Neutron Scattering

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich


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down power and stronger absorption for thermal neutrons (sec below) . The reason for this<br />

seemingly paradoxical demand for stronger absorption is that the achievable neutron peak<br />

flux is not only proportional to the proton peak current, but also depends on the storage time T<br />

(sec below) of thermal neutrons in the moderator . We should point out here that the slowing<br />

down time for H2O and D 20 is small compared to the storage time T. The neutron peak flux is<br />

given by the following expression, which is the result of a convolution of a proton pulse of<br />

duration tp with an exponential decay of the neutron field within the moderator wich storage<br />

(decay) time T.<br />

_ - rep -tp / r<br />

1) th = ')th ' -(i - e )<br />

tp<br />

where 4) th , ~th are peak and average flux, respectively, and t,, is the time between pulses .<br />

In the limit tp -> 0 expression (1 .3) reduces to 4 th = _~ th - trep / z, i .e . even a 8-shaped current<br />

pulse results in a finite neutron peak flux . We see as well that in this case the peak flux is<br />

inversely proportional to the moderator storage time . Also with finite cunrent pulses a short<br />

storage time is important for obtaining large peak fluxes . The storage time T of a thermal neutron<br />

is a measure of the escape probability from the moderator and is obviously determined by<br />

both the geometry ofthe moderator vessel and the absorption cross section of the moderator<br />

medium (sec section 1 .3) and can be written [2] :<br />

T = ( vtn ' Y-abs + 3 D n2 / L2 ) - 1 (1 .4)<br />

where v t1, is the average neutron velocity, E abs the macroscopic absorption cross section, D<br />

the diffusion constant for thermal neutrons and L is a typical moderator dimension . The absorption<br />

cross section of H2O is about 700 times bigger than that of D20 . If it were only for<br />

this reason, an H20-moderator had to bc small (small L in (1 .4)), because we want of course<br />

utilize the neutrons that leak from the moderator. So, a short storage time must not entirely bc<br />

due to self-absorption . As, on the other hand, H2O possesses the langest known slowing down<br />

density (the number of neutrons, which become thermal per cm3 and s), an H20-moderator<br />

anyhow does not need to be big . In section 1 .3 we have already quoted that within a spherical<br />

moderator vessel with its radius equal to the slowing down length Ls (= 18 cm for H20), 37%<br />

of the fast neutrons emitted from a point source located in the center become thermal. In fact,<br />

an H20-moderator must not bc essentially larger, because within a sphere with r = 23 cm already<br />

80% ofthe neutrons are lost due to absorption .

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