Neutron Scattering

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich


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then additional deactivation of the 7r-flipper (maximum) .<br />

An ideal spectrometer would<br />

have zero transmission in the one case and 100% transmission of neutrons in the other<br />

case .<br />

The non-ideal behaviour is caused by depolarization effects at the technical elements<br />

of the spectrometer, the wavelength dependence of the flipper operations and the finite<br />

efficiency of polarizers and analyzers .<br />

Also for an ideal spectrometer being free from the<br />

above effects a finite minimum and less than 100% maximum intensity will result for spinincoherent<br />

scattering which is always accompanied by spin flips for 2/3 of the incoherently<br />

scattered neutrons .<br />

To account for the polarization losses the difference between the thus determined "up"<br />

and "down" cotait rates is used to normalize the echo amplitude (instead of taking just<br />

the average intensity) .<br />

11 .5 Field Integral Homogeneity and Resolution<br />

Besides the decay of S(Q, t)<br />

as a consequence of the dynamical processes in the sample<br />

the measured echo amplitude suffers a further reduction due to resolution effects (different<br />

from the above mentioned depolarization effects) that must be accounted for in the data<br />

evaluation .<br />

Up to this point we tacitly assumed that the values of Jl and JZ are the saine for all<br />

neutrons in the primary and scattered beams .<br />

This would however only be approximately<br />

true for very narrow beams which therefore would carry only very few neutrons .<br />

Useable<br />

beams must have a width of several cm and contain neutrons of different direction (divergence)<br />

.<br />

In particular the use of a large area sensitive detector leads to rather divergent<br />

rays in the secondary arm .<br />

Note that a field of 1000 Gauss=0 .1 Tesla acting along a track<br />

of 2 m yields 3000 Hz/Gauss x 1000 Gauss x 2 m / 400 m/s = 15000 full precessions for<br />

neutrons with a velocity of 400 m/s (A = 1 .Onm) .<br />

The condition that the precession angle<br />

accumulated along different rays in the beam must be equal within 0 .1 precessions then<br />

translates into the requirement that the field integrals along the different rays must be<br />

saine within 1 : 10 5 . As soon as the precession angles resulting from different rays differ<br />

by 180° the signal ist lost completely.<br />

required homogeneity by a factor 100 .<br />

Simple cylindrical precession coils fall behind the<br />

Only by use of special correcting elements ("Fres-

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