
Magnetic Oxide Heterostructures: EuO on Cubic Oxides ... - JuSER

Magnetic Oxide Heterostructures: EuO on Cubic Oxides ... - JuSER

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124 6. Conclusion and Outlook<br />

we focus on the characterization and careful optimization of the spin-functional EuO/Si heterointerface.<br />

First, we explore how to stabilize metastable EuO on Si using Oxide-MBE. We adapt a common<br />

strategy from silicon technology, the surface etching with hydrofluoric acid (HF), in<br />

order to remove native SiO 2 and chemically passivate the Si surface (H-Si). On such passivated<br />

Si substrates, we synthesized polycrystalline EuO using different growth parameters.<br />

By means of HAXPES, we clearly distinguished two EuO valency phases: stoichiometric EuO<br />

and over-oxidized Eu 1 O 1+x . For the stoichiometric EuO heterostructures, we confirmed a<br />

bulk-like ferromagnetism – this is an important prerequisite for magnetic EuO tunnel contacts.<br />

This result paves the way for a following interface study of ultrathin EuO tunnel barriers<br />

directly on Si (001).<br />

In the next step of our integration of ultrathin EuO directly with silicon, we focus on experimentally<br />

realizing a high structural and chemical quality of the EuO/Si heterointerface. Such<br />

atomically sharp interfaces of high crystalline quality may lead to coherent tunneling. Thus,<br />

we carefully studied how to chemically control the highly reactive EuO/Si heterointerface<br />

in order to permit an epitaxial integration of EuO on Si (001). Our thermodynamic analysis<br />

of the EuO/Si interface – taking into account the high chemical reactivity of Eu, EuO, and<br />

Si during EuO synthesis at elevated temperatures – gives us a guideline of probable reaction<br />

paths. In this way, we decided to compare three complementary in situ passivation procedures<br />

of the Si (001) surface: (i) hydrogen passivation, (ii) Eu passivation in the monolayer<br />

regime, and (iii) SiO x formation in the Ångström regime. We apply these passivations selectively<br />

against interfacial silicon oxides and silicide formation – both being major antagonists<br />

to efficient spin filter tunneling.<br />

In order to quantify the impact of different chemical passivations of the Si (001) surface<br />

on the EuO/Si interface properties, we conducted optimization studies comprising the control<br />

of surface crystalline structure and chemical interface properties by electron diffraction<br />

techniques and HAXPES, respectively. We conclude, that the respective Si surface passivations<br />

have minimized silicon oxides to below 1 nm and interfacial silicides to 2 Ångströms,<br />

which is clearly in the sub-nanometer regime. In particular, for an optimum passivation<br />

using the SiO x method, the ultrathin EuO layer showed a magnetic saturation moment of<br />

5μ B /EuO, comparable to that of bulk EuO. Thus, our work demonstrates how to successfully<br />

apply chemical passivations to the Si (001) surface and – at the same time – maintain a<br />

mainly heteroepitaxial integration of EuO with the Si (001) wafer. This is an important result<br />

for possible spin-dependent coherent tunneling in EuO/Si contacts. Such optimized EuO/Si<br />

heterointerfaces may be used as spin-functional EuO tunnel contacts for silicon spintronic<br />

devices in the near future.

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