
Magnetic Oxide Heterostructures: EuO on Cubic Oxides ... - JuSER

Magnetic Oxide Heterostructures: EuO on Cubic Oxides ... - JuSER

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2.4. Hard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy 21<br />

Figure 2.12.: Momentum conservation during<br />

photoexcitation in a reduced zone scheme<br />

inside a solid. For X-ray excitation, transitions<br />

are mainly vertical, i.e. shifted only<br />

by the photon energy hν. Free states must<br />

be available at the energy E f and in the momentum<br />

space at k f = k i + G.<br />

<br />

<br />

vector) has to be fulfilled for photoexcited electrons within the solid,<br />

k f = k i + k γ + G, (2.18)<br />

where k f , k i , and k γ denote the wave vectors of the electron’s initial state, its final state,<br />

and the photon’s wave vector, respectively. G is a reciprocal lattice vector of the crystal, as<br />

sketched in Fig. 2.12. Concluding, we can write the photocurrent I inside the crystal, taking<br />

into account the transition probability (2.16) and the momentum conservation (2.18), as<br />

follows:<br />

∑<br />

I(hν) ∝<br />

∣<br />

∣ M ∣∣ 2<br />

if ·δ(Ef − E i − hν)·δ(k f − k i − G). (2.19)<br />

i,f ,G<br />

2. Transfer of the electron to the surface of the solid What happens during the travel of<br />

the excited electron through the solid to the surface? A fraction of the electrons experiences<br />

collisions with other electrons and phonons. The material parameter describing inelastic<br />

electron scattering of electrons in a specific solid is the inelastic mean free path (IMFP). The<br />

IMFP is a measure how far a photoelectron can travel through a solid before an inelastic<br />

scattering events changes its energy information. The IMFP value is strongly dependent on<br />

the kinetic energy of the photoelectron. IMFPs for common solids in practice are estimated<br />

by the the modified Bethe-equation (TPP-2M formula) derived by Tanuma et al. (1994), 83<br />

λ =<br />

E 2 p<br />

E kin<br />

(<br />

), (2.20)<br />

β ln(γE kin ) −<br />

E C + D<br />

kin E 2 kin<br />

where E kin is the electron energy, E p is the free-electron plasmon energy, and β, γ, C, and<br />

D are material-specific parameters. In this thesis, we use recalculated values for hard X-ray<br />

excitation from Tanuma et al. (2011). 84<br />

3. Transfer of the photoelectron through the surface into the vacuum The third step<br />

considers the transfer of the photoelectron through the surface of the solid into a vacuum<br />

state. Only those electrons can leave the solid by dispensing energy of the value of the work<br />

function φ 0 , which have a sufficiently high kinetic energy. Escaping electrons, thereby, have<br />

the kinetic energy<br />

E kin = E f − φ 0 = hν − E bin − φ 0 . (2.21)

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