
Diocesan Bulletin May 2012 - Eparchy of Idukki

Diocesan Bulletin May 2012 - Eparchy of Idukki

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make our efforts converge towards the very same goals: greater<br />

justice, greater security, greater transparency, greater peace.<br />

The Church is an expert in humanity ; it has often been<br />

affirmed, and the Church’s expertise is rooted in its active engagement<br />

in human affairs, ceaselessly looking towards the ‘new heavens’ and<br />

‘new earth’ (2 Peter 3:13), which she points out in order to help<br />

people live their lives in the dimension of authentic meaning. Gloria<br />

Dei vivens homo: The glory of God is man and woman alive!<br />

This conviction, first expressed by St. Irenaeus of Lyons in 185 AD,<br />

is the reason why the Church teaches not only Catholics but everyone<br />

of good will about the things that truly matter in life. “Testimony to<br />

Christ’s charity, through works of justice, peace and development,<br />

is part and parcel of evangelization, because Jesus Christ, who loves<br />

us, is concerned with the whole person. In the context of faith, the<br />

social doctrine of the Church is, therefore, “an instrument of<br />

evangelization - of ministry - because it places the human person<br />

and society in relationship with the light of the Gospel.” 21 We know<br />

that “openness to life is at the centre of true development... The<br />

acceptance of life strengthens moral fibre and makes people capable<br />

of mutual help.” 22 (to be continued)<br />

1<br />

“Spetta alle comunita cristiane analizzare obiettivamente la situazione del loro<br />

paese, chiarirla alia luce delle parole immutabili deil’evangelo, attingere principi dl<br />

riflessione, criteri di giudizio e direttlve di azione<br />

nell’insegnamento sociale detla chiesa, quale e stato elaborato nel corso della<br />

storia........ Spetta alle comunita cristiane individuare, con I’assistenza detlo Spirito<br />

Santo - in comunione coi vescovi responsabili, e in dialogo<br />

con gli altri fratelli cristiani e con tutti gli uomini dl buona volonta -, le<br />

scette e gli impegni che conviene prendere per operare le trasformaziont<br />

sociali, politlche ed economiche che si palesano urgenti e necessarie in<br />

molti casi..” Octagesima Adveniens, 1971, §4).<br />

2<br />

Gaudium et Spes, §1.<br />

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3<br />

Economic Survey 2005-2006.<br />

4<br />

World Economic Forum, India Economic Summit: Linking Leadership<br />

with Livelihood, Mumbai: J2-14.11.2011, p. 2.<br />

5<br />

World Economic Forum, India Economic Summit: Linking Leadership<br />

with Livelihood, Mumbai: 12-14.11.2011, p. 6.<br />

6<br />

UNDP, Human Development Report 2010, p. 3.<br />

7<br />

Caritas in veritate, § 76.<br />

8<br />

Caritas in veritate, § 34.<br />

9<br />

Caritas in veritate, § 43.<br />

10<br />

Caritas in veriiate, § 14.<br />

1<br />

' Cf. John Paul II, Centesimus Annus, §41.<br />

12<br />

Caritas in veritate, § 53, referring to Centesimus Annus, § 41.<br />

13<br />

Cft\ Benedict XVI, Message, World Day of Peace, 1.1.2011, § 7.<br />

14<br />

Caritas in veritate, § 54. In the light of the revealed mystery of the Trinity,<br />

we understand that true openness does not mean loss of individual identity<br />

but profound interpenetration.<br />

15<br />

Caritas in veritate, § 21.<br />

16<br />

In Redemptoris Missio, Pope John Paul II speaks of the need to live the<br />

Beatitudes and to have the spirituality of missionaries in today’s world.<br />

17<br />

Caritas in veritate, § 76.<br />

18<br />

Caritas in veritate, § 19,<br />

19<br />

Caritas in veritate, § 7.<br />

20<br />

Caritas in veritate, § 57.<br />

21<br />

Cfr. Compendium, p. xxii, with reference to Pope John Paul II, Centesimus<br />

Annus, § 54.<br />

22<br />

Caritas in veritate, § 28.<br />

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