Neutron Scattering

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich


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equilibrium position the atom is in rest, terms of first order are not allowed . In harmonic<br />

approximation one assumes the expansion till the second order to be suficient . This<br />

assumption is essential for the following analysis, since already the presence of third order<br />

terms prohibits to solve the equations of moveurent in the general case .<br />

In mort solids<br />

anharmonic contributions to the potential are, however, small justifying the assumption .<br />

If the anharmonic effects<br />

have to be taken into consideration (for example close to the<br />

melting of the crystal lattice), perturbation theory is the usual technique .<br />

Using the definition<br />

D,, s (l, l') = d2 ,D(l ' l')<br />

(13 .4)<br />

du, (1)du,s (1-')<br />

one obtains the equations of movement (a,,3 = x, y, z) to<br />

T'he displacement of the atour l' in ,3-direction yields a force on the atour l in a-direction<br />

of strength D,,s(1,l')uß(l'), D,, s (1,l') are therefore called the force-constants . 'The real<br />

problem in treating lattice dynamics consists in the large number of there equations, there<br />

are 3N equations to be solved with N being of the order of 10 23 .<br />

In order to avoid this<br />

complexity one makes the Ansatz of plane waves :<br />

the movements of all atoms are given<br />

by the displacement in one unit Gell at time zero propagating in time and space as a plane<br />

wave<br />

exp(i u~(l) = e~M -i / z<br />

(1 l - w ot) (13 .6) .<br />

Figure 3 shows the displacement pattern of a plane wave characterized by the wave<br />

vector q, reflecting the propagation of the wave (planes perpendicular to (j are always<br />

identically displaced), the vibration frequency wo<br />

of each atour and the direction of the<br />

oscillation given by the polarization vector c .<br />

In the single atom lattice there are only<br />

acoustic modes, they are called longitudinal (LA) if q is parallel to e and transversal (TA)<br />

for q perpendicular to e .<br />

The plane wave Ansatz (13 .6) for the equations of movement yields a system of three<br />

equations for each q-value<br />


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