Neutron Scattering

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich


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10 .3 .1 Analysis by filters<br />

The analyzer that is indicated by the grey segment labelled M/F in fig. 10 .12 may either<br />

consist of an array of crystals reflecting scattered neutrons of the selected wavelengtli<br />

A o ente, the associated detectors or of a filter . Especially in the early days of neutron<br />

scattering filters made from polycrystalline blocks of Be , BeO etc . were used . These<br />

filters are transparent only for neutrons wich energies below the "Bragg-edge'" , i .e . for<br />

wavelengths larger than twice the largest lattice spacing . All faster neutrons will be<br />

reflected by some crystallite in the block . By integrated absorbing plates the thus reflected<br />

neutrons are removed . For the filter to be sufficiently transparent below the Braggedge<br />

the used material may only have a very low absorption cross section . In addition<br />

the thermal diffuse scattering by fluctuating lattice deformations (phonons) bas to be<br />

suppressed by cooling (liquid nitrogen) . Below the Bragg-edge these filters transmit all<br />

neutrons from nearly zero energy to the edge energy of a few meV . For the spectroscopy<br />

of high energy excitation this is accceptable since the energy transfer is then determined<br />

by the incident energy of a few 100 meV . High resolution quasielastic scattering bas to<br />

be donc with other instruments . By employing the difference between data obtained with<br />

two different filters (e .g . Be and BeO) the effective window of final energies may be<br />

narrowed, however two measurements are needed and the final signal is obtained from a<br />

small difference of two larger counting signals with the corresponding statistical errors .<br />

10 .4 Resolution and intensity<br />

One important quality of a spectrometer is its resolution in (Q, w)-space . For TOFspectrometers<br />

-unlike for triple-axis instruments- for many applications mainly/only the<br />

energy resolution is important silice the scattering intensity bas to be collected and accumulated<br />

in a large solid angle anyway to yield a sufficient number of counts . The energy<br />

resolution is determined by the accuracy of the TOF-measurement and by the width of<br />

the incoming (or analyzed) wavelength band . The latter is given by the beam divergence<br />

in combination wich the mosaic width of the crystals (sec also chapter on triple-axis spectrometres)<br />

. The TOF-uncertainty is given by the chopper pulse length and the accuracy<br />

of the flight path . The flight path cannot be defined wich arbitrary accuracy, rince finite<br />


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