Neutron Scattering

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich


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Fig. 4) vertical focusing :<br />

The gain factor P for the intensity at<br />

the simple is givenby the ratio of<br />

heights for source and image (hi/hz)<br />

and the height of the deflecting crystal<br />

hm in nuits of the height of the source<br />

by :<br />

_ crysFal~,~~e -_ h~ Li_±Lz<br />

cystaln~~ L2 hl<br />

Similarly to e .g. light, one may mirror and thus guide neutrons . On the basis of the Fermi<br />

pseudopotential V one obtains the index of reflection for neutron by<br />

k V I 2A 2M ' p(z) b, (r) ~ 2 = 1- E<br />

p(r) b, (~)<br />

b2 k2<br />

ko<br />

( 2m ) ' =1- 2;<br />

where b,oh (r) denotes the average scattering length and p(r) the particle density . The losses<br />

due to the total reflection are small even for a rather modest quality of the mirroring surface .<br />

By suitable coating the simple beam tube may become a neutron guide and the 1/r2-law is<br />

thus circumvented. According to eq. (9) one should use materials for such mirrors which possess<br />

a large coherent cross section together with a large atomic density which is fulfilled for<br />

the isotope S 8Ni with b =14 .4 -10 - ' S m . Since the limiting angle for total reflection is ex<br />

tremely small (0, / Â z 0 .1°/10-1°m), simple homogeneous coating could be used successfully<br />

for cold neutrons, only (the technique to produce super mirrors opened the possibility for<br />

guiding neutrons with energies up to the thermal range) . By means of the neutron guides instruments<br />

having still a high neutron flux can be set up at larger distances from the reactor<br />

core . If , in addition, such a neutron guide is slightly curved one can avoid the direct view onto<br />

the core which reduces the background . Simultaneously, one obtains an efficient ;,/2-filter by<br />

suppressing the unwelcome faster neutrons. A marginal note might be added : in the case of extrente<br />

cooling of neutrons one may keep and store them in "bottles" since they are totally reflected<br />

under arbitrary angles .<br />

10.4 Resolution for diffraction by a crystal<br />

As we have seen already, single crystals offer the possibility to corrtrol the travelling direction<br />

of neutrons . Thereby use is made of their coherent, elastic scattering properties which - according<br />

to eq . (1) - allow for deflecting neutrons from an incident "white" beam under the angle<br />

20 . This Bragg scattering becomes possible as soorr as the scattering vector corresponds<br />

to a reciprocal lattice vector, i .e .<br />

Q=_k-k' =G (10)<br />

and eq. (7) satisfies the condition DE = 0, or expressed differently by :<br />

9- 6

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