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The pdf-version - Eesti Koostöö Kogu


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4.1<br />

Economic environment<br />

Jüri Sepp, Clemens Buchen, Helje Kaldaru<br />

Today, two viewpoints of economic development can<br />

be identified within the framework of economics: 1) the<br />

growth theory based on production functions and factors,<br />

and 2) an institutional approach that places importance<br />

on the motivation of individuals. The first course is<br />

characterised, somewhat, by a mechanical approach to<br />

the economy (Leschke 2011, 95–96). The interests and<br />

incentives of the economic subjects are ignored. However,<br />

the efficiency of using production factors may vary<br />

to a great extent under different social conditions. It is<br />

enough to allude to the relatively modest results produced<br />

by developmental aid to date, to be convinced that large<br />

investments may turn out to be a waste of money, if the<br />

social preconditions for development, in the form of purposeful<br />

and functional formal and informal institutions,<br />

are lacking. 1 Essentially, the decisive role of institutions is<br />

demonstrated by the analysis of specific nations’ wealth in<br />

sub-chapter 4.2, where this role is determined indirectly,<br />

as a certain residual value of wealth.<br />

In the context of this study, the intertwining of two<br />

approaches to development theory, within the framework<br />

of the UN human development concept, deserves<br />

special attention. In the 1996 and 2003 Human Development<br />

Reports, a qualitative model was presented to<br />

illustrate the specific connection between human capital<br />

and economic development, which also confirms the<br />

importance of institutions (HDR 1996, 68; HDR 2003,<br />

70). Namely, the reciprocal impact of human capital and<br />

economic development can be viewed as functioning<br />

through several filters or catalysts. The inhibitors and<br />

accelerants in both directions are the private and public<br />

institutions that guide human behaviour. In some states,<br />

a relatively harmonious process of human development<br />

and economic growth becomes evident, while in others,<br />

one or the other development factor becomes an inhibitor<br />

(Sepp, Eerma 2011).<br />

In the following empirical analysis we will try to<br />

focus on those institutions, which clearly have a positive<br />

impact. At the same time, we should not lose sight of the<br />

fact that various institutions may be substantively equivalent,<br />

and develop complicated mutual connections and<br />

dependencies. In this study, the possibilities for making<br />

the quality of institutions measurable from the viewpoint<br />

of economic development are explored 2 . Methodologically<br />

and empirically, this is based on the rankings compiled<br />

by international organisations, which are regularly available<br />

for forming assessments 3 . The best known are three<br />

generalising indicators:<br />

• Economic competitiveness, which is expressed<br />

in the indices of both the World Economic Forum<br />

(WEF) and the International Institute for Management<br />

Development (IMD);<br />

• Economic freedom, which is examined empirically<br />

by the Heritage Foundation (HF) in the U.S. and<br />

the Fraser Institute (FI) in Canada. Entrepreneurial<br />

freedom is measured, in detail, by the World Bank,<br />

in its series called Doing Business. In principle, the<br />

integrated index on the regulation of the commodities<br />

market, compiled by the OECD, can be considered<br />

to be a reverse indicator of economic freedom; 4<br />

• Quality of governance, which the World Bank<br />

measures with its Worldwide Governance Indicators<br />

(WGI), and based on which, economic and political<br />

institutions are also assessed. Assessments of transition<br />

states are provided by the European Bank of<br />

Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). 5<br />

The connections of these three criteria to economic<br />

development differ. Economic freedom and the quality<br />

of governance are essentially directed to opening up the<br />

state’s institutional development potential. However,<br />

competitiveness is a construction in which the achieved<br />

level of development (the ability to earn) and its factors –<br />

the ability to sell and the ability to attract – are combined<br />

(Trabold 1995). Therefore, the general indicators of competitiveness<br />

are relatively endogenous (derived internally),<br />

and as such, are not very informative. However, some of<br />

the sub-indicators (components) of competitiveness pro-<br />

1 Institutions include all the rules and standards that affect cooperation between individuals, and, based on North’s (1990) often quoted<br />

statement, are the social stimulation systems. As influencers of human behaviour, institutions may promote economic growth or inhibit it.<br />

Therefore, any growth theory that is based on production factors will be only a conditional abstraction, if it is not supplemented by an analysis<br />

of the interests and stimuli of the economic agents.<br />

2 Therefore, the data provided by Freedom House is not included, because its main focus is on political conditions.<br />

3 The Ifo Institute’s Institutions Climate Index, which assesses the OECD states would, actually, warrant attention, but unfortunately, its authors<br />

have not considered it necessary to include Estonia. See Eicher ja Röhn (2007) and http://www.cesifo-group.de/ifoHome/facts/DICE/Other-Topics/Basic-Country-Characteristics/Institutions-Climate-Indices/ins-clim-inde-11.html.<br />

We have also not included the data available from<br />

individual researchers, the sustainability of which is questionable, i.e. Kuncic (2012).<br />

4 Unfortunately, this is only a periodically available indicator, the last level of which characterises 2008. See Wölfl et al. (2009) and http://www.<br />

oecd.org/eco/regulatoryreformandcompetitionpolicy/indicatorsofproductmarketregulationpmr.htm<br />

5 http://www.ebrd.com/pages/research/publications/flagships/transition.shtml<br />

150<br />

Estonian Human Development Report 2012/2013

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