Estonian Human Development Report

Estonian Human Development Report - Eesti Koostöö Kogu

Estonian Human Development Report - Eesti Koostöö Kogu


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References<br />

1. Aaviksoo, A., G. Paat. (2007). “Tervishoiuteenuste kättesaadavus” (Editor,<br />

A. Purju). Sotsiaaltrendid 4. Tallinn: Statistics Estonia, pp. 78–86.<br />

2. Aghion, P. and P. Howitt (1998). Endogenous Growth Theory,<br />

MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. And London.<br />

3. Bell, S.G. (1975). The Coming of Post-Industrial Society. New<br />

York, Basic Books.<br />

4. Constitution of the Republic of Estonia. (1992). Tallinn.<br />

5. <strong>Estonian</strong> Statistical Yearbooks 2004, 2007, 2008. Tallinn: Statistics<br />

Estonia.<br />

6. El-Erian, A. and M. Spence. (2008) “Growth Strategies and<br />

Dynamics: Insights from Country Experience“, Working Paper<br />

No. 6, The Commission on Growth and <strong>Development</strong>, The<br />

World Bank, Washington.<br />

7. European Commission (2005), Cohesion Policy in Support of Growth<br />

and Jobs: Community Strategic Guidelines, 2007–2013. (http://www.<br />

europa.eu. int/comm/cohesion_ policy guidlines/index_en.<br />

8. Gereffi, G., J. Humphrey and T. Sturgeon, T. (2003), “The Governance<br />

of Global Value Chains”, Review of International Political<br />

Economy, No. 4, pp. 45–61.<br />

9. Jessop, B. (2002). The Future of the Capitalist State, Cambridge, Polity.<br />

ble through education policy and the need to make the<br />

relevant measures a part of comprehensive political<br />

choices. Changing the educational system at the basic<br />

and upper secondary school level is significantly related<br />

to regional policies, including administrative reform.<br />

With regard to higher education, the sharp decline in<br />

the birth rate that took place in the 1990s means significantly<br />

lower enrolments in higher education schools as<br />

of 2010. A need for competition also develops and institutions<br />

that cannot compete internationally on the education<br />

market must inevitably merge with stronger universities.<br />

The state’s education policy is more critical to<br />

the direction of this process than in case of the current<br />

choices.<br />

The state’s policies and people’s economic and social<br />

behaviour are interrelated. This relationship is not limited<br />

to political mechanisms serving as the connection<br />

between the will of the electorate and political power<br />

under democratic conditions. There is also another<br />

aspect to adjustment, according to which people adjust<br />

their behaviour within the conditions set by policy.<br />

Sometimes this adjustment has a positive meaning for<br />

the society and sometimes it does not. For instance,<br />

under otherwise equal conditions, relatively modest<br />

social protection increases transfers between generations,<br />

while a poor ratio between treatment, services and<br />

prices increases pressure on the private sector for action<br />

or for the purchase of services from abroad. The existence<br />

of such possibilities reduces the resources for the<br />

financing of services provided in Estonia, although at the<br />

same time, the promotion of such development through<br />

political choice mechanisms should increase pressure on<br />

the government and lead to the corresponding adjustment<br />

of social policies.<br />

Estonia’s choices also considerably affect the EU background.<br />

Studies and comparisons confirm that Estonia’s<br />

percentage of costs for social protection is second to last<br />

among European countries (besting only Latvia) (<strong>Development</strong>s<br />

in the Social Field, 2007). On the one hand, this<br />

ranking proves the correlation between the ratio of relative<br />

social protection costs and the standard of living<br />

(at least in the European context). Despite the rapid economic<br />

growth of the previous years, Estonia is at the bottom<br />

of the GDP per capita ranking. At the same time,<br />

this correlation is also an opportunity, because economic<br />

growth and a small ratio of social protection costs should<br />

create conditions for greater contributions to this field of<br />

activity. This in turn has a positive effect in the long run<br />

on the development of an economy with a complicated<br />

structure.<br />

10. Koppel, A., Lai, T., Aaviksoo, A. (2007). Tervishoiuteenuste kättesaadavust<br />

puudutavate valmislubaduste analüüs, Tallinn, Praxis.<br />

11. La Porta, Rafael, Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, Andrei Shleifer<br />

and Robert Vishny, 1998, “The Quality of Government”, NBER<br />

Working Paper Series, No. 6727.<br />

12. Leibkonna eelarve uuring, (2006). Tallinn: Statistics Estonia.<br />

13. Michalski, W., R. Miller, B. Stevens (2001), Governance in the<br />

21 st Century: Power in the Global Knowledge Economy and<br />

Society, Paris: OECD.<br />

14. North, D. (1990), Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic<br />

Performance, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.<br />

15. “Paying for Healthcare. A Survey”, (2004), Economist, 17–23<br />

July.<br />

16. Sotsiaalvaldkonna arengud 2000–2006, 2007. Sotsiaalministeeriumi<br />

toimetised nr.2. Tallinn: Ministry of Social Affairs.<br />

17. The Growth <strong>Report</strong>: Strategies for Sustained Growth and Inclusive<br />

<strong>Development</strong> (2008), The Commission on Growth and<br />

<strong>Development</strong>, The World Bank, Washington.<br />

18. The World Health <strong>Report</strong> 2000 – Health Systems: Improving<br />

Performance. (2000),WHO.<br />

6.4. The labour market and<br />

the policies related thereto<br />

In dealing with problems related to the <strong>Estonian</strong> labour<br />

market in the following subchapter, we take two types of<br />

background information into account: the corresponding<br />

policies of the European Union and the trends predominant<br />

in the global economy.<br />

Since its creation the European Union has valued social<br />

aspects in the economy. The conclusion has been reached<br />

that certain common values exist that can be summarized<br />

under the concept of the European social model. The<br />

European social model includes people’s social security<br />

and the idea of cooperation, which is primarily expressed<br />

in the activities of social partners, and the topic of social<br />

cohesion, or the reduction of inequality. In the course of<br />

the Lisbon process, Europe has decided to increase the<br />

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