Neutron Scattering

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich


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7 . Diffractometer<br />

G .<br />

Heger<br />

7 .1 Introduction<br />

For pure elastic scattering the scattering function S(Q,w) is reduced to the special case<br />

without energy transfer (Eo = E l and h is = E o - E l = 0) and equal length of the wave vectors<br />

of the incident and scattered beams ( ko _ k ). S((Q,c)L = 0) and hence the scattering<br />

intensity is only depending on the scattering vector Q = ko - k 1 . The coherent elastic neutron<br />

scattering (- neutron diffraction) yields information on the positions (distribution) of the<br />

atomic nuclei and the arrangement of the localised magnetic spins in crystalline solids, the<br />

pair correlation function of liquids and glasses, and the conformation of polymer chains .<br />

Depending on the scientific problem to be investigated adequate diffraction methods may be<br />

quite différent . For fluids and glasses diffraction data ofhigh statistical relevance over a very<br />

large 1 Q I range are required. The direction of thé scattering vector Q is not defmed for these<br />

non-crystalline states and a good resolution I AQ I / I _QI is of no importance . Besides of thé<br />

pure elastic scattering also inelastic contributions are involved .<br />

Completely différent are thé needs for a diffraction study of crystalline solids . The diffraction<br />

at thé crystal lattice gives rise to pure elastic scattering localised at thé nodes of thé so-called<br />

reciprocal lattice. The scattering vectors Q for thé différent "Bragg-reflections" are well<br />

defined . For thé séparation of reflections with similar Q values a good resolution AQ/Q is<br />

very important. A measured data-set of Bragg-intensities (integrated intensities of Braggreflections)<br />

as complete as possible over a large 1 Q I range is required . An experimental<br />

stability and accuracy leading to a precision of thé intensity data of about 2% is desired and<br />

may be achieved.<br />

Diffraction measurements on polycrystalline samples depend only on thé length of thé<br />

scattering vector 1 Q I . Very small line widths (according to an excellent resolution 1 AQ 1 / 1 Q I )<br />

combined with well defmed reflection profiles are prerequisites for a quantitative line-profile<br />

analysis . The complete powder diagrams resulting from overlapping reflections are described<br />

and analysed by means ofthé Rietveld method .<br />

For all diffraction methods flrstly thé energy of thé incident neutron beam (expressed in<br />

another way as its wavelength or velocity) must be specified . In thé case of angular dispersive<br />

diffraction, thé 2-axes diffractometer (see Fig . 1) is equipped with a crystal monochromator to

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