Estonian Human Development Report

Estonian Human Development Report - Eesti Koostöö Kogu

Estonian Human Development Report - Eesti Koostöö Kogu


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12. Marksoo, A. 1992. “Dynamics of Rural Population in Estonia in<br />

1980s”. Estonia: Man and Nature (Ed. J.-M. Punning). Tallinn:<br />

Valgus, pp 129–153.<br />

13. “Rahvastik 2005–2006”, Eesti Statistika, Tallinn 2007.<br />

14. Tammaru, T. 2002. “Universal and Specific Features of Urbanization<br />

in Estonia under Socialism: The Empirical Evidence of the<br />

Sources of Urban and Rural Population Growth. The Professional<br />

Geographer 54:4, pp 544–556.<br />

15. Tammaru, T., Kulu, H. ja Kask, I. 2003. “Siserände üldsuunad”.<br />

Ränne üleminekuaja Eestis (toim T. Tammaru ja H. Kulu). Statistics<br />

Estonia, pp. 5–27.<br />

16. Tammur, A. 2003. “Siserände rahvuserisused üleminekuaja Eestis”.<br />

Ränne üleminekuaja Eestis (eds. H. Kulu ja T. Tammaru).<br />

Tallinn: Statistics Estonia, pp. 66–82.<br />

17. Tammur, A., Tammaru, T. ja Tiit, E.-M. (2006) “Rändeandmete<br />

kvaliteet ja rändesuundumused Eestis aastatel 2000–<br />

2005”. Linnad ja vallad arvudes. Statistics Estonia, pp.8–<br />

28.<br />

18. Tammur, A., Herm, A., Pungas, E., Rannala, H. ja Valgma, Ü. (2009)<br />

“Rändeandmete metoodika ja kvaliteet”. Ränne. Migration. 2000–<br />

2007. Eds. T. Tammaru, A. Tammur. Tallinn: Statistics Estonia, p.5<br />

19. Tammur, A., (2009) “Siserände suundumused”. Ränne. Migration. 2000–<br />

2007. Eds. T. Tammaru, A. Tammur. Tallinn: Statistics Estonia, p35.<br />

20. Tiit, E. (1993) “Eesti rahvastik ja selle probleemid”. Akadeemia 8–10.<br />

21. E:-M. Tiit 2006 Suremus Eestis ja selle sõltuvus soost<br />

22. United Nations, (1998) “Recommendations on Statistics of International<br />

Migration”. Revision 1. Series M, No. 58, New York.<br />

23. http://www.undp.org/publications/annualreport2008/<br />

24. Statistics Estonia website: http://pub.stat.ee/px-web.2001/Database/Rahvastik/databasetree.asp<br />

25. Eurostat: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page?_pageid=1090,<br />

30070682, 1090_33076576&_dad=portal & schema=PORTAL<br />

1.3. Trends of educational<br />

development in Estonia<br />

The HDI education index and gross enrolment ratio<br />

Since the weightiest component of the education index –<br />

percentage of adult literacy – is 99% in all developed countries<br />

(regardless of where it is measured and a value higher<br />

than the threshold is received, or it is not measured), the<br />

value of the education sub-index is only affected by the<br />

gross enrolment rate.<br />

What is the gross enrolment rate and<br />

how is it calculated?<br />

The gross enrolment rate is the share of enrolled students<br />

in an age group or the ratio of the number of enrolees and<br />

the total population in same age group, expressed as a percentage.<br />

According to Statistics Estonia data, in 2000–<br />

2007, the average ratio of enrolees among 7–15-year-olds<br />

(first level, i.e. basic education) was 99.5%, among 16–<br />

18-year-olds (second level or secondary education), 90%<br />

and among 19–23-year olds (third level or post-secondary<br />

school vocational or higher education), 46% (Figure<br />

1.3.1.).<br />

For the <strong>Estonian</strong> HDI, the gross enrolment rate for<br />

students at the first, second and third level is calculated<br />

as quotient of the number of enrolees in the country and<br />

the size of the age group that theoretically corresponds<br />

to the relevant study level. In all countries, the theoretical<br />

age group for the enrolees at the third level is the fiveyear<br />

age group immediately following the completion<br />

of second-level education. Therefore in the case of tertiary<br />

education, the 19–23 age group is taken into account.<br />

However, in Estonia it only takes three years to acquire<br />

Figure 1.3.1. Gross enrolment rate among 7–24-year-olds in Estonia in 2000–2007<br />

100<br />

90<br />

80<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

2005<br />

2006<br />

2007<br />

Source: SE<br />

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24<br />

| 20

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