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The pdf-version - Eesti Koostöö Kogu


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3.4.12<br />

In conclusion<br />

This chapter looked at modern approaches to measuring<br />

the quality of life , which combine material and<br />

non-material, objective and subjectiveindicators. This<br />

multi-dimensionality of the phenomenon also questions<br />

the feasibility of creating an absolute and single ranking<br />

, since different countries can be found at the top on the<br />

different dimensions. Yet, some common features are still<br />

typical for the top performers. Switzerland, Norway, Canada,<br />

Denmark and Sweden – they all have a long stable<br />

democracy, and equally highly developed dimensions of<br />

the quality of life. Estonia belongs in the life quality to<br />

the lowest quarter of the OECD countries, resembling<br />

Hungary, Brazil and Chile. Estonia is exceptional in the<br />

unevenness of the various dimensions of the quality<br />

of life, and the great lag in material living conditions.<br />

Non-material components of private lifes (good family<br />

and community relations, work-life balance), in contrary,<br />

increase Estonia’s overall position and proved to be resilient<br />

to the economic recession.<br />

However, Estonia is not a typical Eastern Europeancountry,<br />

becauseunlike the other post-communist<br />

nations, the people of Estonia are optimistic about the<br />

future, trust their fellow citizens, and are socially active.<br />

This optimism and the strong community ties are in sharp<br />

contrast to satisfaction with public services. In the EU<br />

the economic recession had practically no impact on the<br />

public satisfaction with public services, in Estonia instead,<br />

the satisfaction with the pension system, healthcare and<br />

long-term care services has decreased significantly. One<br />

of the weaknesses in enhancing the quality of life quality<br />

in Estonia are the poor and uneven housing conditions.<br />

The lack of a national housing policy has resulted in<br />

many elderly and poor people lacking elementary health<br />

and sanitary conditions, while people with housing loans<br />

in Estonia have higher coping risk than those in other<br />

countries. Since satisfaction with housing is correlated<br />

with almost all other life quality indicators, increasing<br />

the satisfaction with housing would increase the total life<br />

quality and well-being. Another life quality component<br />

that would create such positive spillover is education.<br />

Based thereon, when planning public policy, broader and<br />

more complex attention must be paid to less-educated<br />

people, along with their own empowerment. Typically,<br />

the positive effect of education on material well- being<br />

and employability have been stressed. Yet, a similar effect<br />

can also be seen on health, family relations and the worklife<br />

balance.<br />

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Estonian Human Development Report 2012/2013

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