Neutron Scattering

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich


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Lambda lattice parameter<br />

Figure 3 Scheme of the displacernents in a transversal plane wave .<br />

=1/.olr~_ D~(L, o)exp(-igl)e 3 (13 .7) .<br />

1,3<br />

Here we use that the force constants depend only on the distance in real space (l - l')<br />

and not on the particular values of l and l' . With (13 .7) one gets an easily solvable system ;<br />

the original complexity of the problem is transferred to the number of these 3-dimensional<br />

probem .<br />

For a complote solution of the crystal dynamics one would need to solve the<br />

problem (13 .7) for Bach of the N-10 23 allowed q-values . In reality, however, one han to<br />

analyze only a few different q-values . In general it is sufficient to study only q-values<br />

within the firnt Brillouin-zone .<br />

M,e may define the dynamical matrix as<br />

D~,~(q) = 1/~~D~,/~(l,o)e~p(-Zql) (13 .8)<br />

which allows to rewrite the equations (13 .7) in matrix form<br />

w,e = D e (13 .9) .<br />

The system (13 .9) is just a these-dimensional Eigen-value problem .<br />

For fixed q one han to determine the these Eigen-vectors ej , j=1,2,3, together with<br />

the these corresponding Eigen-values, wj (q) . This may be achieved with the standard<br />

numerical techniques . The dependence of the Eigen-frequencies on the wave-vector, wj (q)<br />

with j = l, 2, 3, is called the dispersion relation .<br />


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