Neutron Scattering

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich


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10 .3 Beaur shaping<br />

Due to the fact that neutrons are uncharged and thus may penetrate materials rather easily,<br />

neutrons may bc bundled or focused to a limited extent, only . This aspect aggravates with increasing<br />

neutron energy . Already in the source, there arises the problem to guide a suitable<br />

number of neutrons through "holes" (beam tubes) in the biological shielding to the experimental<br />

setup. From the total solid angle of 4n , only the fraction travelling in the direction of the<br />

beam tube will contribute to the flux . The used divergence of the beam is can merely bc chosen<br />

by annihilating all those neutrons by absorbing materials travelling outside a defmed angular<br />

range . Thus a beam tube represents the simplest version of a collimator . It is comparable to<br />

a system of two diaphragms positioned in a distance of some meters . With a typical length of<br />

3 m for the beam tube and a cross section of 0 .1 m there results a divergence of about 2° for<br />

the neutron beam .<br />

Now it turns out that it is less meaningful to collimate the neutron beam in the vertical plane as<br />

tight as in the horizontal (scattering) plane . Tilting the scattering triangle (Fig . 2) slightly out<br />

ofthe scattering plane influences the selected (,0, 0) -point either not at all or in second order,<br />

only . If collimation shall be achieved within a short distance, thereby making allowance for a<br />

desired anisotropy, one uses a so-called Soller collimator. To this end, a set of coplanar foils<br />

coated with absorbing material is mounted vertically with a distance of say 1 to 5 mm .<br />

Choosing about 30 cm for the length of the foils, one may achieve a horizontal divergence of<br />

the neutron beam in the order of 10 minutes of angle . Yet one has to take into account that<br />

switching to half of the divergence entails about the saure reduction of the neutron flux! The<br />

facts that the foils have a finite thickness and that their absorption is less than 100% modifies<br />

the ideal triangular transmission curve by rounding the top and by the appearance of tails beyond<br />

the base . This modiffed curve may well be represented by a normal distribution - a useful<br />

property for folding operations. In regard to the interpretation of measured data the more<br />

sharply limited resolution triangle as realized by the chopper of a time-of-flight machine<br />

would be more desirable . Since a well defmed cut-off clearly separates the change from elastic<br />

to inelastic scattering the difficulties in interpreting the quasi-elastic transition region which<br />

involve the knowledge ofthe exact shape of the resolution function are greatly reduced .<br />

The anisotropy of the divergence may be exploited by a vertically focusing arrangement of<br />

monochromator and/or analyzer ciystal in order to increase the neutron flux at the sample as<br />

shown in Fig. 4). It is well known from optics that the inverse focal length is given by<br />

1 /f = (Ll +i2 ) and that the ratios of heights for image and source is equal to that of their distances<br />

L IL, . Since, in general, the Bragg angle 0 -7~ 0°, the focal length depends on the<br />

Bragg angle and the radius of vertical curvature by<br />

f _<br />

R<br />

sin0<br />

The distances 4,4 for a given spectrometer are to be considered as fixed quantities and thus<br />

the curvature R of the crystal bas to be variable . This may e .g . bc realized by the parallel arrangement<br />

of lamellae of single crystals which can be tilted individually . An additional gain<br />

factor results from the height ratio of monochromator to source . Depending on the relative<br />

heights of sample and crystals an increase ofthe neutron flux at the sample by a factor of 2 to<br />

6 might be achieved. The possibility of a horizontal focusing - whereby the influence on the<br />

resolution is no longer negligible - will be discussed further down.<br />

9- 5

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