The pdf-version - Eesti Koostöö Kogu

The pdf-version - Eesti Koostöö Kogu


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4The Economy<br />

Estonian Human Development Report 2012/2013<br />

Introduction<br />

In the approach to the economy in this report, we try to<br />

focus on the future and, if possible, to differentiate the<br />

developmental level that has been achieved by the economy,<br />

from the means and factors for increasing it in the<br />

future, and to find the appropriate indicators for dealing<br />

with this particular assignment. According to the concept<br />

of competitiveness, a country’s economic well-being<br />

(wealth, earning capacity) depends on the input (effectiveness)<br />

of private companies and the government. If<br />

the economy is primarily related to companies by the<br />

ability to sell, i.e. the ability to compete, internationally,<br />

in both domestic and foreign markets for goods and<br />

services, then the primary role of the government is to<br />

shape the framework, or the economic environment,<br />

in which business takes place, so as to make the given<br />

state attractive to economic agents. The first sub-chapter<br />

is devoted to this latter topic. The components of an<br />

economic environment are the institutions that form a<br />

social stimulation system (North 1990) on the one hand,<br />

and the infrastructure as the physical basis for economic<br />

activity, on the other hand. Of course, in the first case,<br />

along with the formal rules of the game established<br />

by the state, the informal institutions (social norms,<br />

values), which develop on an evolutionary basis, are also<br />

extremely important. Both economic efficiency, as well as<br />

the attractiveness of the state in the international rivalry<br />

of competing systems, depends on them. In the second<br />

sub-chapter, an examination is made of the possibilities<br />

for measuring the role and potential of various development<br />

factors with the help of the macroeconomic model<br />

of the state’s wealth. In this process, it considered<br />

that, in its broader meaning, wealth is a complicated<br />

phenomenon comprised of several components, and its<br />

development involves both natural and intangible factors<br />

in addition to the produced and human capital involved.<br />

The third sub-chapter focuses separately on one essential<br />

component of the economic environment – the labour<br />

market. The reason is both its direct connection to<br />

human capital as the most important production factor,<br />

as well as the contradictory nature of the assessment<br />

given to the situation in Estonia’s labour market. The<br />

second important basis for economic success, along with<br />

the general economic environment, is the position of the<br />

state’s enterprises in global value chains and networks,<br />

the criterion of which is sophistication (in the sense of<br />

complexity, and refinement) – thus, in this essay, we<br />

speak about the sophistication of business. The organisational<br />

structure of the economy can be viewed as one,<br />

self-created component of the institutional framework of<br />

economic agents, which is defined as an arrangement, in<br />

order to differentiate it from the so-called external environment.<br />

On the other hand, the main direct criteria for<br />

the static and dynamic efficiency of enterprise are productivity<br />

and innovation, and the last two sub-chapters<br />

are devoted to them. Of course, a state’s attractiveness<br />

and business capability is not something insular. These<br />

are elements of one and the same socio-economic system,<br />

which are closely related and can be developed only if we<br />

take into consideration the specific historical, social and<br />

cultural context involved.<br />

Estonian Human Development Report 2012/2013<br />


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