Neutron Scattering

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich


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E¢. 0. or P<br />

travel<br />

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E4- é0- Ki- direction<br />

E4 --(»<br />

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l<br />

1 -1<br />

^4~ P<br />

Fig .5a Guide field for longitudinal Fig .5b Guide f eld far longitudinal<br />

polarisation, P Il H , the polarisation, _P antiparallel _N<br />

small arrow is the spin of the<br />

neutrons<br />

Fig .Sc Guide fietd for transversal<br />

polarisation, P parallel N<br />

Eig .5d Guide field for transversal<br />

polarisation,- P antiparallel N<br />

Figure 4 .1 : <strong>Neutron</strong>s in a guide field H with spins parallel or anti-parallel[6] .<br />

sheet, for example, and polarized neutrons parallel to the firnt guide field will be<br />

kept in an anti-parallel orientation to the second field when passing the sheet . This<br />

case w » WL is also used in ends operating as spin flippers .<br />

In neutron scattering experiments with polarized neutrons, the principle of slow field<br />

changes is used, for instance, to align the polarization along a particular direction ai the<br />

Sample position . As will be Seen in the examples below, the polarizations perpendicular<br />

and parallel to the scattering vector and the magnetization of the Sample are of particular<br />

interest . Usually, we assume that the field at the Sample position is sufficiently weck so<br />

Chat the magnetization of the Samples remains undisturbed . Using three (orthogonal)<br />

pairs of ends the polarization can be turned arbitrarily into any direction at the Sample<br />

position to probe the orientation the magnetization of a Sample . While turning the<br />

neutron polarization ai the Sample position by an additional field H and Chus keeping the<br />

neutrons moments in guide fields one can only distinguish scattering processes in which<br />

the spin direction is preserved (non-spin flip) or reversed (spin-flip) for a given direction .<br />

In general, there may be an arbitrary angle of rotation of the neutron polarization, and<br />

it can be measured only if the Sample is in a field-free space . Super-conducting sheets<br />

are ideal for shielding the Sample environment from external magnetic fields (sudden<br />


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