

Thirdly – the comprehensive view. The report<br />

points out that some unreasonably large differences in<br />

the society are hidden behind Estonia’s excellent average<br />

indicators – be it regional differentiations, gender gaps or<br />

differences between Estonians and other ethnic groups.<br />

A small society cannot allow itself the luxury of being<br />

splintered or of wasting its human capital – those who lag<br />

behind have to be brought up to speed. Experience teaches<br />

us that the successful small states of the world do not recreate<br />

America at home, but rather strive to create Nordic<br />

countries, in the belief that the price of vitality is internal<br />

harmony. The attitudes of the elite who are focused on the<br />

social sphere, which were described in chapter five of this<br />

report, point to the fact that things are changing.<br />

Fourthly – the direct view. The next step requires<br />

that we also face some inconvenient truths, which capable<br />

Estonia has preferred to ignore – whether the topic<br />

is our title of European HIV-positive champion, the hot<br />

potato of immigration, the Russian complex that consistently<br />

impedes us, and forces us to write preambles, fight<br />

against gas pipelines and be ashamed of Yeltsin bas-reliefs.<br />

Instead, we must look at the Estonian-Russians<br />

with a clear gaze and recognise their contribution to the<br />

improvements in our life, supported by the knowledge<br />

that those who ignore problems can achieve mediocrity<br />

but not excellence.<br />

The global marketplace is a harsh world, where survival<br />

is not guaranteed for anyone. It is a kind of miracle<br />

that, after surviving the meat grinder of the twentieth<br />

century, Estonia has been able to establish itself and cope<br />

in this marketplace. Unfortunately, the rules of the marketplace<br />

do not allow for any let-up. A great step has been<br />

taken and the next one is just ahead. Estonia’s skeleton<br />

– its judicial area, economic environment and democracy<br />

– works but it requires some fine tuning. Now the focus<br />

must shift to the content – smarter enterprise, better-paid<br />

work, transparency in politics, flexibility in education, and<br />

uniform development. This requires a fresh viewpoint and<br />

leadership, but we must also rid ourselves of any impediments.<br />

Estonia has been remarkably capable at removing<br />

external limitations, now we have to come to grips with the<br />

internal ones. A broader, more obstinate, more comprehensive<br />

and more honest view of ourselves and the world will<br />

hopefully help us to join those who are the best, not only<br />

in potential, but also in the context of actual life quality.<br />

Estonian Human Development Report 2012/2013<br />


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