Estonian Human Development Report

Estonian Human Development Report - Eesti Koostöö Kogu

Estonian Human Development Report - Eesti Koostöö Kogu


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4.2. Ethnic differentiations in satisfaction evaluations: Estonia’s distinctions in the European<br />

context / Anu Masso<br />

81<br />

4.3. Evaluation on social changes among <strong>Estonian</strong>, Latvian and Lithuanian ethnic majorities and<br />

Russian-speaking minorities / Peeter Vihalemm<br />

87<br />

4.4. Political support and political participation: comparison of <strong>Estonian</strong>s and non-<strong>Estonian</strong>s /<br />

Piret Ehin<br />

91<br />

4.5. Non-<strong>Estonian</strong>s in the labour market / Kristina Lindemann, Ellu Saar 95<br />

4.6. Summary / Marju Lauristin, Triin Vihalemm 100<br />

Chapter 5 Quality of life in a consumer and information society<br />

Editors: Veronika Kalmus, Margit Keller, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt<br />

5.1 Defining consumer and information society / Margit Keller, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt,<br />

Veronika Kalmus<br />

102<br />

5.2 <strong>Development</strong> tendencies of a consumer culture / Margit Keller, Maie Kiisel 103<br />

5.3. The quality of life in the information society / Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Kristina Reinsalu 109<br />

5.4. Children and young people in the consumer and information society / Veronika Kalmus,<br />

Margit Keller, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt<br />

115<br />

5.5. General relationships between the indicators of the consumer and information society and<br />

the quality of life / Veronika Kalmus<br />

123<br />

5.6. Summary / Veronika Kalmus, Margit Keller, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt 124<br />

Chapter 6 Well-being and economic development<br />

Editor: Erik Terk<br />

6.1. Introduction / Alari Purju 125<br />

6.2. Subjective and objective indicators of well-being / Anneli Kaasa, Helje Kaldaru 125<br />

6.3. Relationships between economic and social policy / Alari Purju 131<br />

6.4. The labour market and the policies related thereto / Raul Eamets, Reelika Leetmaa 138<br />

6.5. Cities as development engines / Silja Lassur, Külliki Tafel-Viia, Erik Terk 148<br />

6.6. Summary / Erik Terk 151<br />

Chapter 7 <strong>Human</strong> development and social risks in Estonia<br />

in the context of the economic crisis<br />

Marju Lauristin, Erik Terk<br />

153<br />

Authors of the 2008 <strong>Estonian</strong> <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 158<br />

Creative work competition My Estonia 161

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