Neutron Scattering

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich


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the diffraction plane) two further rotation axes x and (p, which are perpendicular to each other .<br />

The x-axis is also perpendicular to the ù)-axis . Together with the rotation axis of the detector<br />

20 ( I 1 te, the (o-axis) this mechanical unit is called 4-circle goniometer (leading te, the narre<br />

4-circle diffractometer for this type of single crystal diffractometers) . The measurement of<br />

integrated intensities 1(H) of individual Bragg-reflections is performed according te, the<br />

o)/n .20-scan techniques described in chapter 7 .2 . For a computer-controlled automatic data<br />

collection a detailed knowledge of the crystal lattice is needed. Therefore, a single clystal<br />

diffraction experiment starts by a systematic search of reflections in varying x and cp, with the<br />

restriction ca = 0 (bisected condition) . From the accurate angular positions of typically 20<br />

indexed reflections the lattice constants and the orientation matrix are determined .<br />

As an example for a single crystal neutron diffractometer the Pl10/5C2-instrument installed<br />

at the hot neutron source of the ORPHEE-reactor in Saclay (F) is shown in Fig . 10 . The<br />

monochromatic neutron flux at the sample position is increased by a monochromator system<br />

with vertical focussing . The use of small wavelengths allows the measurement of Braggintensities<br />

up to large H -values ( H maX = 2sin0 maX/;, = 2 .8 L1<br />

Fig . 10 .<br />

Single crystal diffractometer P110/5C2 at the hot neutron source of the ORPHEEreactor<br />

in Saclay (F)<br />

Attention : The lengths of both the vector H ofthe reciprocal lattice used in clystallography<br />

and the scattering vector (~ of solid state physics are expressed in  -1 . But there is a factor of<br />

271 which means that 1 H = 2 .8 A-1 corresponds to 1 Q 1 = 17 .6 A-1 .<br />

7- 1 2

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